2022-04-21 10:14:37
自定义的插值公式1using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;namespace ACTBook{ /** * static function Repeat (t : float, length : float) : float * 循环数值t,0到length之间。t值永远不会大于length的值,也永远不会小于0。 * 这是类似于 模 运算符,但...
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ACTBook
* static function Repeat (t : float, length : float) : float
* 循环数值t,0到length之间。t值永远不会大于length的值,也永远不会小于0。
* 这是类似于 模 运算符,但可以使用浮点数。
public class Tween1 : MonoBehaviour
const float TIME = 3f;
const float DISTANCE = 3f;
void Update()
var t = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, TIME) / TIME;
* static functionLerp (from : float, to : float, t : float) : float
* 基于浮点数t返回a到b之间的插值,t限制在0~1之间。
* 当t = 0返回from,当t = 1 返回to。当t = 0.5 返回from和to的平均值
transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(DISTANCE, 0f, 0f), t);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ACTBook
public class Tween2 : MonoBehaviour
const float TIME = 3f;
const float DISTANCE = 3f;
const float SMOOTH_TIME = 0.2f;
Vector3 mVelocity;
void Update()
var t = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, TIME) / TIME;
var target = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(DISTANCE, 0f, 0f), t);
* public static Vector3 SmoothDamp(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, ref Vector3 currentVelocity, float smoothTime, float maxSpeed = Mathf.Infinity, float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime);
* current The current position.
* target The position we are trying to reach.
* currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
* smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
* maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
* deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
transform.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.localPosition, target, ref mVelocity, SMOOTH_TIME);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ACTBook
public class Tween3 : MonoBehaviour
const float TIME = 3f;
const float DISTANCE = 3f;
const float SMOOTH_TIME = 0.2f;
Vector3 mVelocity;
void Update()
var t = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, TIME) / TIME;
var quicken_t = t * t;
transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(DISTANCE, 0f, 0f), quicken_t);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ACTBook
public class Tween4 : MonoBehaviour
const float TIME = 3f;
const float DISTANCE = 3f;
void Update()
var t = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, TIME) / TIME;
t = (t - 1f) * (t - 1f) * (t - 1f) + 1f;
t = t * t;
transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(DISTANCE, 0f, 0f), t);
上一篇: 在电脑上怎么输入韩国文字(韩语)?
下一篇: 古代战争真的有“武将单挑”这个环节吗?