实训环境:centos-7.5.1804 + python-3.6.6 + opencv-3.4.1
做测试用的照片以及数字识别匹配使用的模板(自制)提供给大家,通过查询得到,身份证号码使用的字体格式为ocr-b 10 bt格式,实训中用到的身份证图片为训练测试图片,有一部分是老师当时直接给出的,还有一部分是我自己用自己身份证做的测试和从网上找到了一张,由于部分身份证号码不是标准字体格式,对识别造成影响,所以有部分图片我还提前ps了一下。
import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 将身份证号码区域从身份证中提取出 def extract(op_image, sh_image): binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(op_image, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) contours.remove(contours[0]) max_x, max_y, max_w, max_h = cv.boundingrect(contours[0]) color = (0, 0, 0) for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) cv.rectangle(op_image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) cv.rectangle(sh_image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) if max_w < w: max_x = x max_y = y max_w = w max_h = h cut_img = sh_image[max_y:max_y+max_h, max_x:max_x+max_w] cv.imshow("the recognized enlarged image", op_image) cv.waitkey(0) cv.imshow("the recognized binary image", sh_image) cv.waitkey(0) return cut_img # 号码内部区域填充(未继续是用此方法) def area_filling(image, kernel): # the boundary image iterate = np.zeros(image.shape, np.uint8) iterate[:, 0] = image[:, 0] iterate[:, -1] = image[:, -1] iterate[0, :] = image[0, :] iterate[-1, :] = image[-1, :] while true: old_iterate = iterate iterate_dilation = cv.dilate(iterate, kernel, iterations=1) iterate = cv.bitwise_and(iterate_dilation, image) difference = cv.subtract(iterate, old_iterate) # if difference is all zeros it will return false if not np.any(difference): break return iterate # 将身份证号码区域再次切割使得一张图片一位号码 def segmentation(cut_img, kernel, n): #首先进行一次号码内空白填充(效果不佳,放弃) #area_img = area_filling(cut_img, kernel) #cv.imshow("area_img", area_img) #cv.waitkey(0) #dilate = cv.dilate(area_img, kernel, iterations=1) #cv.imshow("dilate", dilate) #cv.waitkey(0) cut_copy = cut_img.copy() binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(cut_copy, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) contours.remove(contours[0]) for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): # 把首次用findcontours()方法识别的轮廓内区域置黑色 cut_copy[y + i, x + j] = 0 # cv.rectangle(cut_copy, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) cv.imshow("filled image", cut_copy) cv.waitkey(0) # 尝试进行分割 binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(cut_copy, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) #tmp_img = cut_img.copy() # 如果识别的轮廓数量不是n+1位(首先是一个整个区域的轮廓,然后是n位号码各自的轮廓,身份证和匹配模板分割均用此方法) while len(contours)!=n+1: if len(contours) < n+1: # 如果提取的轮廓数量小于n+1, 说明可能有两位数被识别到一个轮廓中,做一次闭运算,消除数位之间可能存在的连接部分,然后再次尝试提取 #cut_copy = cv.dilate(cut_copy, kernel, iterations=1) cut_copy = cv.morphologyex(cut_copy, cv.morph_close, kernel) cv.imshow("cut_copy", cut_copy) cv.waitkey(0) # 再次尝试提取身份证区域的轮廓并将轮廓内区域用黑色覆盖 binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(cut_copy, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) # 去掉提取出的第一个轮廓(第一个轮廓为整张图片) contours.remove(contours[0]) for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): cut_copy[y + i, x + j] = 0 # cv.rectangle(cut_copy, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) cv.imshow("filled image", cut_copy) cv.waitkey(0) #如果findcontours()结果为n,跳出 if len(contours) == n: break elif len(contours) > n+1: # 如果提取的轮廓数量大于n+1, 说明可能有一位数被识别到两个轮廓中,做一次开运算,增强附近身份证区域部分之间的连接部分,然后再次尝试提取 #cut_copy = cv.erode(cut_copy, kernel, iterations=1) cut_copy = cv.morphologyex(cut_copy, cv.morph_open, kernel2) cv.imshow("cut_copy", cut_copy) cv.waitkey(0) #再次尝试提取身份证区域的轮廓并将轮廓内区域用黑色覆盖 binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(cut_copy, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) #去掉提取出的第一个轮廓(第一个轮廓为整张图片) contours.remove(contours[0]) for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): cut_copy[y + i, x + j] = 0 # cv.rectangle(cut_copy, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) #cv.imshow("cut_copy", cut_copy) #cv.waitkey(0) if len(contours) == n: break # 上述while()中循环完成后,处理的图像基本满足分割要求,进行最后的提取分割 binary, contours, hierarchy = cv.findcontours(cut_copy, cv.retr_tree, cv.chain_approx_simple) contours.remove(contours[0]) color = (0, 0, 0) for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): cv.rectangle(cut_copy, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) cv.rectangle(cut_img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 1) cv.imshow("filled image", cut_copy) cv.waitkey(0) cv.imshow("cut_img", cut_img) cv.waitkey(0) #print('number:', len(contours)) # returns the result of the split return contours #return cut_img # sort排序方法,先将图像分割,由于分割的先后顺序不是按照从左往右,根据横坐标大小将每位身份证号码图片进行排序 def sort(contours, image): tmp_num = [] x_all = [] x_sort = [] for c in contours: x, y, w, h = cv.boundingrect(c) # 使用x坐标来确定身份证号码图片的顺序,把个图片坐标的x值放入x_sort中 x_sort.append(x) # 建立一个用于索引x坐标的列表 x_all.append(x) tmp_img = image[y+1:y+h-1, x+1:x+w-1] tmp_img = cv.resize(tmp_img, (40, 60)) cv.imshow("number", tmp_img) cv.waitkey(0) # 将分割的图片缩小至12乘18像素的大小,标准化同时节约模板匹配的时间 tmp_img = cv.resize(tmp_img, (12, 18)) tmp_num.append(tmp_img) # 利用x_sort排序,用x_all索引,对身份证号码图片排序 x_sort.sort() num_img = [] for x in x_sort: index = x_all.index(x) num_img.append(tmp_num[index]) # 返回排序后图片列表 return num_img # 图像识别方法 def matchimage(img_num, tplt_num): # idnum用于存储最终的身份证字符串 idnum = '' # 身份证号码18位 for i in range(18): # 存储最大相似度模板的索引以及最大相似度 max_index = 0 max_simil = 0 # 模板有1~9,0,x共11个 for j in range(11): # 存储身份证号码图片与模板之间的相似度 simil = 0 for y in range(18): for x in range(12): # 如果身份证号码图片与模板之间对应位置像素点相同,simil 值自加1 if img_num[i][y,x] == tplt_num[j][y,x]: simil+=1 if max_simil < simil: max_index = j max_simil = simil print(str(simil)+' ',end='') if max_index < 9: idnum += str(max_index+1) elif max_index == 9: idnum += str(0) else: idnum += 'x' print() return idnum # 最终效果展示 def display(idnum, image): image = cv.resize(image, (960, 90)) plt.figure(num='id_number') plt.subplot(111), plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray'), plt.title(idnum, fontsize=30), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) if __name__ == '__main__': # 一共三张做测试用身份证图像 path = 'idcard01.jpg' #path = 'idcard02.png' #path = 'idcard.jpg' id_card = cv.imread(path, 0) cv.imshow('original image', id_card) cv.waitkey(0) # 将图像转化成标准大小 id_card = cv.resize(id_card,(1200, 820)) cv.imshow('enlarged original image', id_card) cv.waitkey(0) # 图像二值化 ret, binary_img = cv.threshold(id_card, 127, 255, cv.thresh_binary) cv.imshow('binary image', binary_img) cv.waitkey(0) # rectangular kernel = cv.getstructuringelement(cv.morph_rect, (3, 3)) # rectangular kernel2 = cv.getstructuringelement(cv.morph_dilate, (5, 5)) #close_img = cv.morphologyex(binary_img, cv.morph_close, kernel) # the corrosion treatment connects the id numbers erode = cv.erode(binary_img, kernel, iterations=10) cv.imshow('eroded image', erode) cv.waitkey(0) cut_img = extract(erode, binary_img.copy()) cv.imshow("cut_img", cut_img) cv.waitkey(0) # 存储最终分割的轮廓 contours = segmentation(cut_img, kernel, 18) # 对图像进行分割并排序 img_num = sort(contours, cut_img) # 识别用的模板 tplt_path = '/home/image/pictures/template.jpg' tplt_img = cv.imread(tplt_path, 0) #cv.imshow('template image', tplt_img) #cv.waitkey(0) ret, binary_tplt = cv.threshold(tplt_img, 127, 255, cv.thresh_binary) cv.imshow('binary template image', binary_tplt) cv.waitkey(0) # 与身份证相同的分割方式 contours = segmentation(binary_tplt, kernel, 11) tplt_num = sort(contours, binary_tplt) # 最终识别出的身份证号码 idnum = matchimage(img_num, tplt_num) print('\nid_number is:', idnum) # 图片展示 display(idnum, cut_img)
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