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How do I configure a firewall on a RHEL server to allow remote monitoring with Performance Co-Pilot

程序员文章站 2022-04-24 17:19:20


 SOLUTION 已验证 - 已更新 2019年一月24日17:40 - 



  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5


  • How do I configure firewall on a RHEL server to allow remote monitoring with performance Co-Pilot (PCP)?
  • How can I configure PCP security features, including authentication and access control


  • for local performance data collection, the firewall configuration does NOT need to be changed. This is the most common PCP collector deployment.
  • to allow monitoring of the server by remote PCP clients (including a remote pmlogger), the firewall configuration needs to be configured as follows :



firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=pmcd
firewall-cmd --reload


use the standard firewall configuration tools, e.g. by running setup or system-config-securitylevel.

Additional Notes

  • the firewall GUI tool on each RHEL version can also be used - just open up (or re-map) the pmcd port (which is normally 44321/tcp, see /etc/services) on the desired network interfaces or zones as needed.
  • in a devops environment with the pmwebd(1) service enabled, you may also want to expose the pmwebd port, which is 44323/tcp by default.
  • there may be security implications of allowing remote access - PCP exports a lot of information about the system. Due care is required when opening the pmcd port on a public zoned interface.

Authentication and access control

  • PCP has authentication and access control features that can be configured if necessary, see the pcpintro(1) man page and also Authenticated Connections
  • these features should be used when access control is required, e.g. for remote access over a public interface.

See Also