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【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication

程序员文章站 2022-04-19 17:16:54

原文链接:[Coding for Neon - Part 3: Matrix Multiplication]



  我们来看看怎样高效滴做4x4矩阵的乘法,这种操作在3D图像处理中经常用到。假设矩阵是按照列序(column-major order)的形式存储在内存里——OpenGL-ES就是采用这种格式。
【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication



【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication


【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication

【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication

  如果矩阵的每一列数据,都是存储在Neon寄存器中的一个向量,我们可以用向量-标量乘法(vector-by-scalar multiplication)指令来完成这种操作,如上图所示。最后还要把这几个列向量的对应元素相加,这可以通过同样指令的加法版本来实现。


Floating Point(浮点型)

  先来看看单精度浮点矩阵乘法的实现。首先将矩阵从内存加载到Neon寄存器中,矩阵是列序(column-major order)的,所以矩阵的列是线性存储在内存里的。每一列可以通过VLD1加载到Neon寄存器中,然后用VST1写回到内存。

@ r是地址寄存器, r1指向矩阵0(也就就是矩阵A), r2指向矩阵(也就是矩阵B)

    vld1.32  {d16-d19}, [r1]!            @ 加载矩阵A的前8个元素,矩阵是列序的,也就是加载了两列. 然后更新指针
    vld1.32  {d20-d23}, [r1]!            @ 加载矩阵A的接下来8个元素
    vld1.32  {d0-d3}, [r2]!              @ 同理加载矩阵B的前两列
    vld1.32  {d4-d7}, [r2]!              @ 同理加载矩阵B的后两列


An Aside: D and Q registers(插一段介绍:DQ寄存器)


  • 分成16个Quad-word(4字长)寄存器,每个寄存器128位,名称为q0q15
  • 分成32个Double-word寄存器(2字长),每个寄存器64位,名称为d0d31

【Neon】????码带为了Neon - Part3:Matrix Multiplication


  这些dq只是别名,其实q0中的数据与d0 d1的数据相同,通过d0可以访问q0的前面64位数据,通过d1可以访问q0的后面64位数据。在C语言中这和联合体(union)很像。

Back to the Code(看回代码)


    vmul.f32    q12, q8, d0[0]      @ q8就是d16d17, 是矩阵A的第一列, q12 = q8 * d0[0]
    vmla.f32    q12, q9, d0[1]      @ q9就是矩阵B的第二列, q12 += q9 * d0[1]
    vmla.f32    q12, q10, d1[0]     @ 同理
    vmla.f32    q12, q11, d1[1]     @ 算完了


  所以第一行代码的意思就是q12=[x0y0,x1y0,x2y0,x3y0]Tq_{12} =[ x_0y_0,x_1y_0,x_2y_0,x_3y_0]^Tq8就是矩阵A的第一列的4个数字,d0就是矩阵B第一列的前2个数字,d1就是矩阵B第一列的后2个数字。

q12=[x0x1x2x3]×y0+[x4x5x6x7]×y1+[x8x9xAxB]×y2+[xCxDxExF]×y3=[x0y0+x4y1+x8y2+xCy3x1y0+x5y1+x9y2+xDy3x2y0+x6y1+xAy2+xEy3x3y0+x7y1+xBy2+xFy3]=[x0x4x8xCx1x5x9xDx2x6xAxEx3x7xBxF][y0y1y2y3] q_{12}= \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{0} \\ x_{1} \\ x_{2} \\ x_{3} \end{array} \right]\times y_0 + \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{4} \\ x_{5} \\ x_{6} \\ x_{7} \end{array} \right]\times y_1 + \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{8} \\ x_{9} \\ x_{A} \\ x_{B} \end{array} \right]\times y_2 + \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{C} \\ x_{D} \\ x_{E} \\ x_{F} \end{array} \right]\times y_3 \\= \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{0}y_0 + x_{4}y_1 + x_{8}y_2 + x_{C} y_{3} \\ x_{1}y_0 + x_{5}y_1 + x_{9}y_2 + x_{D} y_{3} \\ x_{2}y_0 + x_{6}y_1 + x_{A}y_2 + x_{E} y_{3} \\ x_{3}y_0 + x_{7}y_1 + x_{B}y_2 + x_{F} y_{3} \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} x_{0} & x_{4} & x_{8} & x_{C} \\ x_{1} & x_{5} & x_{9} & x_{D} \\ x_{2} & x_{6} & x_{A} & x_{E} \\ x_{3} & x_{7} & x_{B} & x_{F} \end{array} \right] \cdot \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} y_{0} \\ y_{1} \\ y_{2} \\ y_{3} \end{array} \right]



@ 上面的懂这个就懂了, 不写注释了
@ 函数名是mul_col_f32, 后面3个是参数

    .macro mul_col_f32 res_q, col0_d, col1_d
    vmul.f32    res_q, q8,  col0_d[0]      
    vmla.f32    res_q, q9,  col0_d[1]     
    vmla.f32    res_q, q10, col1_d[0]      
    vmla.f32    res_q, q11, col1_d[1]      

  4×44\times4 浮点数矩阵的乘法的代码看起来像这样:

@ 上面的懂这个就懂了, 不写注释了
@ 函数名是mul_col_f32, 后面3个是参数

    @ 加载数据
    vld1.32  {d16-d19}, [r1]!            
    vld1.32  {d20-d23}, [r1]!           
    vld1.32  {d0-d3}, [r2]!             
    vld1.32  {d4-d7}, [r2]!       
    @ 调用函数, 实现矩阵与向量的乘法
    mul_col_f32 q12, d0, d1           
    mul_col_f32 q13, d2, d3           
    mul_col_f32 q14, d4, d5           
    mul_col_f32 q15, d6, d7           
    @ 保存数据
    vst1.32  {d24-d27}, [r0]!  
    vst1.32  {d28-d31}, [r0]!  

Fixed Point(定点数)

  使用定点(fixed point)算术来计算,通常比浮点运算快,因为它使用较少的内存带宽来读写位数较少的值。对于相同的操作,整数的乘法通常快过浮点数的乘法。

    .macro mul_col_s16 res_d, col_d
    vmull.s16   q12, d16, \col_d[0]   @ q12 = d16 * col_d[0], d16是64位寄存器, 刚好存4个整形数
    vmlal.s16   q12, d17, \col_d[1]
    vmlal.s16   q12, d18, \col_d[2]
    vmlal.s16   q12, d19, \col_d[3]
    vqrshrn.s32 \res_d, q12, #14      @ shift right and narrow accumulator into
                                      @ Q1.14 fixed point format, with saturation


  • 现在一个数字是16位的,所以一个D寄存器可以hold得住4个数字。
  • 两个16位数乘以两个16位数,结果是一个32位数。这里用VMULLVMLAL,因为结果存储在Q寄存器,用两倍大小的元素保护结果的所有位数。
  • 最后的结果必须是16位,但是累加器是32位的。用VQRSHRN得到一个16位的结果


    vld1.16  {d16-d19}, [r1]       @ load sixteen elements of matrix 0
    vld1.16  {d0-d3}, [r2]         @ load sixteen elements of matrix 1
    mul_col_s16 d4, d0                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 0
    mul_col_s16 d5, d1                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 1
    mul_col_s16 d6, d2                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 2
    mul_col_s16 d7, d3                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 3
    vst1.16  {d4-d7}, [r0]         @ store sixteen elements of result



    vmul.f32    q12, q8, d0[0]              @ rslt col0  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col0 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q13, q8, d2[0]              @ rslt col1  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col1 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q14, q8, d4[0]              @ rslt col2  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col2 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q15, q8, d6[0]              @ rslt col3  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col3 elt0)
    vmla.f32    q12, q9, d0[1]              @ rslt col0 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col0 elt1)
    vmla.f32    q13, q9, d2[1]              @ rslt col1 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col1 elt1)





@ NEON matrix multiplication examples

.syntax unified

@ matrix_mul_float:
@ Calculate 4x4 (matrix 0) * (matrix 1) and store to result 4x4 matrix.
@  matrix 0, matrix 1 and result pointers can be the same,
@  ie. my_matrix = my_matrix * my_matrix is possible.
@ r0 = pointer to 4x4 result matrix, single precision floats, column major order
@ r1 = pointer to 4x4 matrix 0, single precision floats, column major order
@ r2 = pointer to 4x4 matrix 1, single precision floats, column major order

    .global matrix_mul_float
    vld1.32     {d16-d19}, [r1]!            @ load first eight elements of matrix 0
    vld1.32     {d20-d23}, [r1]!            @ load second eight elements of matrix 0
    vld1.32     {d0-d3}, [r2]!              @ load first eight elements of matrix 1
    vld1.32     {d4-d7}, [r2]!              @ load second eight elements of matrix 1

    vmul.f32    q12, q8, d0[0]              @ rslt col0  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col0 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q13, q8, d2[0]              @ rslt col1  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col1 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q14, q8, d4[0]              @ rslt col2  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col2 elt0)
    vmul.f32    q15, q8, d6[0]              @ rslt col3  = (mat0 col0) * (mat1 col3 elt0)

    vmla.f32    q12, q9, d0[1]              @ rslt col0 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col0 elt1)
    vmla.f32    q13, q9, d2[1]              @ rslt col1 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col1 elt1)
    vmla.f32    q14, q9, d4[1]              @ rslt col2 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col2 elt1)
    vmla.f32    q15, q9, d6[1]              @ rslt col3 += (mat0 col1) * (mat1 col3 elt1)

    vmla.f32    q12, q10, d1[0]             @ rslt col0 += (mat0 col2) * (mat1 col0 elt2)
    vmla.f32    q13, q10, d3[0]             @ rslt col1 += (mat0 col2) * (mat1 col1 elt2)
    vmla.f32    q14, q10, d5[0]             @ rslt col2 += (mat0 col2) * (mat1 col2 elt2)
    vmla.f32    q15, q10, d7[0]             @ rslt col3 += (mat0 col2) * (mat1 col2 elt2)

    vmla.f32    q12, q11, d1[1]             @ rslt col0 += (mat0 col3) * (mat1 col0 elt3)
    vmla.f32    q13, q11, d3[1]             @ rslt col1 += (mat0 col3) * (mat1 col1 elt3)
    vmla.f32    q14, q11, d5[1]             @ rslt col2 += (mat0 col3) * (mat1 col2 elt3)
    vmla.f32    q15, q11, d7[1]             @ rslt col3 += (mat0 col3) * (mat1 col3 elt3)

    vst1.32     {d24-d27}, [r0]!            @ store first eight elements of result
    vst1.32     {d28-d31}, [r0]!            @ store second eight elements of result

    mov         pc, lr                      @ return to caller

@ Macro: mul_col_s16
@ Multiply a four s16 element column of a matrix by the columns of a second matrix
@ to give a column of results. Elements are assumed to be in Q1.14 format.
@ Inputs:   col_d - d register containing a column of the matrix
@ Outputs:  res_d - d register containing the column of results 
@ Corrupts: register q12
@ Assumes:  the second matrix columns are in registers d16-d19 in column major order

    .macro mul_col_s16 res_d, col_d
    vmull.s16   q12, d16, \col_d[0]         @ multiply col element 0 by matrix col 0
    vmlal.s16   q12, d17, \col_d[1]         @ multiply-acc col element 1 by matrix col 1
    vmlal.s16   q12, d18, \col_d[2]         @ multiply-acc col element 2 by matrix col 2
    vmlal.s16   q12, d19, \col_d[3]         @ multiply-acc col element 3 by matrix col 3
    vqrshrn.s32 \res_d, q12, #14            @ shift right and narrow accumulator into
                                            @  Q1.14 fixed point format, with saturation

@ matrix_mul_fixed:
@ Calculate 4x4 (matrix 0) * (matrix 1) and store to result 4x4 matrix.
@  matrix 0, matrix 1 and result pointers can be the same,
@  ie. my_matrix = my_matrix * my_matrix is possible
@ r0 = pointer to 4x4 result matrix, Q1.14 fixed point, column major order
@ r1 = pointer to 4x4 matrix 0, Q1.14 fixed point, column major order
@ r2 = pointer to 4x4 matrix 1, Q1.14 fixed point, column major order

    .global matrix_mul_fixed
    vld1.16     {d16-d19}, [r1]             @ load sixteen elements of matrix 0
    vld1.16     {d0-d3}, [r2]               @ load sixteen elements of matrix 1

    mul_col_s16 d4, d0                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 0
    mul_col_s16 d5, d1                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 1
    mul_col_s16 d6, d2                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 2
    mul_col_s16 d7, d3                      @ matrix 0 * matrix 1 col 3

    vst1.16     {d4-d7}, [r0]               @ store sixteen elements of result

    mov         pc, lr                      @ return to caller
相关标签: Neon