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[Cheatsheet] Introduction to MATLAB

程序员文章站 2022-04-26 11:18:29

1. 基础指令

项目 代码
运算符号 + - * / \ ^ .* ./ .\ .^ .’ sqrt() exp() log() log10()
帮助指令 help xxx
变量赋值符号 =
清除指令 clearclc
设置格式 format short, format long, format longE, format shortE, format rat, format hex, format loose, format compact

2. 变量

2.1 类型

logical, character, numeric, table, cell, structure, function handle

2.2 数字类(numeric)变量

2.2.1 类型


2.2.2 array(double类)

  1. vector, matrix: 使用[ ]构造与索引
  2. 常用指令:
    sort(), sortrows(), max(), min(), mean(), sum(), length(), size(), find(Array,element), eye(n), zeroes(m,n), ones(m,n), diag([x1,x2,x3,...,xn]), rand(n), linspace()

2.3 字符类(character)变量

  1. 常用指令:char()

2.4 逻辑类(logical)变量

  1. 类型:
    0(ture), 1(flase)
  2. 常用运算符号:
    ==>, <, >=, <=, ~=, and, &, &&, or, |, ||, not
  3. 常用条件语句:
    if...elseif...else...end, for...end, parfor, switch...case...otherwise, try...catch, while...endmbreak, continue, end, pause, return

2.5 结构类(structure)变量

  1. 展示:
    [Cheatsheet] Introduction to MATLAB
  2. 基础语句:
    student(1).name=’John Smith’
    student(2).name=’Amy Chang’
  3. 常用条件语句: struct(), fieldnames(), getfield(), isfield(), isstruct(), rmfield(), setfield(), table2struct(), struct2table(), cell2struct(), struct2cell()

2.6 单元格(cell)变量

  1. 展示:
    [Cheatsheet] Introduction to MATLAB
  2. 基础语句:
    A(x1,y1)= { } 或者 A{x1,y1}=xxx
  3. 常用语句:
    cell(), cell2mat(), cell2struct(), cell2table(), iscell(), mat2cell(), num2cell(), struct2cell(), table2cell()

2.7 function handler

基础语句:aaa@qq.com(x,y,z) (x.*sin(y)+z.*cos(x))

3. 读写文件

3.1 .m类Matlab文件


3.2 .csv.xlsx类Excel文件

  1. 读取语句:
    xlsread(‘xxx.csv’), xlsread(‘xxx.xlsx’), readtable(‘xxx.csv’)
  2. 写入语句:
    xlswrite(‘name.xlsx’,variablename,sheet number,’position’)

3.3 .txt类TXT文件

  1. 读取语句:fopen(‘filename’,’permission’), 读取方式可以为’r’, ’w’, ’a’
  2. 写入语句: fwrite(), fprintf()
  3. 其他语句: fclose(), fgets(), fileread(), fread(), fseek(), fscanf()

4. 函数:

  1. 基础语句
function [y1,y2,...,yn] = function_name(x1,x2,...,xm) 
% x为输入参数,y为输出参数
  1. 常用变量:nargin, nargout, varargin, varargout, inputname

5. 绘图

  1. 图像绘制语句
    plot(x,y,’style’), subplot(m rows,n columns, sequence of the plot), hist(y,bin width), bar(), bar3(), polar(theta,rho), plot3(), surf(), contour(), meshgrid()
  2. 图像参数语句
    hold on, hold off , legend(), title(), xlabel(), ylabel(), text(x,y,’text’,’Interpreter’,’latex’), annotation(‘arrow’,’X’,[x1,x2],’Y’,[y1,y2]), gca, gcf, xlim(), ylim(), axis on/off, grid on/off, box on/off, axis square/equal/equal tight/image/ij/xy

6. 微积分

6.1 多项式

  1. 构造:
    polyval(polynomial coefficient,independent variable vector space)
  2. 微分:
    polyder(coefficient array), polyder(coefficient array, x)
  3. 积分:
    polyint(coefficient array, value of C)

6.2 数值解

  1. 微分:diff(y)./diff(x)
  2. 积分:Trapezoid Rule: trapez(), integral(y,start x, end x)

7. 求根与微分方程

  1. 构造:
    syms x y z, 构造出的x,y,z无实值,但可以进行基础运算
  2. solve(equation, independent variable, requirements, value), solve(equation1, euqation2, x, y), solve(equations, ‘MaxDegree’,1/2/3)
  3. fsolve(), fzero(), roots()
  4. 微分方程:
cond=y(x_0 )==number 

8. 线性方程与线性系统

  1. Reduced row echelon form: rref([A b])
  2. 解矩阵: inv(A)*b, A\b
  3. determinant: det(A)
  4. Cramer’s rule: xi=det(Ai)det(A)x_i=\frac{det(A_i )}{det(A)}
  5. 矩阵性质:cond(A), rank(A)
  6. Matrix exponential: expm()
  7. LU decomposition: [L U P]=lu(A)
  8. Orthogonal-triangular decomposition decomposition: gr()
  9. LDL factorization fro Hermitian matrices: ldl()
  10. Singular value decomposition:svd(), gsvd()
  11. Eigen decomposition: [v, d] = eig(A)

9. 统计,回归,内插

  1. 基础指令:mean(), median(), mode(), var(), sd(), range(), iqr(), quantile(data,[p1,p2,p3,...]), boxplot(), tabulate()
  2. 拟合:polyfit(x,y, power)
  3. 线性回归:regress(y,[x1,x2])
  4. 非线性回归:fitnlm(tabulate,modelfunction,initial value)
  5. 著名工具集:cftool()
  6. 内插: interpl(), spline(), pchip(), interp2()

10. 参考资料


相关标签: Cheatsheet Matlab