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[20190214]11g Query Result Cache RC Latches.txt

程序员文章站 2022-04-21 08:10:17
[20190214]11g Query Result Cache RC Latches.txt--//昨天我重复链接http://www.pythian.com/blog/oracle-11g-query-result-cache-rc-latches/的测试,--//按照我的理解如果sql语句密集 ......

[20190214]11g query result cache rc latches.txt

--//按照我的理解如果sql语句密集执行,使用result cache反而更加糟糕,这是我以前没有注意到的。
--//联想我们生产系统也存在类似的问题,我们有1个判断连接的语句select count(*) from test_connect;
--//在业务高峰它执行可以达到1600次/秒。另外一个简单的select sysdate from dual; 也达到800次/秒。
--//为result cache,可能提高执行效率,还是通过例子测试看看。

scott@book> @ ver1
port_string                    version        banner
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx       oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

scott@book> show parameter job
name                type    value
------------------- ------- ------
job_queue_processes integer 200

scott@book> select * from v$latchname where name like 'result cache%';
latch# name                          hash
------ ----------------------- ----------
   436 result cache: rc latch  1054203712
   437 result cache: so latch   986859868
   438 result cache: mb latch   995186388
--//我看到result cache名字与作者的不同,命名为result cache: rc latch。

scott@book> select name,gets from v$latch where lower(name) like '%result cache%';
name                                 gets
------------------------------ ----------
result cache: rc latch                  0
result cache: so latch                  0
result cache: mb latch                  0

scott@book> select count(*) from v$latch_children where lower(name) like '%result cache%';

--//可以注意一个细节,result cache没有children latch。也仅仅1个result cache: rc latch 父latch。从这里也可以看出如果
--//做了result cache的表,多个用户并发执行,可能反而不能获得好的性能,可能出现大量的result cache: rc latch争用的情况.


create table t as select rownum id from dual ;
create unique index pk_t on t(id);

scott@book> create table job_times ( sid   number, time_ela number);
table created.

create or replace procedure do_work(
 p_iterations in number
) is
 l_rowid  rowid;
 v_t number;
 insert into job_times
  values (sys_context('userenv', 'sid'), dbms_utility.get_time)
  returning rowid into l_rowid;

 for i in 1 .. p_iterations
     select count(*) into v_t from t;
 end loop;

 update job_times set
  where rowid=l_rowid;

--//首先测试不做result cache的情况:
--//alter table t result_cache (mode default);

 l_job number;
 for i in 1 .. 50
   job => l_job,
   what => 'do_work(1000000);'
 end loop;

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.


scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
        50        9235.1        461755


--///测试做result cache的情况,为了测试的准确,我重启数据库。
scott@book> delete from job_times;
50 rows deleted.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> alter table t result_cache (mode force);
table altered.


scott@book> select name, gets, misses, sleeps, wait_time from v$latch where name like 'result cache%';
name                                 gets     misses     sleeps  wait_time
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
result cache: rc latch                  0          0          0          0
result cache: so latch                  0          0          0          0
result cache: mb latch                  0          0          0          0

 l_job number;
 for i in 1 .. 50
   job => l_job,
   what => 'do_work(100000);'
 end loop;

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
        50       7135.96        356798

scott@book> select name, gets, misses, sleeps, wait_time from v$latch where name like 'result cache%';
name                                 gets     misses     sleeps  wait_time
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
result cache: rc latch           54232541    3499238          0          0
result cache: so latch                202          0          0          0
result cache: mb latch                  0          0          0          0

--//很明显,即使存在result cache: rc latch的争用,但是wait_time=0,不过我发现这样测试的一个缺点,就是50个job并不是同时运行.
--//$ ps -ef | grep ora_[j]|wc ,看看数量是不断增加的过程.
--//而且采用result cache后效果还是增强的.

scott@book> delete from job_times;
53 rows deleted.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> alter table t result_cache (mode default);
table altered.

$ seq 50 | xargs -i{} echo 'sqlplus -s -l scott/book <<< "execute do_work(1000000)" & '| bash


scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
        50      10588.26        529413

scott@book> delete from job_times;
50 rows deleted.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> alter table t result_cache (mode force);
table altered.

$ seq 50 | xargs -i{} echo 'sqlplus -s -l  scott/book <<< "execute do_work(1000000)" & '| bash

scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
        50       8573.28        428664
--//可以看到即使这样大并发,采用result cache还是要快许多,没有遇到作者的情况.

scott@book> column name format a30
scott@book> select name, gets, misses, sleeps, wait_time from v$latch where name like 'result cache%';
name                                 gets     misses     sleeps  wait_time
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
result cache: rc latch          103461569    7263987          0          0
result cache: so latch                302          0          0          0
result cache: mb latch                  0          0          0          0

6.不过当我拿作者的最后的例子做最后的测试发现,使用result cache慢很多.

scott@book> create cluster hc ( n number(*,0)) single table hashkeys 15000 size 230;
cluster created.

scott@book> create table hc_t ( n number(*,0), v varchar2(200)) cluster hc (n);
table created.

scott@book> insert into hc_t select level, dbms_random.string('p', 200) from dual connect by level <= 10000;
10000 rows created.

scott@book> commit;
commit complete.


all we need now is two procedures, one with a regular select and another with a cached select:

create or replace procedure do_hc(
 p_iterations in number
) is
 l_rowid  rowid;
 l_n number;
 insert into job_times
  values (sys_context('userenv', 'sid'), dbms_utility.get_time)
  returning rowid into l_rowid;

 for i in 1 .. p_iterations
  l_n:=trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 10000));
  for cur in (select * from hc_t where n=l_n)
  end loop;
 end loop;

 update job_times set
  where rowid=l_rowid;

procedure created.

create or replace procedure do_rc(
 p_iterations in number
) is
 l_rowid  rowid;
 l_n number;
 insert into job_times
  values (sys_context('userenv', 'sid'), dbms_utility.get_time)
  returning rowid into l_rowid;

 for i in 1 .. p_iterations
  l_n:=trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 10000));
  for cur in (select /*+ result_cache */ * from hc_t where n=l_n)
  end loop;
 end loop;

 update job_times set
  where rowid=l_rowid;

procedure created.

the hash cluster will go first:

scott@book> delete from job_times;
4 rows deleted.

sql> commit;
commit complete.

 l_job number;
 for i in 1 .. 4
   job => l_job,
   what => 'do_hc(100000);'
 end loop;

pl/sql procedure successfully completed.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

--allow jobs to complete

scott@book> select case grouping(sid) when 1 then 'total:' else to_char(sid) end sid, sum(time_ela) ela from job_times group by rollup((sid, time_ela));
sid      ela
------- ----
41       446
54       437
80       438
94       437
total:  1758

now let's see if result cache can beat those numbers:

scott@book> delete from job_times;
4 rows deleted.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> select name, gets, misses, sleeps, wait_time from v$latch where name like 'result cache%';
name                                 gets     misses     sleeps  wait_time
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
result cache: rc latch           20385043     535762          5         94
result cache: so latch                  9          0          0          0
result cache: mb latch                  0          0          0          0

 l_job number;
 for i in 1 .. 4
   job => l_job,
   what => 'do_rc(100000);'
 end loop;

pl/sql procedure successfully completed.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

--allow jobs to complete

scott@book> select case grouping(sid) when 1 then 'total:' else to_char(sid) end sid, sum(time_ela) ela from job_times group by rollup((sid, time_ela));
sid       ela
------ ------
41       3850
54       3853
80       3860
94       3863
total:  15426
--//我的测试使用result cache 更加糟糕!!每个测试需要38秒.而作者的测试两者几乎差不多.作者用 nothing (almost) 来表达.

scott@book> select name, gets, misses, sleeps, wait_time from v$latch where name like 'result cache%';
name                                 gets     misses     sleeps  wait_time
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
result cache: rc latch           21768802    1045691     663187   64314325
result cache: so latch                 17          0          0          0
result cache: mb latch                  0          0          0          0

create or replace procedure do_rc(
 p_iterations in number
) is
 l_rowid  rowid;
 l_n number;
 insert into job_times
  values (sys_context('userenv', 'sid'), dbms_utility.get_time)
  returning rowid into l_rowid;

 for i in 1 .. p_iterations
  l_n:=trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 10000));
  for cur in (select /*+ result_cache */ * from hc_t where n=l_n)
  end loop;
 end loop;

 update job_times set
  where rowid=l_rowid;

 l_job number;
 for i in 1 .. 4
   job => l_job,
   what => 'do_rc(100000);'
 end loop;

pl/sql procedure successfully completed.
scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> select case grouping(sid) when 1 then 'total:' else to_char(sid) end sid, sum(time_ela) ela from job_times group by rollup((sid, time_ela));
sid     ela
----- -----
72     3980
81     3900
96     3936
108    3922
total 15738

--//问题依旧.我估计不同查询存在select /*+ result_cache */ * from hc_t where n=l_n的情况下,探查result cache: rc latch持有
--//时间很长,导致使用result cache更慢,这样看来result_cache更加适合统计类结果不变的语句.而且绑定变量不要变化很多的情况.

scott@book> rename  hc_t to hc_tx;
table renamed.

scott@book> create table hc_t as select * from hc_tx ;
table created.

scott@book> create unique index i_hc_t on hc_t(n);
index created.

scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
         4         431.5          1726

scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
         4       4027.75         16111

scott@book> drop index i_hc_t ;
index dropped.

--//delete from job_times;
--//commit ;
scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
         4          4160         16640

--//delete from job_times;
--//commit ;
scott@book> select count(*),avg(time_ela),sum(time_ela) from job_times ;
  count(*) avg(time_ela) sum(time_ela)
---------- ------------- -------------
         4          3828         15312

--//这个时候result cache优势才显示出来.总之在生产系统使用要注意这个细节,一般result cahe仅仅只读表(dml很少的静态表)外.
--//如果经常使用不同变量查询表,能使用索引的情况,使用result cache毫无优势可言.