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程序员文章站 2022-04-22 14:30:18

推荐下载指定码率的 流媒体文件再进行合成,缓存中直接拿到的可能码率不同,合成的文件无法播放等,谨记.


本地下载:AdobeHDS.php And Scripts-master

	php AdobeHDS.php --manifest "your_manifest_url" --delete 
	MyVideo-Seg1-Frag1.f4f, MyVideo-Seg1-Frag2.f4f………MyVideo-Seg1-Frag99.f4f 
	php AdobeHDS.php MyVideo-Seg1-Frag 
	You can use script with following switches: 
	 --help              displays this help 
	 --debug             show debug output 
	 --delete            delete fragments after processing 
	 --fproxy            force proxy for downloading of fragments 
	 --play              dump stream to stdout for piping to media player 
	 --rename            rename fragments sequentially before processing 
	 --update            update the script to current git version 
	 --auth      [param] authentication string for fragment requests 
	 --duration  [param] stop recording after specified number of seconds 
	 --filesize  [param] split output file in chunks of specified size (MB) 
	 --fragments [param] base filename for fragments 
	 --manifest  [param] manifest file for downloading of fragments 
	 --outdir    [param] destination folder for output file 
	 --outfile   [param] filename to use for output file 
	 --parallel  [param] number of fragments to download simultaneously 
	 --proxy     [param] proxy for downloading of manifest 
	 --quality   [param] selected quality level (low|medium|high) or exact bitrate   
	 --referrer  [param] Referer to use for emulation of browser requests 
	 --start     [param] start from specified fragment 
	 --useragent [param] User-Agent to use for emulation of browser requests

