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How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?

程序员文章站 2022-04-24 15:35:58

Since 3.3 you can use the new EFS support to open an text editor on a file outside the workspace:

How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   String name =   new  FileDialog(aShell, SWT.OPEN).open();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  (name  ==   null )
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?      
return ;
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IFileStore fileStore
=   EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore( new  Path(filterPath));
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   fileStore
=   fileStore.getChild(names[i]);
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  ( ! fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory()  &&  fileStore.fetchInfo().exists())  ... {
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?     IWorkbenchPage page
=  window.getActivePage();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?     
try ...{
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?       IDE.openEditorOnFileStore(page, fileStore);
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?     }
 catch (PartInitException e) ...{
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?       
/**//* some code */
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?     }

How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?

Alternatively, you can create a linked resource in an existing project, which points to a file elsewhere in the file system. This example snippet creates a project called “External Files,” and then prompts the user to select any file in the file system. The code then creates a linked resource in the project to that external file, allowing the platform to open the file in read/write mode in one of the standard editors:

How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IWorkspace ws  =  ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IProject project 
=  ws.getRoot().getProject( " External Files " );
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  ( ! project.exists())
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?      project.create(
null );
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  ( ! project.isOpen())
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?      project.open(
null );
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   Shell shell 
=  window.getShell();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   String name 
=   new  FileDialog(shell, SWT.OPEN).open();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  (name  ==   null )
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?      
return ;
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IPath location 
=   new  Path(name);
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IFile file 
=  project.getFile(location.lastSegment());
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   file.createLink(location, IResource.NONE, 
null );
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   IWorkbenchPage page 
=  window.getActivePage();
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?   
if  (page  !=   null )
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?      page.openEditor(file);
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?
How do I open an editor on a file outside the workspace?
