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ruby 1.9.0-1版本发布

程序员文章站 2022-04-22 12:08:51
ruby 1.9.0-1版本在3月1日发布,这是自从去年底圣诞节ruby 1.9.0发布以后的第一个升级版本。这个版本主要是修改1.9版本发布以来的各种bug,以及少量的新功能,以下是1.9.0-1的ChangeLog:

* Oniguruma 5.9.1
* added UTF-16,CP949,EUC-KR,GB12345,UCS-{2,4}{BE,LE},GBK,CP936,CP949,
GB2312,UTF-7,BIG5,EUC-TW,GB18030,KOI8,KOI8-R,KOI8-U,Windows-1251 support.
* use locale encoding for scripts from -e and stdin unless explicitly specified.
* DATA inherits script encoding.
* __ENCODING__ for current script encoding.
* encoding options Kernel#{putc,puts} invokes STDOUT.{putc,puts} respectively.
* don't use locale dependent strcasecmp.
* -Ks options means Windows-31J, not Shift_JIS.
* string methods work better on UTF-16 strings.
* empty string is compatible with any encoding string add
* string methods run faster for UTF-8.
* String#gsub(pat,hash) use US-ASCII (not ASCII-8BIT) for human readable text.
* allow empty symbol.
* rb_num_coerce_*() now require ID argument.
* Math.cbrt added.
* Math.{gamma,lgamma} added.
* more precise BigDecimal_to_f.
* "0x", "+" and "-" is not a valid integer.
* Proc#curry added.
* Time#strftime officially ignores locale.
* Time.<=> no longer supports comparison with numeric.
* Enumerable#zip behavior reverted to 1.8 one. string
* ObjectSpace.each_obj returns an enumerator if no block given.
* Prime#each returns an enumerator if no block given.
* replace "illegal" to "invalid" in messages.
* Hash#flatten no longer work recursively.
* archdir is "1.9.0", not "1.9".
* added --disable-rubyopt flag.
* import RubyGems r1601.
* Benchmark#realtime a bit faster.
* check NUL in path operand for file operations.
* "make help" shows major targets.

ruby 1.9距离实际生产环境的应用还有一段距离,不过ruby的版本发布还基本上没有跳过票,所以让我们大家期待ruby 1.9早日进入生产环境吧。
相关标签: Ruby