Google App Engine SDK (python,java) 1.3.2发布
2022-04-27 18:40:52
今天,GAE团队发布了App Engine SDK的1.3.2,包含Java和Python版本。
Google App Engine 可让您在 Google 的基础架构上运行您的网络应用程序。App Engine 应用程序易于构建和维护,并可根据您的访问量和数据存储需要的增长轻松扩展。
Google App Engine SDK 1.3.2新特性:
- New API to read the contents of uploaded Blobs (fetch_data)
- URLFetch now supports accessing ports 80-90, 440-450, and 1024-65535
- Mail API now allows common document formats as attachments
- The Task Queue API now supports adding multiple tasks in a single call to Queue.add()
- Fixed charset handling for inbound emails
- Fixed issue with compositing background colors in dev_appserver
- New feature in the datastore to specify whether to use strong or eventually consistent reads (the default is strong)
- New datastore feature allows setting deadlines for operations
- Increased the maximum Task Queue refill rate from 20/s to 50/s
- Support for IP blacklisting to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks
- Fix an issue with Mac Launcher in Mac OSX 10.5.5(python)
- Fix issue with slow updates when there are many skipped files(python)
- Fix issue with cursor not updating when using a GqlQuery(python)
- Fix issue with expiration times not being reset on Put on the Memchache API(java)
- Fix issue preventing static files from being served when a servlet is mapped to root(java)