2022-04-29 09:18:02
压缩: function fzip(ssourcefolder,stargetzipfile) 'this function&n...
function fzip(ssourcefolder,stargetzipfile)
'this function will add all of the files in a source folder to a zip file
'using windows' native folder zip capability.
dim oshellapp, ofso, ierr, serrsource, serrdescription
set oshellapp = createobject("shell.application")
set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'the source folder needs to have a \ on the end
if right(ssourcefolder,1) <> "\" then ssourcefolder = ssourcefolder & "\"
on error resume next
'if a target zip exists already, delete it
if ofso.fileexists(stargetzipfile) then ofso.deletefile stargetzipfile,true
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
on error resume next
'write the fileheader for a blank zipfile.
ofso.opentextfile(stargetzipfile, 2, true).write "pk" & chr(5) & chr(6) & string(18, chr(0))
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
on error resume next
'start copying files into the zip from the source folder.
oshellapp.namespace(stargetzipfile).copyhere oshellapp.namespace(ssourcefolder).items
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
'because the copying occurs in a separate process, the script will just continue. run a do...loop to prevent the function
'from exiting until the file is finished zipping.
do until oshellapp.namespace(stargetzipfile).items.count = oshellapp.namespace(ssourcefolder).items.count
wscript.sleep 1500'如果不成功,增加一下秒数
fzip = array(0,"","")
end function
call fzip ("c:\vbs","c:\vbs.zip")
function funzip(szipfile,stargetfolder)
'create the shell.application object
dim oshellapp:set oshellapp = createobject("shell.application")
'create the file system object
dim ofso:set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'create the target folder if it isn't already there
if not ofso.folderexists(stargetfolder) then ofso.createfolder stargetfolder
'extract the files from the zip into the folder
oshellapp.namespace(stargetfolder).copyhere oshellapp.namespace(szipfile).items
'this is a seperate process, so the script would continue even if the unzipping is not done
'to prevent this, we run a do...loop once a second checking to see if the number of files
'in the target folder equals the number of files in the zipfile. if so, we continue.
wscript.sleep 1000‘有时需要更改
loop while ofso.getfolder(stargetfolder).files.count < oshellapp.namespace(szipfile).items.count
end function
function fzip(ssourcefolder,stargetzipfile)
'this function will add all of the files in a source folder to a zip file
'using windows' native folder zip capability.
dim oshellapp, ofso, ierr, serrsource, serrdescription
set oshellapp = createobject("shell.application")
set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'the source folder needs to have a \ on the end
if right(ssourcefolder,1) <> "\" then ssourcefolder = ssourcefolder & "\"
on error resume next
'if a target zip exists already, delete it
if ofso.fileexists(stargetzipfile) then ofso.deletefile stargetzipfile,true
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
on error resume next
'write the fileheader for a blank zipfile.
ofso.opentextfile(stargetzipfile, 2, true).write "pk" & chr(5) & chr(6) & string(18, chr(0))
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
on error resume next
'start copying files into the zip from the source folder.
oshellapp.namespace(stargetzipfile).copyhere oshellapp.namespace(ssourcefolder).items
ierr = err.number
serrsource = err.source
serrdescription = err.description
on error goto 0
if ierr <> 0 then
fzip = array(ierr,serrsource,serrdescription)
exit function
end if
'because the copying occurs in a separate process, the script will just continue. run a do...loop to prevent the function
'from exiting until the file is finished zipping.
do until oshellapp.namespace(stargetzipfile).items.count = oshellapp.namespace(ssourcefolder).items.count
wscript.sleep 1500'如果不成功,增加一下秒数
fzip = array(0,"","")
end function
call fzip ("c:\vbs","c:\vbs.zip")
function funzip(szipfile,stargetfolder)
'create the shell.application object
dim oshellapp:set oshellapp = createobject("shell.application")
'create the file system object
dim ofso:set ofso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'create the target folder if it isn't already there
if not ofso.folderexists(stargetfolder) then ofso.createfolder stargetfolder
'extract the files from the zip into the folder
oshellapp.namespace(stargetfolder).copyhere oshellapp.namespace(szipfile).items
'this is a seperate process, so the script would continue even if the unzipping is not done
'to prevent this, we run a do...loop once a second checking to see if the number of files
'in the target folder equals the number of files in the zipfile. if so, we continue.
wscript.sleep 1000‘有时需要更改
loop while ofso.getfolder(stargetfolder).files.count < oshellapp.namespace(szipfile).items.count
end function
上一篇: 用vbs实现虚拟主机和域名查循的脚本
下一篇: vbs正则表达式代码