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一款不错的LaTeX Beamer模板(五)

程序员文章站 2022-04-25 19:31:22

1. Beamer模板样式


一款不错的LaTeX Beamer模板(五)

2. 源代码

%% Based one the "beamer-greek-two" template provided 
%% by the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics, 
%% Mathematical Software and Digital Typography, 
%% Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean
%% (http://myria.math.aegean.gr/labs/dt/)
%% Adapted by John Liaperdos, October-November 2014
%% (aaa@qq.com)
%% Last update: 22/06/2017 (English Support)

%%% FONT SELECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% we choose a sans font %%%%%%%%%%



% load TEI-Pel - specific layout
\setTeipelLayout{draft,newlogo}% options: "draft", "newlogo"

% Thesis Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	% title
		\title[This is my Title]{Presentation\\ Title}	
	% author 
    % (In the mandatory argument "{}", separate multiple
    % authors with "\and" - use "\\" for better author name formatting
    % in the title page. In the optional argument "[]" include all
	% author names, with no "\and" or text formatting macros.)
	% Example: 
    %\author[A. Author Albert Einstein]{Anthony Author \and Albert Einstein}
		\author[A. Author]{Anthony Author}
	% supervisor	
		\supervisor{Supervisor}{Mister Supervisor}{Professor}
	% date
		\presentationDate{October 22, 2017}


% typeset front slides

% Your Slides Start here:


\subsection[Basic Problem]{The basic problem that we have studed}

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#1}
	\framesubtitle{Slide subtitle \#1}
		\item Use the \texttt{itemize} environment frequently.
		\item Use short sentences and phrases.
		\item In this presentation we use the \textbackslash{}\texttt{pause} macro.

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#2}
		\item <1->You can define the order of appearance.
		\item <3->Like here.
		\item <2->This is the second item to appear.

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#3}
			\item Group without title.
			\item Appears for all slides.
		<2->{Group title}
			\item $e^{i\pi}=-1$.
			\item $e^{i\pi/2}=i$.

\subsection{Previous work}

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#4}
		<1->First example. 
		<2->Second example.

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#5}
		Table example \\[12pt]
			& \textbf{col 1} & \textbf{col  2} & \textbf{col 3} \\
			\textbf{row 1} & 11 & 12 & 13 \\
			\textbf{row 2} & 21 & 22 & 23 \\

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#6}
		Figure example \\[12pt]
		\footnotesize(source: \textlatin{Wikipedia})

\begin{frame}{Slide Title \#7}
	Math examples \\[12pt]
        	B'=-\nabla \times E
        	E'=\nabla \times B - 4\pi j

\section{Results / contribution}

\subsection{Main results}

   		\textlatin{This is an important alert}

\subsection{Subsection title}

		\item The \textcolor{red}{first main message} of our talk.
		\item The \textcolor{red}{second main message} of our talk.
		\item Maybe a \textcolor{red}{third message}, but ... no more.
	\vskip0pt plus.5fill
		\item Conclusion.
		\item Future work.
		\item Discussion.

		\bibitem{Author1990}A.\ Author. \newblock\emph{Handbook of Everything}.\newblock
\textlatin{Some Press, \oldstylenums{1990}}.

		\bibitem{Someone2002}B.\ Author.\newblock On this and that\emph{.}
\newblock\emph{Journal on This and That}. 


1. 搬运工

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kvF9_Y54l-pApevcVIuQUg
提取码: xddx

相关标签: LaTeX Beamer模板