2022-04-18 22:33:05
/** * Sets the image format for preview pictures. *
If this is never called, the default format will be * {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#NV21}, which * uses the NV21 encoding format.
* * 此处省略部分内容 * * @param pixel_format the desired preview picture format, defined by * one of the {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat} constants. (E.g., * ImageFormat.NV21 (default), or * ImageFormat.YV12) * * @see android.graphics.ImageFormat * @see android.hardware.Camera.Parameters#getSupportedPreviewFormats */ public void setPreviewFormat(int pixel_format) { String s = cameraFormatForPixelFormat(pixel_format); if (s == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid pixel_format=" + pixel_format); } set(KEY_PREVIEW_FORMAT, s); }NV21是什么格式呢?
//上次记录的时间戳 long lastRecordTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //上次记录的索引 int darkIndex = 0; //一个历史记录的数组,255是代表亮度最大值 long[] darkList = new long[]{255, 255, 255, 255}; //扫描间隔 int waitScanTime = 300; //亮度低的阀值 int darkValue = 60; private void setPreviewLight() { //不需要的时候直接清空 // if(noNeed){ // camera.setPreviewCallback(null); // return; // } camera.setPreviewCallback(new Camera.PreviewCallback() { @Override public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime - lastRecordTime < waitScanTime) { return; } lastRecordTime = currentTime; int width = camera.getParameters().getPreviewSize().width; int height = camera.getParameters().getPreviewSize().height; //像素点的总亮度 long pixelLightCount = 0L; //像素点的总数 long pixeCount = width * height; //采集步长,因为没有必要每个像素点都采集,可以跨一段采集一个,减少计算负担,必须大于等于1。 int step = 10; //data.length - allCount * 1.5f的目的是判断图像格式是不是YUV420格式,只有是这种格式才相等 //因为int整形与float浮点直接比较会出问题,所以这么比 if (Math.abs(data.length - pixeCount * 1.5f) < 0.00001f) { for (int i = 0; i < pixeCount; i += step) { //如果直接加是不行的,因为data[i]记录的是色值并不是数值,byte的范围是+127到—128, // 而亮度FFFFFF是11111111是-127,所以这里需要先转为无符号unsigned long参考Byte.toUnsignedLong() pixelLightCount += ((long) data[i]) & 0xffL; } //平均亮度 long cameraLight = pixelLightCount / (pixeCount / step); //更新历史记录 int lightSize = darkList.length; darkList[darkIndex = darkIndex % lightSize] = cameraLight; darkIndex++; boolean isDarkEnv = true; //判断在时间范围waitScanTime * lightSize内是不是亮度过暗 for (int i = 0; i < lightSize; i++) { if (darkList[i] > darkValue) { isDarkEnv = false; } } Log.e(TAG, "摄像头环境亮度为 : " + cameraLight); if (!isFinishing()) { //亮度过暗就提醒 if (isDarkEnv) { lightTV.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { lightTV.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } } }); }