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普通类注入不进spring bean的解决方法

程序员文章站 2022-04-27 18:17:40
解决问题:我在做移动端accesstoken的使用遇到一个问题,就是普通类死活注入不进去spring bean,我和同事雷杰通过各种注解,xml配置搞了好久都搞不定,这里插个眼,有空补一下spring...

解决问题:我在做移动端accesstoken的使用遇到一个问题,就是普通类死活注入不进去spring bean,我和同事雷杰通过各种注解,xml配置搞了好久都搞不定,这里插个眼,有空补一下spring,得深入研究一下



普通类注入不进spring bean的解决方法


普通类注入不进spring bean的解决方法


package com.dt.base.weixin.util;

import org.springframework.aop.framework.aopcontext;
import org.springframework.beans.beansexception;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.nosuchbeandefinitionexception;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.beanfactorypostprocessor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.configurablelistablebeanfactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.component;

 * @description: spring工具类 方便在非spring管理环境中获取bean
 * @author: zhangchonghu
 * @date: 2020/12/8 17:23
 * @copyright: xi'an dian tong software co., ltd. all rights reserved.
 * @version 1.0
public final class springutils implements beanfactorypostprocessor
 /** spring应用上下文环境 */
 private static configurablelistablebeanfactory beanfactory;

 public void postprocessbeanfactory(configurablelistablebeanfactory beanfactory) throws beansexception
  springutils.beanfactory = beanfactory;

  * 获取对象
  * @param name
  * @return object 一个以所给名字注册的bean的实例
  * @throws beansexception
 public static <t> t getbean(string name) throws beansexception
  return (t) beanfactory.getbean(name);

  * 获取类型为requiredtype的对象
  * @param clz
  * @return
  * @throws beansexception
 public static <t> t getbean(class<t> clz) throws beansexception
  t result = (t) beanfactory.getbean(clz);
  return result;

  * 如果beanfactory包含一个与所给名称匹配的bean定义,则返回true
  * @param name
  * @return boolean
 public static boolean containsbean(string name)
  return beanfactory.containsbean(name);

  * 判断以给定名字注册的bean定义是一个singleton还是一个prototype。 如果与给定名字相应的bean定义没有被找到,将会抛出一个异常(nosuchbeandefinitionexception)
  * @param name
  * @return boolean
  * @throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
 public static boolean issingleton(string name) throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
  return beanfactory.issingleton(name);

  * @param name
  * @return class 注册对象的类型
  * @throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
 public static class<?> gettype(string name) throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
  return beanfactory.gettype(name);

  * 如果给定的bean名字在bean定义中有别名,则返回这些别名
  * @param name
  * @return
  * @throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
 public static string[] getaliases(string name) throws nosuchbeandefinitionexception
  return beanfactory.getaliases(name);

  * 获取aop代理对象
  * @param invoker
  * @return
 public static <t> t getaopproxy(t invoker)
  return (t) aopcontext.currentproxy();


注意:调用getvalidator()方法直接返回得是 agentcfgdao agentcfgdao ,相当于

  private agentcfgdao agentcfgdao;
 * copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 xi'an dian tong software co., ltd. all rights reserved.
 * <p>
 * this software is the confidential and proprietary information of xi'an dian tong
 * software co., ltd. ("confidential information"). you shall not disclose such
 * confidential information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms
 * of the license agreement you entered into with xi'an dian tong software co., ltd.

package com.dt.base.weixin.app;

import cn.hutool.http.httprequest;
import cn.hutool.http.httputil;
import com.dt.base.weixin.util.springutils;
import com.dt.ncfg.dao.agentcfgdao;
import com.dt.sys.manage.entity.dtwxagentcfg;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.logmanager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.logger;
import org.springframework.stereotype.component;
import java.util.hashmap;

 * 保存了 corpid + secret 和对应的 access token 。
 * key: corpid + secret
 * value: access token

public class accesstokenpool {

 protected final static logger log = logmanager.getlogger("accesstokenpool");

 dtwxagentcfg dtwxagentcfg = null;

  * 获取agentcfgdao
  * @return
 protected agentcfgdao getvalidator() {
  return springutils.getbean(agentcfgdao.class);

  * 根据corpid, secret 换取accesstoken
  * @param corpid corpid
  * @param secret secret
  * @param type type
  * @return
 public string getaccesstoken(string corpid, string secret, string type) {

  if ("qyh".equals(type)) {

   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>();
   parammap.put("corpid", corpid);
   parammap.put("corpsecret", secret);
   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/qyh/isexist", parammap);
   return result;
  if ("fwh".equals(type)) {

   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>();
   parammap.put("appid", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);

   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/fwh/isexist", parammap);
   return result;
  if ("ding".equals(type)) {

   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>();
   parammap.put("appkey", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);

   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/ding/isexist", parammap);
   return result;
  return null;

  * 根据corpid, secret 删除旧的token
  * @param corpid
  * @param secret
  * @return
 public string delaccesstoken(string corpid, string secret, string type) {

  if ("qyh".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("corpid", corpid);
   parammap.put("corpsecret", secret);
   httprequest.delete(resurl() + "/api/mobile/qyh")

   return null;

  if ("fwh".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("appid", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);
   httprequest.delete(resurl() + "/api/mobile/fwh")
   return null;

  if ("ding".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("appkey", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);
   httprequest.delete(resurl() + "/api/mobile/ding")
   return "";
  return "";

  * 根据corpid, secret 换取jsticket
  * @param corpid
  * @param secret
  * @return
 public string getjsticket(string corpid, string secret, string type) {

  if ("qyh".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("corpid", corpid);
   parammap.put("corpsecret", secret);
   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/qyh/isjsticket", parammap);

   return result;

  if ("fwh".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("appid", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);
   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/fwh/isjsticket", parammap);

   return result;

  if ("ding".equals(type)) {
   hashmap<string, object> parammap = new hashmap<>(16);
   parammap.put("appkey", corpid);
   parammap.put("appsecret", secret);
   string result = httputil.get(resurl() + "/api/mobile/ding/isjsticket", parammap);

   return result;
  return "";
  * 获取数据库中的url
  * @return url 地址
 public string resurl(){
  dtwxagentcfg dtwxagentcfg = new dtwxagentcfg();
  dtwxagentcfg agentcfg = getvalidator().selectdatacfg(dtwxagentcfg);
  string url = agentcfg.getconfigvalue();
  return url;



以上就是普通类注入不进spring bean的解决方法的详细内容,更多关于普通类注入不进spring bean的资料请关注其它相关文章!