Oracle 10g 环境下安装 Pentaho
1、开始安装和配置 Java如果你的电脑上还没有安装 Java,则可以到 Sun Developer Network 下载 Java 安装文件 (1)安装 JavaC:/java -versionjava version 1.6.0_13Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1
1、开始安装和配置 Java如果你的电脑上还没有安装 Java,则可以到 Sun Developer Network 下载 Java 安装文件
(1)安装 JavaC:/>java -versionjava version "1.6.0_13"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode, sharing)设置 JAVA_HOME 和 CATALINA_OPTS 环境变量C:/>echo %JAVA_HOME%C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_13
(2) 部署 Pentaho 平台[//下载 Pentaho]a. 没有预装 Apache-Tomcat使用 winrar 或 7-Zip 解压 C:/|-- pentaho| |-- adminstration-console| |-- biserver-ceb. 预装 Apache-Tomcat参见原文
(3) 安装 Oracle JDBC 瘦客户端驱动访问 Oracle 网站,下载ojdbc14.jar将 ojdbc14.jar 复制到 %PENTAHO_HOME/tomcat/common/lib 和 administration-console/jdbc 文件夹
(4) 下载 SQL 脚本包Pentaho_3.5.0_Oracle_SQL_Pack.zip
2、配置 Oracle 10g/11g 数据库将下载的 SQL 脚本解压:
1_create_repository_oracle.sql 创建 Hibernate 数据库
2_create_quartz_oracle.sql 创建 Quartz 数据库 3_load_sample_users_oracle.sql 创建 Hibernate 数据库的所有演示用户和角色编辑 SQL 脚本(参考原文)装载 SQL 脚本(参考原文)
3、配置 JDBC 安全性编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-spring-security-jdbc.xml
注意:Here is a brief description of the url value property: jdbc:oracle:thin:[host]:[port]:[sid] In this example I have used an IP address of my Oracle 10g database for my host, you would most likely have a host setup in your tns.ora file already. The port which your Oracle 10g database runs on. The SID of your Oracle 10g database, in this example it is ORCL.
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/ jdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ jdbc.username=hibuser jdbc.password=password hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/hibernate/hibernate-settings.xml system/hibernate/oracle10g.hibernate.cfg.xml
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/hibernate/oracle10g.hibernate.cfg.xml jdbc:oracle:thin:@
4、配置 Hibernate 和 Quartz
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/context.xml
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/ org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass =
5、配置 Apache-Tomcat 服务
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB_INF/web.xml a. solution-path solution-path C:/pentaho/pentaho-solutions b. base-url 或 c. TrustedIpAddrs TrustedIpAddrs,[your_ip_address] d. Other Parameters 你可以在 web.xml 修改默认的语言和国家
6、配置 SMTP 邮件服务器
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/smtp-email.xml以下是一些常用的配置参数: This is the address of your SMTP email server for sending email e.g. mail.smtp.port This is the port of your SMTP email server e.g. for GMail this is 587 mail.transport.protocol The transport for accessing the email server. Usually this is smtp e.g. for GMail this is smtps mail.smtp.starttls.enable If you SMTP server uses TTLS authentication set this to true e.g. for GMail this is true mail.smtp.auth Set to true if the email server requires the sender to authenticate mail.smtp.ssl This is true if the email server requires an SSL connection e.g. for GMail this is true mail.debug Output debug information from the JavaMail API mail.pop3 Not being used. mail.from.default The from address that emails from the Pentaho BI Platform e.g. mail.userid The userid that is used when authenticating with the SMTP server, mail.smtp.auth must be set to true. mail.password The password that is used when authenticating with the SMTP server, mail.smtp.auth must be set to true.这里有一个 GMail 的 smtp-email.xml 配置例子 587 smtps true true true false password
编辑 $PENTAHO_HOME/pentaho-solutions/publisher_config.xml publishthis
8、启动 Pentaho 平台$PENTAHO_HOME/biserver-ce/start-pentaho.bat访问: http://localhost:8080/pentaho
9、启动 Pentaho 管理控制台$PENTAHO_HOME/adminstration-console/start-pac.bat访问: http://localhost:8099
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