python是解释性语言, 底层就是用c实现的, 所以用python调用c是很容易的, 下面就总结一下各种调用的方法, 给出例子, 所有例子都在ubuntu9.10, python2.6下试过.
1. python 调用 c (base)
想在python中调用c函数, 如这儿的fact
#include <python.h> int fact(int n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n * fact(n - 1); } pyobject* wrap_fact(pyobject* self, pyobject* args) { int n, result; if (! pyarg_parsetuple(args, "i:fact", &n)) return null; result = fact(n); return py_buildvalue("i", result); } static pymethoddef examplemethods[] = { {"fact", wrap_fact, meth_varargs, "caculate n!"}, {null, null} }; void initexample() { pyobject* m; m = py_initmodule("example", examplemethods); }
把这段代码存为wrapper.c, 编成so库,
gcc -fpic wrapper.c -o -shared -i/usr/include/python2.6 -i/usr/lib/python2.6/config
然后在有此so库的目录, 进入python, 可以如下使用
import example
2. python 调用 c++ (base)
在python中调用c++类成员函数, 如下调用testfact类中的fact函数,
#include <python.h> class testfact{ public: testfact(){}; ~testfact(){}; int fact(int n); }; int testfact::fact(int n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n * (n - 1); } int fact(int n) { testfact t; return t.fact(n); } pyobject* wrap_fact(pyobject* self, pyobject* args) { int n, result; if (! pyarg_parsetuple(args, "i:fact", &n)) return null; result = fact(n); return py_buildvalue("i", result); } static pymethoddef examplemethods[] = { {"fact", wrap_fact, meth_varargs, "caculate n!"}, {null, null} }; extern "c" //不加会导致找不到initexample void initexample() { pyobject* m; m = py_initmodule("example", examplemethods); }
把这段代码存为wrapper.cpp, 编成so库,
g++ -fpic wrapper.cpp -o -shared -i/usr/include/python2.6 -i/usr/lib/python2.6/config
然后在有此so库的目录, 进入python, 可以如下使用
import example
3. python 调用 c++ (boost.python)
boost库是非常强大的库, 其中的python库可以用来封装c++被python调用, 功能比较强大, 不但可以封装函数还能封装类, 类成员.
首先在ubuntu下安装boost.python, apt-get install libboost-python-dev
#include <boost/python.hpp> char const* greet() { return "hello, world"; } boost_python_module(hello) { using namespace boost::python; def("greet", greet); }
把代码存为hello.cpp, 编译成so库
g++ hello.cpp -o -shared -i/usr/include/python2.5 -i/usr/lib/python2.5/config -lboost_python-gcc42-mt-1_34_1
此处python路径设为你的python路径, 并且必须加-lboost_python-gcc42-mt-1_34_1, 这个库名不一定是这个, 去/user/lib查
然后在有此so库的目录, 进入python, 可以如下使用
>>> import hello
>>> hello.greet()
'hello, world'
4. python 调用 c++ (ctypes)
ctypes is an advanced ffi (foreign function interface) packagefor python 2.3 and higher. in python 2.5 it is alreadyincluded.
ctypes allows to call functions in dlls/shared libraries and hasextensive facilities to create, access and manipulate simple andcomplicated c data types in python - in other words: wraplibraries in pure python. it is even possible to implement ccallback functions in pure python.
#include <python.h> class testfact{ public: testfact(){}; ~testfact(){}; int fact(int n); }; int testfact::fact(int n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n * (n - 1); } extern "c" int fact(int n) { testfact t; return t.fact(n); }
将代码存为wrapper.cpp不用写python接口封装, 直接编译成so库,
g++ -fpic wrapper.cpp -o -shared -i/usr/include/python2.6 -i/usr/lib/python2.6/config
进入python, 可以如下使用
>>> import ctypes
>>> pdll = ctypes.cdll('/home/ubuntu/tmp/')
>>> pdll.fact(4)
上一篇: 揭秘:在古代私藏盔甲到底是多大的罪?
下一篇: CPU里的集成显卡优点与弊端详解