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程序员文章站 2022-04-26 12:26:13





package com.imsdk.socket.udp.codec; 
import android.os.systemclock;
import android.util.log;
import java.io.bytearrayinputstream;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.io.inputstream;
import java.math.bigdecimal;
import java.util.random;
import java.util.concurrent.semaphore;
public class rtsppacketencode { 
  private static final string tag = "rtsppacketencode"; 
  public interface h264tortplinsener {
    void h264tortpresponse(byte[] out, int len);
  private h264tortplinsener h264tortplinsener;
  private void exceuteh264tortplinsener(byte[] out, int len) {
    if (this.h264tortplinsener != null) {
      h264tortplinsener.h264tortpresponse(out, len);
  // -------视频--------
  private int framerate = 10;
  private byte[] sendbuf = new byte[1500];
  private int packagesize = 1400;
  private int seq_num = 0;
  private int timestamp_increse = (int) (90000.0 / framerate);//framerate是帧率
  private int ts_current = 0;
  private int bytes = 0;
  // -------视频end--------
  public rtsppacketencode(h264tortplinsener h264tortplinsener) {
    this.h264tortplinsener = h264tortplinsener;
   * 一帧一帧的rtp封包
   * @param r
   * @return
  public void h264tortp(byte[] r, int h264len) throws exception {
    calculateutil.memset(sendbuf, 0, 1500);
    sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] | 96); // 负载类型号96,其值为:01100000
    sendbuf[0] = (byte) (sendbuf[0] | 0x80); // 版本号,此版本固定为2
    sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] & 254); //标志位,由具体协议规定其值,其值为:01100000
    sendbuf[11] = 10;//随机指定10,并在本rtp回话中全局唯一,java默认采用网络字节序号 不用转换(同源标识符的最后一个字节)
    if (h264len <= packagesize) {
      sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] | 0x80); // 设置rtp m位为1,其值为:11100000,分包的最后一片,m位(第一位)为0,后7位是十进制的96,表示负载类型
      sendbuf[3] = (byte) seq_num++;
      system.arraycopy(calculateutil.inttobyte(seq_num++), 0, sendbuf, 2, 2);//send[2]和send[3]为序列号,共两位
        // java默认的网络字节序是大端字节序(无论在什么平台上),因为windows为小字节序,所以必须倒序
         * http://blog.csdn.net/u011068702/article/details/51857557
         * http://cpjsjxy.iteye.com/blog/1591261
        byte temp = 0;
        temp = sendbuf[3];
        sendbuf[3] = sendbuf[2];
        sendbuf[2] = temp;
      // fu-a header, 并将这个header填入sendbuf[12]
      sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x80)) << 7);
      sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) ((r[0] & 0x60) >> 5)) << 5);
      sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x1f)));
      // 同理将sendbuf[13]赋给nalu_payload
      system.arraycopy(r, 1, sendbuf, 13, h264len - 1);
      ts_current = ts_current + timestamp_increse;
      system.arraycopy(calculateutil.inttobyte(ts_current), 0, sendbuf, 4, 4);//序列号接下来是时间戳,4个字节,存储后也需要倒序
        byte temp = 0;
        temp = sendbuf[4];
        sendbuf[4] = sendbuf[7];
        sendbuf[7] = temp;
        temp = sendbuf[5];
        sendbuf[5] = sendbuf[6];
        sendbuf[6] = temp;
      bytes = h264len + 12;//获sendbuf的长度,为nalu的长度(包含nalu头但取出起始前缀,加上rtp_header固定长度12个字节)
      //client.send(new datagrampacket(sendbuf, bytes, addr, port/*9200*/));
      exceuteh264tortplinsener(sendbuf, bytes);
    } else if (h264len > packagesize) {
      int k = 0, l = 0;
      k = h264len / packagesize;
      l = h264len % packagesize;
      int t = 0;
      ts_current = ts_current + timestamp_increse;
      system.arraycopy(calculateutil.inttobyte(ts_current), 0, sendbuf, 4, 4);//时间戳,并且倒序
        byte temp = 0;
        temp = sendbuf[4];
        sendbuf[4] = sendbuf[7];
        sendbuf[7] = temp;
        temp = sendbuf[5];
        sendbuf[5] = sendbuf[6];
        sendbuf[6] = temp;
      while (t <= k) {
        system.arraycopy(calculateutil.inttobyte(seq_num++), 0, sendbuf, 2, 2);//序列号,并且倒序
          byte temp = 0;
          temp = sendbuf[3];
          sendbuf[3] = sendbuf[2];
          sendbuf[2] = temp;
        if (t == 0) {//分包的第一片
          sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] & 0x7f);//其值为:01100000,不是最后一片,m位(第一位)设为0
          //fu indicator,一个字节,紧接在rtp header之后,包括f,nri,header
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x80)) << 7);//禁止位,为0
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) ((r[0] & 0x60) >> 5)) << 5);//nri,表示包的重要性
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | (byte) (28));//type,表示此fu-a包为什么类型,一般此处为28
          //fu header,一个字节,s,e,r,type
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0xbf);//e=0,表示是否为最后一个包,是则为1
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0xdf);//r=0,保留位,必须设置为0
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] | 0x80);//s=1,表示是否为第一个包,是则为1
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x1f)));//type,即nalu头对应的type
          //将除去nalu头剩下的nalu数据写入sendbuf的第14个字节之后。前14个字节包括:12字节的rtp header,fu indicator,fu header
          system.arraycopy(r, 1, sendbuf, 14, packagesize);
          //client.send(new datagrampacket(sendbuf, packagesize + 14, addr, port/*9200*/));
          exceuteh264tortplinsener(sendbuf, packagesize + 14);
        } else if (t == k) {//分片的最后一片
          sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] | 0x80);
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x80)) << 7);
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) ((r[0] & 0x60) >> 5)) << 5);
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | (byte) (28));
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0xdf); //r=0,保留位必须设为0
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0x7f); //s=0,不是第一个包
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] | 0x40); //e=1,是最后一个包
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x1f)));//nalu头对应的type
          if (0 != l) {//如果不能整除,则有剩下的包,执行此代码。如果包大小恰好是1400的倍数,不执行此代码。
            system.arraycopy(r, t * packagesize + 1, sendbuf, 14, l - 1);//l-1,不包含nalu头
            bytes = l - 1 + 14; //bytes=l-1+14;
            //client.send(new datagrampacket(sendbuf, bytes, addr, port/*9200*/));
            exceuteh264tortplinsener(sendbuf, bytes);
        } else if (t < k && 0 != t) {//既不是第一片,又不是最后一片的包
          sendbuf[1] = (byte) (sendbuf[1] & 0x7f); //m=0,其值为:01100000,不是最后一片,m位(第一位)设为0.
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x80)) << 7);
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | ((byte) ((r[0] & 0x60) >> 5)) << 5);
          sendbuf[12] = (byte) (sendbuf[12] | (byte) (28));
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0xdf); //r=0,保留位必须设为0
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0x7f); //s=0,不是第一个包
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] & 0xbf); //e=0,不是最后一个包
          sendbuf[13] = (byte) (sendbuf[13] | ((byte) (r[0] & 0x1f)));//nalu头对应的type
          system.arraycopy(r, t * packagesize + 1, sendbuf, 14, packagesize);//不包含nalu头
          //client.send(new datagrampacket(sendbuf, packagesize + 14, addr, port/*9200*/));
          exceuteh264tortplinsener(sendbuf, packagesize + 14);


package com.imsdk.socket.udp.codec; 
 * 计算类
 * @author kokjuis
public class calculateutil {
   * 注释:int到字节数组的转换!
   * @param number
   * @return
  public static byte[] inttobyte(int number) {
    int temp = number;
    byte[] b = new byte[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
      b[i] = new integer(temp & 0xff).bytevalue();// 将最低位保存在最低位
      temp = temp >> 8; // 向右移8位
    return b;
  public static int bytetoint(byte b) {
    //java 总是把 byte 当做有符处理;我们可以通过将其和 0xff 进行二进制与得到它的无符值
    return b & 0xff;
  //byte 数组与 int 的相互转换
  public static int bytearraytoint(byte[] b) {
    return b[3] & 0xff |
        (b[2] & 0xff) << 8 |
        (b[1] & 0xff) << 16 |
        (b[0] & 0xff) << 24;
  public static byte[] inttobytearray(int a) {
    return new byte[] {
        (byte) ((a >> 24) & 0xff),
        (byte) ((a >> 16) & 0xff),
        (byte) ((a >> 8) & 0xff),
        (byte) (a & 0xff)
  // 清空buf的值
  public static void memset(byte[] buf, int value, int size) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      buf[i] = (byte) value;
  public static void dump(nalu_t n) {
    system.out.println("len: " + n.len + " nal_unit_type:" + n.nal_unit_type); 
  // 判断是否为0x000001,如果是返回1
  public static int findstartcode2(byte[] buf, int off) {
    if (buf[0 + off] != 0 || buf[1 + off] != 0 || buf[2 + off] != 1)
      return 0;
      return 1;
  // 判断是否为0x00000001,如果是返回1
  public static int findstartcode3(byte[] buf, int off) {
    if (buf[0 + off] != 0 || buf[1 + off] != 0 || buf[2 + off] != 0 || buf[3 + off] != 1)
      return 0;
      return 1;


  public void h264tortpresponse(byte[] out, int len) {
    if (out != null) {
      log.v(tag, "---发送数据---" + len);
      netsendtask.pushbuf(out, len);      
 rtsppacketencode.h264tortp(h264, ret);


package com.imsdk.socket.udp.codec; 
public class rtsppacketdecode { 
  private byte[] h264buffer;
  private int h264len = 0;
  private int h264pos = 0;
  private static final byte[] start_code = {0, 0, 0, 1};   // h264 start code
  public rtsppacketdecode(int width, int height) {
    h264buffer = new byte[getyuvbuffer(width, height)];
   * rtp解包h264
   * @param rtpdata
   * @return
  public byte[] rtp2h264(byte[] rtpdata, int rtplen) {
    int fu_header_len = 12;     // fu-header长度为12字节
    int extension = (rtpdata[0] & (1 << 4)); // x: 扩展为是否为1
    if (extension > 0) {
      // 计算扩展头的长度
      int extlen = (rtpdata[12] << 24) + (rtpdata[13] << 16) + (rtpdata[14] << 8) + rtpdata[15];
      fu_header_len += (extlen + 1) * 4;
    // 解析fu-indicator
    byte indicatortype = (byte) (calculateutil.bytetoint(rtpdata[fu_header_len]) & 0x1f); // 取出low 5 bit 则为fu-indicator type
    byte nri = (byte) ((calculateutil.bytetoint(rtpdata[fu_header_len]) >> 5) & 0x03);  // 取出h2bit and h3bit
    byte f = (byte) (calculateutil.bytetoint(rtpdata[fu_header_len]) >> 7);        // 取出h1bit
    byte h264_nal_header;
    byte fu_header;
    if (indicatortype == 28) { // fu-a
      fu_header = rtpdata[fu_header_len + 1];
      byte s = (byte) (rtpdata[fu_header_len + 1] & 0x80);
      byte e = (byte) (rtpdata[fu_header_len + 1] & 0x40);
      if (e == 64) {  // end of fu-a
        //zologutil.d("rtpparser", "end of fu-a.....;;;");
        byte[] temp = new byte[rtplen - (fu_header_len + 2)];
        system.arraycopy(rtpdata, fu_header_len + 2, temp, 0, temp.length);
        writedata2buffer(temp, temp.length);
        if (h264pos >= 0) {
          h264pos = -1;
          if (h264len > 0) {
            byte[] h264data = new byte[h264len];
            system.arraycopy(h264buffer, 0, h264data, 0, h264len);
            h264len = 0;
            return h264data;
      } else if (s == -128) { // start of fu-a
        h264pos = 0;   // 指针归0
        writedata2buffer(start_code, 4);    // 写入h264起始码
        h264_nal_header = (byte) ((fu_header & 0x1f) | (nri << 5) | (f << 7));
        writedata2buffer(new byte[]{h264_nal_header}, 1);
        byte[] temp = new byte[rtplen - (fu_header_len + 2)];
        system.arraycopy(rtpdata, fu_header_len + 2, temp, 0, temp.length); // 负载数据
        writedata2buffer(temp, temp.length);
      } else {
        byte[] temp = new byte[rtplen - (fu_header_len + 2)];
        system.arraycopy(rtpdata, fu_header_len + 2, temp, 0, temp.length);
        writedata2buffer(temp, temp.length);
    } else { // nalu
      h264pos = 0;
      writedata2buffer(start_code, 4);
      byte[] temp = new byte[rtplen - fu_header_len];
      system.arraycopy(rtpdata, fu_header_len, temp, 0, temp.length);
      writedata2buffer(temp, temp.length);
      if (h264pos >= 0) {
        h264pos = -1;
        if (h264len > 0) {
          byte[] h264data = new byte[h264len];
          system.arraycopy(h264buffer, 0, h264data, 0, h264len);
          h264len = 0;
          return h264data;
    return null;
  private void writedata2buffer(byte[] data, int len) {
    if (h264pos >= 0) {
      system.arraycopy(data, 0, h264buffer, h264pos, len);
      h264pos += len;
      h264len += len;
  public int getyuvbuffer(int width, int height) {
    // stride = align(width, 16)
    int stride = (int) math.ceil(width / 16.0) * 16;
    // y_size = stride * height
    int y_size = stride * height;
    // c_stride = align(stride/2, 16)
    int c_stride = (int) math.ceil(width / 32.0) * 16;
    // c_size = c_stride * height/2
    int c_size = c_stride * height / 2;
    // size = y_size + c_size * 2
    return y_size + c_size * 2;


byte[] tmp = rtsppacketdecode.rtp2h264(out,len);
