How to change @INC to find Perl modules in non-standard locations
2022-04-29 13:21:26
How to change @INC to find Perl modules in non-standard locations
Loading your private Perl module
You have a script and have just started to move some parts of it, out to a new module called My::Module. You saved the module to /home/foobar/code/My/
Your perl script now starts like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use My::Module;
Can't locate My/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
On Linux/Unix when using Bash, you would write
export PERL5LIB=/home/foobar/code
You can add this to the ~/.bashrc to make it always available when you log-in.
On Windows you can set the same in the cmd command window by typing
set PERL5LIB=c:\path\to\dir
The last solution is the most temporary solution. Add a -I /home/foobar/code flag to perl when running the script.
perl -I /home/foobar/code
This will add /home/foobar/code to the beginning of @INC for this specific execution of the script.
Loading your private Perl module
You have a script and have just started to move some parts of it, out to a new module called My::Module. You saved the module to /home/foobar/code/My/
Your perl script now starts like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use My::Module;
Can't locate My/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
On Linux/Unix when using Bash, you would write
export PERL5LIB=/home/foobar/code
You can add this to the ~/.bashrc to make it always available when you log-in.
On Windows you can set the same in the cmd command window by typing
set PERL5LIB=c:\path\to\dir
The last solution is the most temporary solution. Add a -I /home/foobar/code flag to perl when running the script.
perl -I /home/foobar/code
This will add /home/foobar/code to the beginning of @INC for this specific execution of the script.
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