2022-04-27 11:04:32
Dojo 1.6 正式版发布了!
Dojo是一个强大的面向对象的JavaScript框架。主要由三大模块组成:Core、Dijit、 DojoX:
* Core提供 Ajax,events,packaging,CSS-based querying,animations,JSON等相关操作API
* Dijit是一个可更换皮肤,基于模板的WEB UI控件库
* DojoX包括一些创新/新颖的代码和控件:DateGrid,charts,离线应用,跨浏览器矢量绘图等
·Object store: Rethinking data stores in a manner that’s generally easier to work with and more flexible than
·LESS Dijit themes: Use the popular LESS CSS framework for simplified theme creation.
·HTML5 data attributes: Use data-* attributes instead of custom attributes, so your markup will validate against the HTML5 validator.
·Widget watch(): Follow changes to widget attributes with watch().
·Dojo WebSocket: A simple API for working with WebSockets and other real-time Comet techniques.
·CommonJS AMD: Dojo now supports the CommonJS AMD format for defining modules.
·Charts: The project now contains new Spider and Gantt charts, and support for Canvas text.
·Scene Graph: Dojo Mobile’s scene graph implementation enables powerful replay capabilities.
·Fixes: Many, many improvements to support new browsers including IE9, compatibility with non-browser environments, widget improvements, and shiny polish all around.
上一篇: 基于 HTML5 Canvas 的 3D 热力云图效果
下一篇: Struts 体系结构与工作原理