2022-04-19 21:41:54
<%curq = request.form("curq")answ = request.form("answ")correct=request.form("correct")...
curq = request.form("curq")
answ = request.form("answ")
poor mans isnull code goes here
if poormansisnull(curq) then
curq = 1
correct = 0
wrong = 0
end if
if poormansisnull(answ) then
curq = curq + 1
if curq > (your maximum number of questions) then
<p>congratulations. you have completed this test. you missed <%=wrong%>
but got <%=correct%> questions right. that is equivilent to a
thank you for doing the test.
<% end if %>
<% set conntemp = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set mydsn = (your dsn info goes here)
conntemp.open mydsn
set mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合) = "select * from questions where questionid=" & curq
set rstemp= conntemp.execute(mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合))
<h2>question number <%=rstemp("questionid")%> </h2>
<form method=post action="myasp.asp">
<input type=hidden name=curq value=<%=curq%>>
your question is <%=rstemp("question")%><br>
<select name="answ">
<option value=1><%=rstemp("answera")</option>
<option value=2><%=rstemp("answerb")</option>
<option value=3><%=rstemp("answerc")</option>
<option value=4><%=rstemp("answerd")</option>
<input type=hidden value="<%=correct%>"><input type=hidden value="<%=wrong%>">
<input type=reset value="clear the form"><input type=submit value="ok!">
<% else %>
<% set conntemp = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set mydsn = (your dsn info goes here)
conntemp.open mydsn
set mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合) = "select * from questions where questionid=" & curq
curq = request.form("curq")
answ = request.form("answ")
poor mans isnull code goes here
if poormansisnull(curq) then
curq = 1
correct = 0
wrong = 0
end if
if poormansisnull(answ) then
curq = curq + 1
if curq > (your maximum number of questions) then
<p>congratulations. you have completed this test. you missed <%=wrong%>
but got <%=correct%> questions right. that is equivilent to a
thank you for doing the test.
<% end if %>
<% set conntemp = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set mydsn = (your dsn info goes here)
conntemp.open mydsn
set mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合) = "select * from questions where questionid=" & curq
set rstemp= conntemp.execute(mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合))
<h2>question number <%=rstemp("questionid")%> </h2>
<form method=post action="myasp.asp">
<input type=hidden name=curq value=<%=curq%>>
your question is <%=rstemp("question")%><br>
<select name="answ">
<option value=1><%=rstemp("answera")</option>
<option value=2><%=rstemp("answerb")</option>
<option value=3><%=rstemp("answerc")</option>
<option value=4><%=rstemp("answerd")</option>
<input type=hidden value="<%=correct%>"><input type=hidden value="<%=wrong%>">
<input type=reset value="clear the form"><input type=submit value="ok!">
<% else %>
<% set conntemp = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set mydsn = (your dsn info goes here)
conntemp.open mydsn
set mysql(和php搭配之最佳组合) = "select * from questions where questionid=" & curq
下一篇: 用户注册及跟踪代码(三)