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程序员文章站 2022-04-23 16:29:12
今天工作中碰到的问题,要求修改此配置文件,没看出来是什么格式,用了下面的思路: 用Go代码修改如上所示的配置文件,如 字段的值,步骤如下: 获取键 的值; 将`radius_db = "test13"`整体包装成字符串; 包装新字符串; 整体替换。 主要实现代码: Go // 根据路径获取文件 co ......


  mysql {
                # if any of the files below are set, tls encryption is enabled
                tls {
                        ca_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/my_ca.crt"
                        ca_path = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
                        certificate_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/private/client.crt"
                        private_key_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/private/client.key"
                        cipher = "dhe-rsa-aes256-sha:aes128-sha"

                        tls_required = yes
                        tls_check_cert = no
                        tls_check_cert_cn = no

                # if yes, (or auto and libmysqlclient reports warnings are
                # available), will retrieve and log additional warnings from
                # the server if an error has occured. defaults to 'auto'
                warnings = auto

        postgresql {

                # unlike mysql, which has a tls{} connection configuration, postgresql
                # uses its connection parameters - see the radius_db option below in
                # this file

                # send application_name to the postgres server
                # only supported in pg 9.0 and greater. defaults to no.
                send_application_name = yes
# connection info:
        server = ""
        port = 5432
        login = "testuser13"
        password = "tpass123"

        # database table configuration for everything except oracle
        radius_db = "test13"

        # if you are using oracle then use this instead
#       radius_db = "(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=localhost)(port=1521))(connect_data=(sid=your_sid)))"


  • github.com/go-ini/ini获取键radius_db的值;
  • fmt.sprintf()radius_db = "test13"整体包装成字符串;
  • fmt.sprintf()包装新字符串;
  • strings.replace()整体替换。


// 根据路径获取文件
configfile := "./sql.conf"

configcontent, err := ioutil.readfile(configfile)

// 加载配置文件,跳过无法解析的行;设置key/value分隔符为"="
cfg, err := ini.loadsources(ini.loadoptions
{skipunrecognizablelines:true, keyvaluedelimiters:"="}, configfile)

// 获取"radius_db"的值
sqldbname := cfg.section("").key("radius_db").string()

// newname指要修改的新值
sqldbnameold := fmt.sprintf(`radius_db = "%s"`, sqldbname)
sqldbnamenew := fmt.sprintf(`radius_db = "%s"`, newname)

// 替换并写入
newconfig := strings.replace(string(configcontent), sqldbnameold, sqldbnamenew, 1)

// 写入文件
err = ioutil.writefile(configfile, []byte(newconfig), 0644)