2022-03-05 17:26:43
<dependency> <groupid>com.jcraft</groupid> <artifactid>jsch</artifactid> <version>0.1.54</version> </dependency>
sftp: ip: port: 22 username: admin password: admin root: /img #文件根目录
import com.jcraft.jsch.channel; import com.jcraft.jsch.channelsftp; import com.jcraft.jsch.jsch; import com.jcraft.jsch.jschexception; import com.jcraft.jsch.session; import com.jcraft.jsch.sftpexception; import lombok.extern.slf4j.slf4j; import java.io.file; import java.io.filenotfoundexception; import java.io.fileoutputstream; import java.io.ioexception; import java.util.properties; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; /** * */ @slf4j public class sftputil { /** * 下载重试次数 */ private static final int download_retry = 3; /** * 下载重试间隔时间 单位毫秒 */ private static final long download_sleep = 3 * 1000; private static final sftputil sftp = new sftputil(); private static channelsftp client; private static session session; /** * @return */ public static sftputil getinstance() { return sftp; } /** * 获取sftp连接 * * @param username * @param password * @param ip * @param port * @return */ synchronized public channelsftp makeconnection(string username, string password, string ip, int port) { if (client == null || session == null || !client.isconnected() || !session.isconnected()) { try { jsch jsch = new jsch(); session = jsch.getsession(username, ip, port); if (password != null) { session.setpassword(password); } properties config = new properties(); // 设置第一次登陆的时候主机公钥确认提示,可选值:(ask | yes | no) config.put("stricthostkeychecking", "no"); session.setconfig(config); session.connect(); //sftp协议 channel channel = session.openchannel("sftp"); channel.connect(); client = (channelsftp) channel; log.info("sftp connected success,connect to [{}:{}], username [{}]", ip, port, username); } catch (jschexception e) { log.error("sftp connected fail,connect to [{}:{}], username [{}], password [{}], error message : [{}]", ip, port, username, password, e.getmessage()); } } return client; } /** * * 关闭连接 server */ public static void close() { if (client != null && client.isconnected()) { client.disconnect(); } if (session != null && session.isconnected()) { session.disconnect(); } } /** * 单次下载文件 * * @param downloadfile 下载文件地址 * @param savefile 保存文件地址 * @param ip 主机地址 * @param port 主机端口 * @param username 用户名 * @param password 密码 * @param rootpath 根目录 * @return */ public synchronized static file download(string downloadfile, string savefile, string ip, integer port, string username, string password, string rootpath) { boolean result = false; file file = null; integer i = 0; while (!result) { //获取连接 channelsftp sftp = getinstance().makeconnection(username, password, ip, port); fileoutputstream fileoutputstream = null; log.info("sftp file download start, target filepath is {}, save filepath is {}", downloadfile, savefile); try { sftp.cd(rootpath); file = new file(savefile); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } else { file.createnewfile(); } fileoutputstream = new fileoutputstream(file); sftp.get(downloadfile, fileoutputstream); result = true; } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { log.error("sftp file download fail, filenotfound: [{}]", e.getmessage()); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("sftp file download fail, ioexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); } catch (sftpexception e) { i++; log.error("sftp file download fail, sftpexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); if (i > download_retry) { log.error("sftp file download fail, retry three times, sftpexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); return file; } try { timeunit.milliseconds.sleep(download_sleep); } catch (interruptedexception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } } finally { try { fileoutputstream.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } sftputil.close(); } return file; } /** * 下载文件 * * @param downloadfile 下载文件的路径 * @param savefile 保存的路径 * @param rootpath 根目录 * @return */ public synchronized static file download(string downloadfile, string savefile, string rootpath) { boolean result = false; file file = null; integer i = 0; while (!result) { fileoutputstream fileoutputstream = null; log.info("sftp file download start, target filepath is {}, save filepath is {}", downloadfile, savefile); try { //获取连接、读取文件(channelsftp) session.openchannel("sftp") client.cd(rootpath); file = new file(savefile); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } else { file.createnewfile(); } fileoutputstream = new fileoutputstream(file); client.get(downloadfile, fileoutputstream); result = true; } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { log.error("sftp file download fail, filenotfound: [{}]", e.getmessage()); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("sftp file download fail, ioexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); } catch (sftpexception e) { i++; log.error("sftp file download fail, sftpexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); if (i > download_retry) { log.error("sftp file download fail, retry three times, sftpexception: [{}]", e.getmessage()); return file; } try { timeunit.milliseconds.sleep(download_sleep); } catch (interruptedexception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } } finally { try { if (fileoutputstream != null) { fileoutputstream.close(); } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } return file; } }
public class sftp { @value("${sftp.ip}") string ip; @value("${sftp.port}") integer port; @value("${sftp.username}") string username; @value("${sftp.password}") string password; @value("${sftp.root}") string rootpath; @getmapping("/test") public void test() throws ioexception { sftputil.getinstance().makeconnection(username, password, ip, port); file file= sftputil.download(downloadfilepath, "1.txt", rootpath); sftputil.close(); inputstreamreader read = null; bufferedreader bufferedreader = null; string encoding = "utf-8"; try { read = new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(file), encoding); bufferedreader = new bufferedreader(read); string linetxt = null; while ((linetxt = bufferedreader.readline()) != null) { log.info("[{}] downfile is [{}] ", username, linetxt); } read.close(); bufferedreader.close(); file.delete(); } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { try { if (read != null) { read.close(); } if (bufferedreader != null) { bufferedreader.close(); } if (file != null && file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } }
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.jcraft/jsch --> <dependency> <groupid>com.jcraft</groupid> <artifactid>jsch</artifactid> <version>0.1.54</version> </dependency>
sftp.ip= sftp.port=22 sftp.username=xuyy sftp.password=paswpord #ftp根目录 sftp.rootpath="d:sftp/
package com.uinnova.ftpsynweb.config; import lombok.data; import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.configurationproperties; import org.springframework.stereotype.component; /** * 特点: 读取配置文件。可以对静态变量直接赋值 * * @author xuyangyang */ @component @configurationproperties(prefix = "sftp") @data public class sftpconfig { public static string ip; public static integer port; public static string username; public static string password; public static string rootpath; //注意这里是 static 修饰,便于sftputil直接取值 public static string getip() { return ip; } public void setip(string ip) { sftpconfig.ip = ip; } public static integer getport() { return port; } public void setport(integer port) { sftpconfig.port = port; } public static string getusername() { return username; } public void setusername(string username) { sftpconfig.username = username; } public static string getpassword() { return password; } public void setpassword(string password) { sftpconfig.password = password; } public static string getrootpath() { return rootpath; } public void setrootpath(string rootpath) { sftpconfig.rootpath = rootpath; } }
package com.uinnova.ftpsynweb.util; import com.jcraft.jsch.*; import com.uinnova.ftpsynweb.config.sftpconfig; import lombok.extern.slf4j.slf4j; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.component; import org.thymeleaf.util.stringutils; import javax.transaction.systemexception; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * sftp工具类 */ @slf4j @component public class sftputil { @autowired sftpconfig sftpconfig; private static string sftp_ip = sftpconfig.getip(); private static integer sftp_port = sftpconfig.getport(); private static string sftp_username = sftpconfig.getusername(); private static string sftp_password = sftpconfig.getpassword(); /** * sftp存储根目录 */ public static string windows_path = "d:sftp/"; public static string linux_path = "/home/xuyy/"; private session session; private channelsftp channel; /** * 规避多线程并发不断开问题 */ private volatile static threadlocal<sftputil> sftplocal = new threadlocal<>(); private sftputil() { } private sftputil(string host, integer port, string username, string password) { super(); init(host, port, username, password); } /** * 获取本地线程存储的sftp客户端,使用玩必须调用 release()释放连接 * * @return * @throws exception */ public static sftputil getsftputil() { sftputil sftputil = sftplocal.get(); if (null == sftputil || !sftputil.isconnected()) { sftplocal.set(new sftputil(sftp_ip, sftp_port, sftp_username, sftp_password)); } return sftplocal.get(); } /** * 获取本地线程存储的sftp客户端,使用玩必须调用 release()释放连接 * * @param host * @param port * @param username * @param password * @return */ public static sftputil getsftputil(string host, integer port, string username, string password) { sftputil sftputil = sftplocal.get(); if (null == sftputil || !sftputil.isconnected()) { log.info("建立连接"); sftplocal.set(new sftputil(host, port, username, password)); } else { log.info("连接已经存在"); } return sftplocal.get(); } /** * 初始化 创建一个新的 sftp 通道 * * @param host * @param port * @param username * @param password */ private void init(string host, integer port, string username, string password) { try { //场景jsch对象 jsch jsch = new jsch(); // jsch.addidentity(); 私钥 session = jsch.getsession(username, host, port); // 第一次登陆时候提示, (ask|yes|no) properties config = new properties(); config.put("stricthostkeychecking", "no"); config.put("compression.s2c", "zlib,none"); config.put("compression.c2s", "zlib,none"); session.setconfig(config); //设置超时 // session.settimeout(10*1000); //设置密码 session.setpassword(password); session.connect(); //打开sftp通道 channel = (channelsftp) session.openchannel("sftp"); //建立sftp通道的连接 channel.connect(); // 失败重试2次 失败不管了,只发送一次 失败回复 并行调用所有节点 } catch (jschexception e) { log.error("init话sftp异常,可能是获得连接错误,请检查用户名密码或者重启sftp服务" + e); } } /** * 是否已连接 * * @return */ private boolean isconnected() { return null != channel && channel.isconnected(); } /** * 关闭通道 */ public void closechannel() { if (null != channel) { try { channel.disconnect(); } catch (exception e) { log.error("关闭sftp通道发生异常:", e); } } if (null != session) { try { session.disconnect(); } catch (exception e) { log.error("sftp关闭 session异常:", e); } } } /** * 每次连接必须释放资源,类似oss服务 * 释放本地线程存储的sftp客户端 */ public static void release() { if (null != sftplocal.get()) { sftplocal.get().closechannel(); sftplocal.set(null); } } /** * 列出目录下文件,只列出文件名字,没有类型 * * @param dir 目录 * @return */ public list list(string dir) { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + " " + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); return null; } vector<channelsftp.lsentry> files = null; try { files = channel.ls(dir); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error(e.getmessage()); } if (null != files) { list filenames = new arraylist<string>(); iterator<channelsftp.lsentry> iter = files.iterator(); while (iter.hasnext()) { string filename = iter.next().getfilename(); if (stringutils.equals(".", filename) || stringutils.equals("..", filename)) { continue; } filenames.add(filename); } return filenames; } return null; } /** * 列出文件详情 * * @param dir * @return */ public list listdetail(string dir) { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + " " + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); return null; } vector<channelsftp.lsentry> files = null; try { files = channel.ls(dir); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("listdetail 获取目录列表 channel.ls " + dir + "失败 " + e); } if (null != files) { list<map<string, string>> filelist = new arraylist<>(); iterator<channelsftp.lsentry> iter = files.iterator(); while (iter.hasnext()) { channelsftp.lsentry next = iter.next(); map<string, string> map = new hashmap<>(); string filename = next.getfilename(); if (stringutils.equals(".", filename) || stringutils.equals("..", filename)) { continue; } string size = string.valueof(next.getattrs().getsize()); long mtime = next.getattrs().getmtime(); string type = ""; string longname = string.valueof(next.getlongname()); if (longname.startswith("-")) { type = "file"; } else if (longname.startswith("d")) { type = "dir"; } map.put("name", filename); map.put("size", size); map.put("type", type); map.put("mtime", datetimeutil.timestamptodate(mtime)); filelist.add(map); } return filelist; } return null; } /** * 递归获得文件path下所有文件列表 * * @param path * @param list * @return * @throws sftpexception */ public list<string> listofrecursion(string path, list<string> list) throws sftpexception { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + "" + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); return null; } vector<channelsftp.lsentry> files = null; files = channel.ls(path); for (channelsftp.lsentry entry : files) { if (!entry.getattrs().isdir()) { string str = path + "/" + entry.getfilename(); str = str.replace("//", "/"); list.add(str); } else { if (!entry.getfilename().equals(".") && !entry.getfilename().equals("..")) { listofrecursion(path + "/" + entry.getfilename(), list); } } } log.debug(list.tostring()); return list; } /** * @param file 上传文件 * @param remotepath 服务器存放路径,支持多级目录 * @throws systemexception */ public void upload(file file, string remotepath) throws systemexception { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + "" + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); } fileinputstream fileinputstream = null; try { if (file.isfile()) { string rpath = remotepath;//服务器要创建的目录 try { createdir(rpath); } catch (exception e) { throw new systemexception("创建路径失败:" + rpath); } channel.cd(remotepath); system.out.println(remotepath); fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(file); channel.put(fileinputstream, file.getname()); } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { throw new systemexception("上传文件没有找到"); } catch (sftpexception e) { throw new systemexception("上传ftp服务器错误"); } finally { try { if (fileinputstream != null) { fileinputstream.close(); } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } /** * @param file 上传文件 * @param remotename 上传文件名字 * @param remotepath 服务器存放路径,支持多级目录 * @throws systemexception */ public boolean upload(file file, string remotename, string remotepath) { if (channel == null) { system.out.println("get sftp connect fail,please reboot sftp client"); log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + "" + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); } else { fileinputstream fileinputstream = null; try { if (file.isfile()) { //服务器要创建的目录 string rpath = remotepath; createdir(rpath); channel.cd(remotepath); log.error(remotepath + " " + remotename); fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(file); channel.put(fileinputstream, remotename); return true; } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { log.error("上传文件没有找到", e.getmessage()); return false; } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("upload" + remotepath + e); return false; } finally { try { if (fileinputstream != null) { fileinputstream.close();//这里要关闭文件流 } else { log.error("流不存在" + remotepath + " " + remotename); } } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } // try to delete the file immediately // boolean deleted = false; // try { // deleted = file.delete(); // } catch (securityexception e) { // log.error(e.getmessage()); // } // // else delete the file when the program ends // if (deleted) { // system.out.println("temp file deleted."); // log.info("temp file deleted."); // } else { // file.deleteonexit(); // system.out.println("temp file scheduled for deletion."); // log.info("temp file scheduled for deletion."); // } } } return false; } public boolean upload(inputstream inputstream, string remotename, string remotepath) { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + "" + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); } else { try { //服务器要创建的目录 string rpath = remotepath; createdir(rpath); channel.cd(remotepath); log.debug(remotepath + " " + remotename); channel.put(inputstream, remotename); return true; } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("upload路径不存在" + remotepath + e); return false; } finally { try { if (inputstream != null) { inputstream.close();//这里要关闭文件流 } else { log.error("流不存在" + remotepath + " " + remotename); } } catch (ioexception e) { log.error(e.getmessage()); } // try to delete the file immediately // boolean deleted = false; // try { // deleted = file.delete(); // } catch (securityexception e) { // log.error(e.getmessage()); // } // // else delete the file when the program ends // if (deleted) { // system.out.println("temp file deleted."); // log.info("temp file deleted."); // } else { // file.deleteonexit(); // system.out.println("temp file scheduled for deletion."); // log.info("temp file scheduled for deletion."); // } } } return false; } /** * 下载文件 * * @param rootdir * @param filepath * @return */ public file downfile(string rootdir, string filepath) { if (channel == null) { log.error("获取sftp连接失败,请检查" + sftp_ip + +sftp_port + "@" + sftp_username + " " + sftp_password + "是否可以访问"); return null; } outputstream outputstream = null; file file = null; try { channel.cd(rootdir); string folder = system.getproperty("java.io.tmpdir"); file = new file(folder + file.separator + filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof("/") + 1)); // file = new file(filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof("/") + 1)); outputstream = new fileoutputstream(file); channel.get(filepath, outputstream); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("downfile" + filepath + e); file = null; } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { log.error("filenotfoundexception", e); file = null; } finally { if (outputstream != null) { try { outputstream.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } return file; } /** * 创建一个文件目录 */ public void createdir(string createpath) { try { if (isdirexist(createpath)) { this.channel.cd(createpath); return; } string patharry[] = createpath.split("/"); stringbuffer filepath = new stringbuffer("/"); for (string path : patharry) { if (path.equals("")) { continue; } filepath.append(path + "/"); if (isdirexist(filepath.tostring())) { channel.cd(filepath.tostring()); } else { // 建立目录 channel.mkdir(filepath.tostring()); // 进入并设置为当前目录 channel.cd(filepath.tostring()); } } this.channel.cd(createpath); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("createdir" + createpath + e); } } /** * 判断目录是否存在 */ public boolean isdirexist(string directory) { boolean isdirexistflag = false; try { sftpattrs sftpattrs = channel.lstat(directory); isdirexistflag = true; return sftpattrs.isdir(); } catch (exception e) { if (e.getmessage().tolowercase().equals("no such file")) { isdirexistflag = false; } } return isdirexistflag; } static string ps = "/"; /** * this method is called recursively to download the folder content from sftp server * * @param sourcepath * @param destinationpath * @throws sftpexception */ public void recursivefolderdownload(string sourcepath, string destinationpath) throws sftpexception { vector<channelsftp.lsentry> fileandfolderlist = channel.ls(sourcepath); // let list of folder content //iterate through list of folder content for (channelsftp.lsentry item : fileandfolderlist) { if (!item.getattrs().isdir()) { // check if it is a file (not a directory). if (!(new file(destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename())).exists() || (item.getattrs().getmtime() > long .valueof(new file(destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename()).lastmodified() / (long) 1000) .intvalue())) { // download only if changed later. new file(destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename()); channel.get(sourcepath + ps + item.getfilename(), destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename()); // download file from source (source filename, destination filename). } } else if (!(".".equals(item.getfilename()) || "..".equals(item.getfilename()))) { new file(destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename()).mkdirs(); // empty folder copy. recursivefolderdownload(sourcepath + ps + item.getfilename(), destinationpath + ps + item.getfilename()); // enter found folder on server to read its contents and create locally. } } } /** * 文件夹不存在,创建 * * @param folder 待创建的文件节夹 */ public void createfolder(string folder) { sftpattrs stat = null; try { stat = channel.stat(folder); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("复制目的地文件夹" + folder + "不存在,创建"); } if (stat == null) { try { channel.mkdir(folder); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("创建失败", e.getcause()); } } } public inputstream get(string filepath) { inputstream inputstream = null; try { inputstream = channel.get(filepath); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("get" + e); } return inputstream; } public void put(inputstream inputstream, string filepath) { try { channel.put(inputstream, filepath); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("put" + e); } } public vector<channelsftp.lsentry> ls(string filepath) { vector ls = null; try { ls = channel.ls(filepath); } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("ls" + e); } return ls; } /** * 复制文件夹 * * @param src 源文件夹 * @param desc 目的文件夹 */ public void copy(string src, string desc) { // 检查目的文件存在与否,不存在则创建 this.createdir(desc); // 查看源文件列表 vector<channelsftp.lsentry> fileandfolderlist = this.ls(src); for (channelsftp.lsentry item : fileandfolderlist) { if (!item.getattrs().isdir()) {//是一个文件 try (inputstream tinputstream = this.get(src + ps + item.getfilename()); bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream() ) { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = tinputstream.read(buffer)) > -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, len); } baos.flush(); inputstream ninputstream = new bytearrayinputstream(baos.tobytearray()); this.put(ninputstream, desc + ps + item.getfilename()); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error(e.getmessage()); } // 排除. 和 .. } else if (!(".".equals(item.getfilename()) || "..".equals(item.getfilename()))) { // 创建文件,可能不需要 this.createfolder(desc + ps + item.getfilename()); //递归复制文件 copy(src + ps + item.getfilename(), desc + ps + item.getfilename()); } } } /** * 删除指定目录文件 * * @param filepath 删除文件路径 * @return */ public boolean del(string filepath) { boolean flag = false; try { channel.rm(filepath); flag = true; } catch (sftpexception e) { flag = false; log.error("删除文件错误报告: " + e); } return flag; } }
@slf4j @restcontroller public class filecontroller { /** * @param file 上传文件 * @param targetpath 保存文件路径 * @param filename 上传文件名字 * @return * @throws ioexception */ @requestmapping(value = "/file/upload") @responsebody public return upload(@requestparam("file") multipartfile file, string targetpath, string filename) throws ioexception { log.debug("上传文件原始名字:" + file.getoriginalfilename() + "上传路径:" + targetpath + "上传文件名: " + filename); inputstream uploadfile = file.getinputstream(); sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); boolean upload = false; if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { upload = sftputil.upload(uploadfile, filename, targetpath); } else { upload = sftputil.upload(uploadfile, filename, sftpconfig.getrootpath() + targetpath); } sftputil.release(); return return.ok(upload); } /** * 需要下载的文件具体路径 * * @param targetpath * @param response * @return * @throws unsupportedencodingexception */ @requestmapping(value = "/file/download") @responsebody public void download(string targetpath, httpservletresponse response) throws unsupportedencodingexception { log.debug("下载文件名字" + targetpath); // targetpath = new string(targetpath.getbytes("iso8859-1"), "utf-8"); if (stringutils.isempty(targetpath) || !targetpath.contains("/")) { log.error("下载路径不正确" + targetpath); // return return.fail("下载路径不正确"); } string filename = targetpath.substring(targetpath.lastindexof("/") + 1); log.debug(filename); file file = null; sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { file = sftputil.downfile("/", targetpath); } else { file = sftputil.downfile("/", sftpconfig.getrootpath() + targetpath); } sftputil.release(); if (!objects.isnull(file)) { // 配置文件下载 response.setheader("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); response.setcontenttype("application/octet-stream"); // 下载文件能正常显示中文 // response.setheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new string(filename.getbytes("gb2312"), "iso8859-1")); response.setheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + urlencoder.encode(filename, "utf-8")); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; fileinputstream fis = null; bufferedinputstream bis = null; try { fis = new fileinputstream(file); bis = new bufferedinputstream(fis); outputstream os = response.getoutputstream(); int i = bis.read(buffer); while (i != -1) { os.write(buffer, 0, i); i = bis.read(buffer); } // return return.ok("下载成功"); } catch (exception e) { log.error("down fail" + e); // return return.fail("下載失敗"); } finally { if (bis != null) { try { bis.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("down fail" + e); } } if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("down fail" + e); } } } } // return return.fail("下載失敗"); } /** * 获取sftp下文件消息列表 * * @param filepath 文件路径 * @return */ @requestmapping(value = "/file/list") @responsebody public return list(@requestparam("filepath") string filepath) { log.debug("获取路径下列表 :{}", filepath); sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); list<string> list = new arraylist(); if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { list = sftputil.listdetail(filepath); } else { list = sftputil.listdetail(sftpconfig.getrootpath() + filepath); } sftputil.release(); return return.ok(list); } /** * 递归获得文件path下所有文件列表 * * @param filepath 文件路径 * @return */ @requestmapping(value = "/file/listofrecursion") @responsebody public return listofrecursion(@requestparam("filepath") string filepath) { log.debug("获取路径下列表 :{}", filepath); sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); arraylist<string> strings = new arraylist<>(); return ret = null; list<string> list; list<string> list1 = new arraylist<>(); try { if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { list = sftputil.listofrecursion(filepath, strings); ret = return.ok(list); } else { list = sftputil.listofrecursion(sftpconfig.getrootpath() + filepath, strings); for (string str : list) { str = stringutils.substring(str, sftpconfig.getrootpath().length() - 1); list1.add(str); } ret = return.ok(list1); } } catch (sftpexception e) { log.error("listofrecursion 获取目录列表 channel.ls " + filepath + "失败 " + e); sftputil.release(); ret = return.fail(e.getmessage()); }finally { sftputil.release(); } return ret; } /** * sftp内复制文件夹 * * @param src 源文件夹 * @param desc 目的文件夹 * @return */ @requestmapping(value = "file/copy") @responsebody public return copy(string src, string desc) { sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { sftputil.copy(src, desc); } else { sftputil.copy(sftpconfig.getrootpath() + src, sftpconfig.getrootpath() + desc); } sftputil.release(); return return.ok("复制成功"); } /** * 删除文件 文件存在返回true ,文件不存在或删除失败返回 false * * @param filepath * @return */ @requestmapping(value = "file/del") @responsebody public return del(string filepath) { log.debug("删除此文件 :{}", filepath); boolean flag = false; sftputil sftputil = sftputil.getsftputil(); if (sftpconfig.win.equals(sftpconfig.getenv())) { flag = sftputil.del(filepath); } else { flag = sftputil.del(sftpconfig.getrootpath() + filepath); } sftputil.release(); return new return(flag, flag ? "删除成功" : "文件不存在或删除失败"); } }