Riftsaw 2.2.0.CR2 发布
2022-04-24 16:18:09
Riftsaw 2.2.0.CR2 发布了。Riftsaw是一个针对JBoss应用程序服务器容器优化过的WS-BPEL 2.0引擎,采用Java语言编写, 因此可以夸平台运行在Linux或者Unix操作系统的主机上。
Riftsaw基于Apache Ode项目,Riftsaw支持运行任何兼容JAX-WS的webservice栈,同时Riftsaw附带了一个基于GWT的管理员控制台,方便管理员 管理。
Riftsaw 2.2.0.CR2 版,主要修复了 undeployment 过程和使用动态 partner 链接的问题。版本的详细更新如下:
* Undeploying active process unpublishes webservice, even when retired processes still exist with active instances
* SimpleScheduler job exception
* riftsaw couldn't build with maven3.0.1+ mac os
* xsd boolean element is handled as xsd string in if conditions.
* NPE on response from WSDL service with multiple ports
* Cannot copy from a partnerLink EPR
Feature Request
* Business Activity Monitoring support
* Active, Retire doesn't work well in clustering environment.
* Making Cron scheduler clusterable
* make riftsaw-ode uses the jpa-hibernate as default dao provider.
* When deploying the CXF stack to JBossWS, update spring version to be consistent with JBossESB
* Remove the juddi-client 3.0.4-SNAPSHOT dependency before release
* Document how to safely undeploy processes
* Document how to change soap:address is deployed WSDL
Riftsaw基于Apache Ode项目,Riftsaw支持运行任何兼容JAX-WS的webservice栈,同时Riftsaw附带了一个基于GWT的管理员控制台,方便管理员 管理。
Riftsaw 2.2.0.CR2 版,主要修复了 undeployment 过程和使用动态 partner 链接的问题。版本的详细更新如下:
* Undeploying active process unpublishes webservice, even when retired processes still exist with active instances
* SimpleScheduler job exception
* riftsaw couldn't build with maven3.0.1+ mac os
* xsd boolean element is handled as xsd string in if conditions.
* NPE on response from WSDL service with multiple ports
* Cannot copy from a partnerLink EPR
Feature Request
* Business Activity Monitoring support
* Active, Retire doesn't work well in clustering environment.
* Making Cron scheduler clusterable
* make riftsaw-ode uses the jpa-hibernate as default dao provider.
* When deploying the CXF stack to JBossWS, update spring version to be consistent with JBossESB
* Remove the juddi-client 3.0.4-SNAPSHOT dependency before release
* Document how to safely undeploy processes
* Document how to change soap:address is deployed WSDL
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