《CS:APP》 chapter 2 Representing and Manipulating Informat
Representing and Manipulating Information 首先,普及一下历史知识,原来十进制数都使用1000多年了。。。其实我真不知道。。。斐波拉契(Fibonacci)很屌的说(废话。。。。) The familiar decimal, or base-10, representation has been in use for over 100
Representing and Manipulating Information
The familiar decimal, or base-10, representation has been in use for over 1000 years, having been developed in India, improved by Arab mathematicians in the 12th century, and brought to the West in the 13th century by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano (c. 1170 – c. 1250), better known as Fibonacci.
Binary values work better when building machines that store and process information. Two-valued signals can
readily be represented, stored, and transmitted
Computer representations use a limited number of bits to encode a number, and hence some operations can overflow when the results are too large to be rep-resented
2.1 Information Storage
Rather than accessing individual bits in memory, most computers use blocks of eight bits, or bytes, as the smallest addressable unit of memory. Every byte of memory is identified by a unique number, known as its
2.1.1 Hexadecimal Notation
A single byte consists of 8 bits. In binary notation, its value ranges from 00000000 to 11111111. When viewed as a decimal integer, its value ranges from 0 to 255.Neither notation is very convenient for describing bit patterns. Binary notation
is too verbose, while with decimal notation, it is tedious to convert to and from bit patterns. Instead, we write bit patterns as base-16, or hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal (or simply “hex”) uses digits ‘0’ through ‘9’ along with characters ‘A’ through ‘F’
to represent 16 possible values.
2.1.2 Words
Every computer has aword size , indicating the nominal size of integer and pointer data.
As hardware costs drop over time, even desktop and laptop machines will switch to 64-bit word sizes, and so we will consider the general case of a w -bit word size, as well as the special cases of w = 32 and w = 64.
2.1.3 Data Sizes
A “long” integer uses the full word size of the machine. The “long long” integer data type, introduced in ISO C99, allows the full range of 64-bit integers. For 32-bit machines, the compiler must compile operations for this
data type by generating code that performs sequences of 32-bit operations.
2.1.4 Addressing and Byte Ordering
The former convention—where the least signifi-cant byte comes first—is referred to as little endian. This convention is followed by most Intel-compatible machines. The latter convention—where the most sig-nificant byte comes
first—is referred to as big endian. This convention is followed by most machines from IBM and Sun Microsystems. Note that we said “most.” The conventions do not split precisely along corporate boundaries.
Byte ordering becomes an issue. The first is when binary data are communicated over a network between different machines. A common problem is for data produced by a little-endian machine to be sent to a big-endian
machine, or vice versa, leading to the bytes within the words being in reverse order for the receiving program.
A second case where byte ordering becomes important is when looking at the byte sequences representing integer data. This occurs often when inspecting machine-level programs. As an example, the following line occurs
in a file that gives a text representation of the machine-level code for an Intel IA32 processor:
80483bd: 01 05 64 94 04 08 add %eax,0x8049464
This line was generated by adisassembler, a tool that determines the instruction sequence represented by an executable program file. We will learn more about disassemblers and how to interpret lines such as this in Chapter 3. For now, we simply note that this line states that the hexadecimal byte sequence 01 05 64 94 04 08 is the byte-level representation of an instruction that adds a word ofdata to the value stored at address 0x8049464 . If we take the final 4 bytes of the sequence, 64940408, and write them in reverse order, we have 08049464. Dropping the leading 0, we have the value 0x8049464 , the numeric value written on the right.
2.1.5 Representing Strings
A string in C is encoded by an array of characters terminated by the null (having value 0) character. Each character is represented by some standard encoding, with the most common being the ASCII character code. Thus,
if we run our routine show_byteswith arguments "12345" and 6 (to include the terminating character), we get the result 313233343500 .
2.2 Integer Representations
2.2.1 Integral Data Types
The unsigned binary representation has the important property that every number between 0 and 2^w? 1 has a unique encoding as a w -bit value. For example, there is only one representation of decimal value 11
as an unsigned, 4-bit number, namely [1011]. This property is captured in mathematical terms by stating that function B2Uw is a bijection —it associates a unique value to each bit vector of length w ; conversely, each integer between 0 and 2^w? 1 has a unique
binary representation as a bit vector of length w.
2.2.3 Two’s-Complement Encodings
The most com-mon computer representation of signed numbers is known as two’s-complement form. This is defined by interpreting the most significant bit of the word to have negative weight. We express this interpretation
as a function B2Tw(for “binary to two’s-complement” length w ):
We see that the bit patterns are identical for Figures 2.11 and 2.12 (as well as for Equations 2.2 and 2.4), but the values differ when the most significant bit is 1, since in one case it has weight +8, and in the other
case it has weight ?8.)
The C standards do not require signed integers to be represented in two’s-complement form, but nearly all machines do so.
C 标准并没有要求用two's complement 来储存负数,但是大多数极其就是这么干的
对于one's complement and sign-magnitude,分别是大陆说的反码和有符号数
2.2.4 Conversions Between Signed and Unsigned
For example, consider the following code:
1 short int v = -12345; 2 unsigned short uv = (unsigned short) v; 3 printf("v = %d, uv = %u\n", v, uv);
When run on a two’s-complement machine, it generates the following output:
v = -12345, uv = 53191
What we see here is that the effect of casting is to keep the bit values identical but change how these bits are interpreted.We saw in Figure 2.14 that the 16-bit two’s-complement
representation of ?12,345 is identical to the 16-bit unsigned representation of 53,191.
Casting from shortint to unsignedshortchanged the numeric value, but not the bit representation. In casting from unsignedintto int , the underlying bit representa-tion stays the same.
2.2.5 Signed vs. Unsigned in C
Although the C standard does not specify a particu-lar representation of signed numbers, almost all machines use two’s complement. Generally, most numbers are signed by default.
C allows conversion between unsigned and signed. The rule is that the under-lying bit representation is not changed.
2.2.6 Expanding the Bit Representation of a Number
2.2.7 Truncating Numbers
切记 malloc的参数是size_t ,而size_t 是unsigned int!!!忘记这个会引发血案的!哈哈
2.3 Integer Arithmetic
2.3.1 Unsigned Addition
值得一提的是无符号数只有向上溢出(upward overflow),没有向下溢出,向下溢出只可能出现在有符号运算中
2.3.2 Two’s-Complement Addition
In fact, most computers use the same machine instruction to perform eitherunsigned or signed addition.
Practice Problem 2.30
Write a function with the following prototype:
/* Determine whether arguments can be added without overflow */
int tadd_ok(int x, int y);
This function should return 1 if argumentsx and y can be added withoutcausing overflow.
Solution to Problem 2.30
This function is a direct implementation of the rules given to determine whether
or not a two’s-complement addition overflows.
/* Determine whether arguments can be added without overflow */
int tadd_ok(int x, int y) { int sum = x+y; int neg_ove r=x=0; int pos_ove r=x>=0&&y>=0&&sum
Practice Problem 2.31
Your coworker gets impatient with your analysis of the overflow conditionsfor two’s-complement addition and presents you with the followingimplementation of tadd_ok :
/* Determine whether arguments can be added without overflow */
/* WARNING: This code is buggy. */
int tadd_ok(int x, int y) { int sum = x+y; return (sum-x == y) && (sum-y == x); }
You look at the code and laugh. Explain why.
Solution to Problem 2.31
Your coworker could have learned, by studying div 2.3.2, that two’s-complement addition forms an abelian group, and so the expression (x+y)-x will evaluate to y regardless of whether or not the addition overflows, and that
(x+y)-y will always evaluate to x.
2.3.3 Two’s-Complement Negation
In C, we can state that for any integer valuex, computing the expressions -xand~x+1 will give identical results.
2.3.4 Unsigned Multiplication
2.3.5 Two’s-Complement Multiplication
int tmult_ok(int x,int y) { Long long pll = (long long)x*y;//分别扩展成为64位的数据再做乘法运算 Return pll == (int)pll; }
如果把Long long pll = (long long) x*y;
Long long pll = x*y;
2.3.6 Multiplying by Constants
On most machines, the integer multiply instruction is fairly slow,requiring 10 or more clock cycles, whereas other integer operations—such asaddition, subtraction, bit-level operations, and shifting—require only 1 clockcycle.
2.3.7 Dividing by Powers of Two
Integer division on most machines is even slower than integer multiplication—requiring30 or more clock cycles. The two different shifts—logical and arithmetic—serve this purpose forunsigned and two’s-complement numbers, respectively.
2.4 Floating Point
让人感觉很高深的float point,开始!
2.4.1 Fractional Binary Numbers
2.4.2 IEEE Floating-Point Representation
- The sign s determines whether the number is negative (s = 1) or positive (s = 0), where the interpretation of the sign bit for numeric value 0 is handled as a special case.
- The significand M is a fractional binary number that ranges either between 1 and 2 ?theta or between 0 and 1? theta
- The exponent E weights the value by a (possibly negative) power of 2.
The bit representation of a floating-point number is divided into three fields to
encode these values:
- The single sign bit s directly encodes the sign s .
- The k -bit exponent field exp = ek ?1...e1e0 encodes the exponent E .
- The n-bit fraction field frac= fn?1...f1f0 encodes the significand M , but the value encoded also depends on whether or not the exponent field equals 0.
In the single-precision floating-point format (a float in C), fieldss, exp , and frac are 1, k = 8, and n = 23 bits each, yielding a 32-bit representation. In the double-precision floating-point format (a double
in C), fields s, exp , and fracare 1, k = 11, andn = 52 bits each, yielding a 64-bit representation.
Case 1: Normalized Values
This is the most common case. It occurs when the bit pattern of exp is neither all zeros (numeric value 0) nor all ones (numeric value 255 for single precision, 2047 for double).
In this case, the exponent field is interpreted as representing a signed integer inbiased form. That is, the exponent value is
E = e ? Bias where e
is the unsigned number having bit representation ek ?1...e1e0, and Bias is a bias value equal to 2^(k ?1) ? 1 (127 for single precision and 1023 for double). This yields exponent ranges from ?126 to +127 for single precision and ?1022 to+1023 for double precision.
The fraction field fracis interpreted as representing the fractional value f ,
where 0 ≤ fM = 1 + f . This is sometimes called an implied leading 1 representation, because we can viewM to be the number with binary representation 1 .fn?1fn?2...f0. Thisrepresentation is a trick for getting an additional bit of precision
for free, since we can always adjust the exponent E so that significand M is in the range 1 ≤ M
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