2022-04-23 13:11:16
--每月拍行 select e.danWei, e.faBu, e2.qianShou, (e.faBu - e2.qianShou) zongFen from (select d.d_code code, d.d_name danWei, count(m.m_id) faBu from msg_dept d, msg_message m where d.d_id = m.m_deptid(+) and to_char(m_datetime(+), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm') group by d.d_name,d.d_code) e, (select d.danWei, s.qianShou from (select s_userid as userid, sum(decode(s_signindate, null, 1, 0)) as qianShou from msg_sign_in group by s_userid) s, (select d.d_name as danWei, u.u_id as userid from msg_dept d, msg_user u where d.d_id = u.u_deptid) d where s.userid = d.userid) e2 where e.danWei = e2.danWei order by e.code; --判断 select decode(T.gx_dept_name,'香蜜湖公交所',substr(T.gx_dept_name, 0, 3),substr(T.gx_dept_name, 0, 2)) as dept_name, --当T.gx_dept_name的值为“香蜜湖公交所”时截取前三个字符 decode(T.num, null, 0, T.num) as num, --当T.num为空时值为0当不为空时取T.num的值 decode(TT.num2, null, 0, TT.num2) as num2 from (select gx_dept_name, count(d_id) as num from msg_data_source where jqxz = '刑事警情' and fa_date > sysdate - 190 and jqlb = '扒窃' group by gx_dept_name) T, (select gx_dept_name, count(d_id) as num2 from msg_data_source where jqxz = '刑事警情' and create_date > sysdate - 1 and jqlb = '扒窃' group by gx_dept_name) TT where T.gx_dept_name = TT.gx_dept_name(+); --根据sql语句生成数据唯一编号(规则:业务名称 + 年 + 月 + 日 + 四位递增数) 表结构: create table SLBH_LIST ( YWBH VARCHAR2(50), SLBH VARCHAR2(50), CJSJ DATE default sysdate not null, XGSJ DATE, SM VARCHAR2(200) ) tablespace HLDB_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); comment on table SLBH_LIST is '受理编号记录'; comment on column SLBH_LIST.SM is '说明'; sql语句: select case when to_number(substr(t.slid, 13, 8)) < to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')) then 'HLW-RK-HKBG-' || to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd') || '0001' when to_number(substr(t.slid, 13, 8)) = to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')) then substr(t.slid, 1, length(t.slid) - length(to_number(substr(t.slid, 21, 4)) + 1)) || to_char(to_number(substr(t.slid, 21, 4)) + 1) end from (select slbh slid from slbh_list where ywbh = 'HLW-RK-HKBG') t
上一篇: 数据库操作有多慢