python ocr text detection 数据增强
2022-04-22 12:11:38
def augmentation(im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray, scales: np.ndarray, degrees: int, input_size: int) -> tuple: # the images are rescaled with ratio {0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0} randomly im, text_polys = data_aug.random_scale(im, text_polys, scal....
def augmentation(im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray, scales: np.ndarray, degrees: int, input_size: int) -> tuple:
# the images are rescaled with ratio {0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0} randomly
im, text_polys = data_aug.random_scale(im, text_polys, scales)
# the images are horizontally fliped and rotated in range [−10◦, 10◦] randomly
if random.random() < 0.5:
im, text_polys = data_aug.horizontal_flip(im, text_polys)
if random.random() < 0.5:
im, text_polys = data_aug.random_rotate_img_bbox(im, text_polys, degrees)
# 640 × 640 random samples are cropped from the transformed images
# im, text_polys = data_aug.random_crop_img_bboxes(im, text_polys)
# im, text_polys = data_aug.resize(im, text_polys, input_size, keep_ratio=False)
# im, text_polys = data_aug.random_crop_image_pse(im, text_polys, input_size)
return im, text_polys
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2019/1/12 13:06
import cv2
import numbers
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from skimage.util import random_noise
def show_pic(img, bboxes=None, name='pic'):
bboxes:图像的所有boudning box list, 格式为[[x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]....]
show_img = img.copy()
if not isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray):
bboxes = np.array(bboxes)
for point in bboxes.astype(
cv2.line(show_img, tuple(point[0]), tuple(point[1]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.line(show_img, tuple(point[1]), tuple(point[2]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.line(show_img, tuple(point[2]), tuple(point[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.line(show_img, tuple(point[3]), tuple(point[0]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
# cv2.namedWindow(name, 0) # 1表示原图
# cv2.moveWindow(name, 0, 0)
# cv2.resizeWindow(name, 1200, 800) # 可视化的图片大小
cv2.imshow(name, show_img)
# 图像均为cv2读取
class DataAugment():
def __init__(self):
def add_noise(self, im: np.ndarray):
:param img: 图像array
:return: 加噪声后的图像array,由于输出的像素是在[0,1]之间,所以得乘以255
return (random_noise(im, mode='gaussian', clip=True) * 255).astype(im.dtype)
def random_scale(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray, scales: np.ndarray or list) -> tuple:
:param im: 原图
:param text_polys: 文本框
:param scales: 尺度
:return: 经过缩放的图片和文本
tmp_text_polys = text_polys.copy()
rd_scale = float(np.random.choice(scales))
im = cv2.resize(im, dsize=None, fx=rd_scale, fy=rd_scale)
tmp_text_polys *= rd_scale
return im, tmp_text_polys
def random_rotate_img_bbox(self, img, text_polys, degrees: numbers.Number or list or tuple or np.ndarray,
:param img: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:param degrees: 角度,可以是一个数值或者list
:param same_size: 是否保持和原图一样大
:return: 旋转后的图片和角度
if isinstance(degrees, numbers.Number):
if degrees < 0:
raise ValueError("If degrees is a single number, it must be positive.")
degrees = (-degrees, degrees)
elif isinstance(degrees, list) or isinstance(degrees, tuple) or isinstance(degrees, np.ndarray):
if len(degrees) != 2:
raise ValueError("If degrees is a sequence, it must be of len 2.")
degrees = degrees
raise Exception('degrees must in Number or list or tuple or np.ndarray')
# ---------------------- 旋转图像 ----------------------
w = img.shape[1]
h = img.shape[0]
angle = np.random.uniform(degrees[0], degrees[1])
if same_size:
nw = w
nh = h
# 角度变弧度
rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)
# 计算旋转之后图像的w, h
nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle) * h) + abs(np.cos(rangle) * w))
nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle) * h) + abs(np.sin(rangle) * w))
# 构造仿射矩阵
rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw * 0.5, nh * 0.5), angle, 1)
# 计算原图中心点到新图中心点的偏移量
rot_move =, np.array([(nw - w) * 0.5, (nh - h) * 0.5, 0]))
# 更新仿射矩阵
rot_mat[0, 2] += rot_move[0]
rot_mat[1, 2] += rot_move[1]
# 仿射变换
rot_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
# ---------------------- 矫正bbox坐标 ----------------------
# rot_mat是最终的旋转矩阵
# 获取原始bbox的四个中点,然后将这四个点转换到旋转后的坐标系下
rot_text_polys = list()
for bbox in text_polys:
point1 =, np.array([bbox[0, 0], bbox[0, 1], 1]))
point2 =, np.array([bbox[1, 0], bbox[1, 1], 1]))
point3 =, np.array([bbox[2, 0], bbox[2, 1], 1]))
point4 =, np.array([bbox[3, 0], bbox[3, 1], 1]))
rot_text_polys.append([point1, point2, point3, point4])
return rot_img, np.array(rot_text_polys, dtype=np.float32)
def random_crop_img_bboxes(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray, max_tries=50) -> tuple:
从图片中裁剪出 cropsize大小的图片和对应区域的文本框
:param im: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:param max_tries: 最大尝试次数
:return: 裁剪后的图片和文本框
h, w, _ = im.shape
pad_h = h // 10
pad_w = w // 10
h_array = np.zeros((h + pad_h * 2), dtype=np.int32)
w_array = np.zeros((w + pad_w * 2), dtype=np.int32)
for poly in text_polys:
poly = np.round(poly, decimals=0).astype(np.int32) # 四舍五入取整
minx = np.min(poly[:, 0])
maxx = np.max(poly[:, 0])
w_array[minx + pad_w:maxx + pad_w] = 1 # 将文本区域的在w_array上设为1,表示x轴方向上这部分位置有文本
miny = np.min(poly[:, 1])
maxy = np.max(poly[:, 1])
h_array[miny + pad_h:maxy + pad_h] = 1 # 将文本区域的在h_array上设为1,表示y轴方向上这部分位置有文本
# 在两个轴上 拿出背景位置去进行随机的位置选择,避免选择的区域穿过文本
h_axis = np.where(h_array == 0)[0]
w_axis = np.where(w_array == 0)[0]
if len(h_axis) == 0 or len(w_axis) == 0:
# 整张图全是文本的情况下,直接返回
return im, text_polys
for i in range(max_tries):
xx = np.random.choice(w_axis, size=2)
# 对选择区域进行边界控制
xmin = np.min(xx) - pad_w
xmax = np.max(xx) - pad_w
xmin = np.clip(xmin, 0, w - 1)
xmax = np.clip(xmax, 0, w - 1)
yy = np.random.choice(h_axis, size=2)
ymin = np.min(yy) - pad_h
ymax = np.max(yy) - pad_h
ymin = np.clip(ymin, 0, h - 1)
ymax = np.clip(ymax, 0, h - 1)
if xmax - xmin < 0.1 * w or ymax - ymin < 0.1 * h:
# 选择的区域过小
# area too small
if text_polys.shape[0] != 0: # 这个判断不知道干啥的
poly_axis_in_area = (text_polys[:, :, 0] >= xmin) & (text_polys[:, :, 0] <= xmax) \
& (text_polys[:, :, 1] >= ymin) & (text_polys[:, :, 1] <= ymax)
selected_polys = np.where(np.sum(poly_axis_in_area, axis=1) == 4)[0]
selected_polys = []
if len(selected_polys) == 0:
# 区域内没有文本
im = im[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1, :]
polys = text_polys[selected_polys]
# 坐标调整到裁剪图片上
polys[:, :, 0] -= xmin
polys[:, :, 1] -= ymin
return im, polys
return im, text_polys
def random_crop_image_pse(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray, input_size) -> tuple:
从图片中裁剪出 cropsize大小的图片和对应区域的文本框
:param im: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:param input_size: 输出图像大小
:return: 裁剪后的图片和文本框
h, w, _ = im.shape
short_edge = min(h, w)
if short_edge < input_size:
# 保证短边 >= inputsize
scale = input_size / short_edge
im = cv2.resize(im, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
text_polys *= scale
h, w, _ = im.shape
# 计算随机范围
w_range = w - input_size
h_range = h - input_size
for _ in range(50):
xmin = random.randint(0, w_range)
ymin = random.randint(0, h_range)
xmax = xmin + input_size
ymax = ymin + input_size
if text_polys.shape[0] != 0:
selected_polys = []
for poly in text_polys:
if poly[:, 0].max() < xmin or poly[:, 0].min() > xmax or \
poly[:, 1].max() < ymin or poly[:, 1].min() > ymax:
# area_p = cv2.contourArea(poly)
poly[:, 0] -= xmin
poly[:, 1] -= ymin
poly[:, 0] = np.clip(poly[:, 0], 0, input_size)
poly[:, 1] = np.clip(poly[:, 1], 0, input_size)
# rect = cv2.minAreaRect(poly)
# area_n = cv2.contourArea(poly)
# h1, w1 = rect[1]
# if w1 < 10 or h1 < 10 or area_n / area_p < 0.5:
# continue
selected_polys = []
# if len(selected_polys) == 0:
# 区域内没有文本
# continue
im = im[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
polys = np.array(selected_polys)
return im, polys
return im, text_polys
def random_crop_author(self,imgs, img_size):
h, w = imgs[0].shape[0:2]
th, tw = img_size
if w == tw and h == th:
return imgs
# print(ttt)
# label中存在文本实例,并且按照概率进行裁剪
if np.max(imgs[1][:,:,-1]) > 0 and random.random() > 3.0 / 8.0:
# 文本实例的top left点
tl = np.min(np.where(imgs[1][:,:,-1] > 0), axis=1) - img_size
tl[tl < 0] = 0
# 文本实例的 bottom right 点
br = np.max(np.where(imgs[1][:,:,-1] > 0), axis=1) - img_size
br[br < 0] = 0
# 保证选到右下角点是,有足够的距离进行crop
br[0] = min(br[0], h - th)
br[1] = min(br[1], w - tw)
for _ in range(50000):
i = random.randint(tl[0], br[0])
j = random.randint(tl[1], br[1])
# 保证最小的图有文本
if imgs[1][:,:,0][i:i + th, j:j + tw].sum() <= 0:
i = random.randint(0, h - th)
j = random.randint(0, w - tw)
# return i, j, th, tw
for idx in range(len(imgs)):
if len(imgs[idx].shape) == 3:
imgs[idx] = imgs[idx][i:i + th, j:j + tw, :]
imgs[idx] = imgs[idx][i:i + th, j:j + tw]
return imgs
def resize(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray,
input_size: numbers.Number or list or tuple or np.ndarray, keep_ratio: bool = False) -> tuple:
:param im: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:param input_size: resize尺寸,数字或者list的形式,如果为list形式,就是[w,h]
:param keep_ratio: 是否保持长宽比
:return: resize后的图片和文本框
if isinstance(input_size, numbers.Number):
if input_size < 0:
raise ValueError("If input_size is a single number, it must be positive.")
input_size = (input_size, input_size)
elif isinstance(input_size, list) or isinstance(input_size, tuple) or isinstance(input_size, np.ndarray):
if len(input_size) != 2:
raise ValueError("If input_size is a sequence, it must be of len 2.")
input_size = (input_size[0], input_size[1])
raise Exception('input_size must in Number or list or tuple or np.ndarray')
if keep_ratio:
# 将图片短边pad到和长边一样
h, w, c = im.shape
max_h = max(h, input_size[0])
max_w = max(w, input_size[1])
im_padded = np.zeros((max_h, max_w, c), dtype=np.uint8)
im_padded[:h, :w] = im.copy()
im = im_padded
text_polys = text_polys.astype(np.float32)
h, w, _ = im.shape
im = cv2.resize(im, input_size)
w_scale = input_size[0] / float(w)
h_scale = input_size[1] / float(h)
text_polys[:, :, 0] *= w_scale
text_polys[:, :, 1] *= h_scale
return im, text_polys
def horizontal_flip(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
:param im: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:return: 水平翻转之后的图片和文本框
flip_text_polys = text_polys.copy()
flip_im = cv2.flip(im, 1)
h, w, _ = flip_im.shape
flip_text_polys[:, :, 0] = w - flip_text_polys[:, :, 0]
return flip_im, flip_text_polys
def vertical_flip(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
:param im: 图片
:param text_polys: 文本框
:return: 竖直翻转之后的图片和文本框
flip_text_polys = text_polys.copy()
flip_im = cv2.flip(im, 0)
h, w, _ = flip_im.shape
flip_text_polys[:, :, 1] = h - flip_text_polys[:, :, 1]
return flip_im, flip_text_polys
def test(self, im: np.ndarray, text_polys: np.ndarray):
t_im, t_text_polys = self.random_scale(im, text_polys, [0.5, 1, 2, 3])
print(t_im.shape, t_text_polys.dtype)
show_pic(t_im, t_text_polys, 'random_scale')
t_im, t_text_polys = self.random_rotate_img_bbox(im, text_polys, 10)
print(t_im.shape, t_text_polys.dtype)
show_pic(t_im, t_text_polys, 'random_rotate_img_bbox')
t_im, t_text_polys = self.random_crop_img_bboxes(im, text_polys)
print(t_im.shape, t_text_polys.dtype)
show_pic(t_im, t_text_polys, 'random_crop_img_bboxes')
t_im, t_text_polys = self.horizontal_flip(im, text_polys)
print(t_im.shape, t_text_polys.dtype)
show_pic(t_im, t_text_polys, 'horizontal_flip')
t_im, t_text_polys = self.vertical_flip(im, text_polys)
print(t_im.shape, t_text_polys.dtype)
show_pic(t_im, t_text_polys, 'vertical_flip')
show_pic(im, text_polys, 'vertical_flip_ori')
t_im = self.add_noise(im)
show_pic(t_im, text_polys, 'add_noise')
show_pic(im, text_polys, 'add_noise_ori')
上一篇: 回帖的理由~经典~