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linux awk高级应用实例

程序员文章站 2022-04-25 15:17:46
今天看到unix shell 范例精解上有道awk的题目 做了以后拿来和大家分享下 处理前的文档:  mike harrington:(510) 548-12...

今天看到unix shell 范例精解上有道awk的题目 做了以后拿来和大家分享下


 mike harrington:(510) 548-1278:250:100:175
 christian dobbins:(408) 538-2358:155:90:201
 susan dalsass:(206) 654-6279:250:60:50
 archie mcnichol:(206) 548-1348:250:100:175
 jody savage:(206) 548-1278:15:188:150
 guy quigley:(916) 343-6410:250:100:175
 dan savage:(406) 298-7744:450:300:275
 nancy mcneil:(206) 548-1278:250:80:75
 john goldenrod:(916) 348-4278:250:100:175
 chet main:(510) 548-5258:50:95:135
 tom savage:(408) 926-3456:250:168:200
 elizabeth stachelin:(916) 440-1763:175:75:300

                ***campaign 1998 contributions***

name                   phone                   jan |   feb |   mar |   total donated
mike harrington         (510) 548-1278          250     100     175     525
christian dobbs         (408) 538-2358          155     90      201     446
susan dalsass           (206) 654-6279          250     60      50      360
archie mcnichol         (206) 548-1348          250     100     175     525
jody savage             (206) 548-1278          15      188     150     353
guy quigley             (916) 343-6410          250     100     175     525
dan savage              (406) 298-7744          450     300     275     1025
nancy mcneil            (206) 548-1278          250     80      75      405
john goldenrod          (916) 348-4278          250     100     175     525
chet main               (510) 548-5258          50      95      135     280
tom savage              (408) 926-3456          250     168     200     618
elibeth stachel         (916) 440-1763          175     75      300     550

the campan received atotal of $6137 for this quarter
average donation for the 12 contributors was $511.417.
the highest contribution was $450.
the lowest contribution was $15.


    print "\t\t***campaign 1998 contributions***\n"
    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    print " name\t\t\tphone\t\t\tjan |\tfeb |\tmar |\ttotal donated"
    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
{print $1,"\t"$2"\t\t"$3" \t"$4" \t"$5" \t"tot}
    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "the campan received atotal of $";printf ttot; print " for this quarter"
    printf "average donation for the 12 contributors was $"; printf avg ;print"."
    printf "the highest contribution was $";printf max;print "."
    printf "the lowest contribution was $";printf min;print "." 