2021-12-14 10:42:41
界面代码: object Form1: TForm1 Left = 252 Top = 190 Width = 1149 Height = 549 Caption = 'Form1' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color ......
object form1: tform1 left = 252 top = 190 width = 1149 height = 549 caption = 'form1' color = clbtnface font.charset = gb2312_charset font.color = clwindowtext font.height = -13 = '宋体' = [] oldcreateorder = false oncreate = formcreate pixelsperinch = 96 textheight = 13 object chart1: tchart left = 0 top = 0 width = 472 height = 426 bottomwall.gradient.endcolor = 14285190 bottomwall.gradient.midcolor = clsilver bottomwall.gradient.startcolor = 1415426 bottomwall.gradient.visible = true gradient.endcolor = 14285190 gradient.midcolor = clsilver gradient.startcolor = 1415426 gradient.visible = true leftwall.gradient.endcolor = 14285190 leftwall.gradient.midcolor = clsilver leftwall.gradient.startcolor = 1415426 leftwall.gradient.visible = true legend.checkboxes = true legend.visible = false title.text.strings = ( '光标同步演示') chart3dpercent = 45 align = alleft bevelinner = bvlowered bevelwidth = 2 taborder = 0 onmousemove = chart1mousemove object series1: tlineseries cursor = crhandpoint marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.callout.length = 20 marks.visible = false percentformat = '##0,## %' linepen.color = clred linepen.width = 2 pointer.inflatemargins = true = psrectangle pointer.visible = false = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'y' yvalues.order = lonone end object series2: tlineseries active = false marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.visible = false linepen.color = clgreen linepen.width = 2 pointer.inflatemargins = true = psrectangle pointer.visible = false = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'y' yvalues.order = lonone end object charttool1: tcursortool followmouse = true pen.width = 2 series = series1 onchange = charttool1change end object charttool2: tdragpointtool series = series1 ondragpoint = charttool2dragpoint end object charttool5: tdragmarkstool end object charttool8: tmarkstiptool mousedelay = 250 end object charttool9: textralegendtool legend.customposition = true legend.left = 0 legend.legendstyle = lsvalues = 0 series = series1 end object charttool12: tnearesttool brush.color = clwhite = bsclear pen.color = clwhite = psdot series = series1 end end object panel1: tpanel left = 0 top = 426 width = 1141 height = 86 align = albottom bevelinner = bvlowered taborder = 1 object button5: tbutton left = 749 top = 14 width = 81 height = 55 caption = '&e.退出' taborder = 0 onclick = button5click end object groupbox1: tgroupbox left = 16 top = 8 width = 721 height = 65 taborder = 1 object checkbox11: tcheckbox left = 16 top = 16 width = 73 height = 17 caption = '光标工具' taborder = 0 onclick = checkbox11click end object checkbox12: tcheckbox left = 16 top = 40 width = 73 height = 17 caption = '拖点工具' taborder = 1 onclick = checkbox12click end object checkbox2: tcheckbox left = 416 top = 24 width = 41 height = 17 caption = '3d' checked = true state = cbchecked taborder = 2 onclick = checkbox2click end object checkbox13: tcheckbox left = 128 top = 16 width = 105 height = 17 caption = '拖标签工具' taborder = 3 onclick = checkbox13click end object checkbox14: tcheckbox left = 128 top = 40 width = 105 height = 17 caption = '提示签工具' taborder = 4 onclick = checkbox14click end object checkbox15: tcheckbox left = 256 top = 16 width = 97 height = 17 caption = '附加图例工具' taborder = 5 onclick = checkbox15click end object checkbox16: tcheckbox left = 256 top = 39 width = 97 height = 17 caption = '最近点工具' taborder = 6 onclick = checkbox16click end end end object pagecontrol1: tpagecontrol left = 944 top = 0 width = 197 height = 426 activepage = tabsheet6 align = alclient multiline = true taborder = 2 object tabsheet1: ttabsheet caption = '光标工具' object groupbox2: tgroupbox left = 8 top = 0 width = 169 height = 225 taborder = 0 object label1: tlabel left = 2 top = 200 width = 165 height = 23 align = albottom alignment = tacenter autosize = false color = clinfobk font.charset = default_charset font.color = clmaroon font.height = -16 = 'ms sans serif' = [fsitalic] parentcolor = false parentfont = false end object button1: tbutton left = 33 top = 50 width = 49 height = 25 caption = '左←' taborder = 0 onclick = button1click end object button2: tbutton left = 89 top = 50 width = 49 height = 25 caption = '右→' taborder = 1 onclick = button2click end object button3: tbutton left = 60 top = 18 width = 49 height = 25 caption = '上↑' taborder = 2 onclick = button3click end object button4: tbutton left = 60 top = 80 width = 49 height = 25 caption = '下↓' taborder = 3 onclick = button4click end object checkbox1: tcheckbox left = 61 top = 120 width = 57 height = 17 caption = '同步' checked = true state = cbchecked taborder = 4 onclick = checkbox1click end object checkbox5: tcheckbox left = 61 top = 144 width = 81 height = 22 caption = '鼠标跟随' checked = true state = cbchecked taborder = 5 onclick = checkbox5click end end end object tabsheet2: ttabsheet caption = '拖点工具' imageindex = 1 object groupbox3: tgroupbox left = 16 top = 8 width = 161 height = 241 taborder = 0 object label2: tlabel left = 13 top = 12 width = 39 height = 13 caption = '风格:' end object combobox1: tcombobox left = 13 top = 31 width = 129 height = 21 itemheight = 13 itemindex = 1 taborder = 0 text = 'y only' onchange = combobox1change items.strings = ( 'x only' 'y only' 'x and y') end object chartgrid1: tchartgrid left = 12 top = 64 width = 136 height = 161 options = [govertline, gohorzline, gorangeselect, godrawfocusselected, gorowsizing, gocolsizing, goediting, gotabs, gothumbtracking] taborder = 1 chart = chart1 end end end object tabsheet3: ttabsheet caption = '拖标签工具' imageindex = 2 object groupbox4: tgroupbox left = 16 top = 8 width = 160 height = 225 taborder = 0 object checkbox3: tcheckbox left = 48 top = 48 width = 65 height = 17 caption = '标签' checked = true state = cbchecked taborder = 0 onclick = checkbox3click end end end object tabsheet4: ttabsheet caption = '提示签工具' imageindex = 3 object groupbox5: tgroupbox left = 16 top = 8 width = 153 height = 209 taborder = 0 object label3: tlabel left = 16 top = 92 width = 79 height = 13 caption = '延迟(ms):' end object label4: tlabel left = 16 top = 148 width = 65 height = 13 caption = '提示风格:' end object radiogroup1: tradiogroup left = 16 top = 16 width = 113 height = 65 caption = '在下列情形提示' itemindex = 0 items.strings = ( '移动时' '点击时') taborder = 0 onclick = radiogroup1click end object spinedit1: tspinedit left = 16 top = 112 width = 113 height = 22 maxvalue = 0 minvalue = 0 taborder = 1 value = 10 onchange = spinedit1change end object combobox2: tcombobox left = 16 top = 176 width = 113 height = 21 itemheight = 13 itemindex = 0 taborder = 2 text = 'value { 1234 }' onchange = combobox2change items.strings = ( 'value { 1234 }' 'percent, { 12 % }' 'label, { cars }' 'labelpercent, { cars 12 % }' 'labelvalue, { cars 1234 }' 'legend, { ( }' 'percenttotal, { 12 % of 1234 }' 'xvalue, { 1..2..3.. or 21/6/1996 }' 'xy { 123 456 }') end end end object tabsheet5: ttabsheet caption = '附加图例工具' imageindex = 4 object groupbox6: tgroupbox left = 16 top = 8 width = 161 height = 201 taborder = 0 object checkbox4: tcheckbox left = 48 top = 104 width = 57 height = 17 caption = '图例' taborder = 0 onclick = checkbox4click end end end object tabsheet6: ttabsheet caption = '最近点工具' imageindex = 5 object groupbox7: tgroupbox left = 17 top = 16 width = 152 height = 201 taborder = 0 object label5: tlabel left = 16 top = 16 width = 39 height = 13 caption = '风格:' end object combobox3: tcombobox left = 16 top = 32 width = 121 height = 21 itemheight = 13 taborder = 0 text = 'circle' onchange = combobox3change items.strings = ( 'none' 'circle' 'rectangle' 'diamond') end object checkbox6: tcheckbox left = 16 top = 80 width = 97 height = 17 caption = '连线' checked = true state = cbchecked taborder = 1 onclick = checkbox6click end object button6: tbutton left = 16 top = 152 width = 75 height = 25 caption = '笔颜色...' taborder = 2 onclick = button6click end end end end object chart2: tchart left = 472 top = 0 width = 472 height = 426 bottomwall.gradient.endcolor = 14285190 bottomwall.gradient.midcolor = clsilver bottomwall.gradient.startcolor = 1415426 bottomwall.gradient.visible = true gradient.endcolor = 14285190 gradient.midcolor = clsilver gradient.startcolor = 1415426 gradient.visible = true leftwall.gradient.endcolor = 14285190 leftwall.gradient.midcolor = clsilver leftwall.gradient.startcolor = 1415426 leftwall.gradient.visible = true legend.checkboxes = true legend.visible = false title.text.strings = ( '光标同步演示') chart3dpercent = 35 align = alleft bevelinner = bvlowered bevelwidth = 2 taborder = 3 onmousemove = chart2mousemove object series3: tlineseries cursor = crhandpoint marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.visible = false linepen.color = clred linepen.width = 2 pointer.inflatemargins = true = psrectangle pointer.visible = false = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'y' yvalues.order = lonone end object series4: tlineseries active = false marks.callout.brush.color = clblack marks.visible = false linepen.color = clgreen linepen.width = 2 pointer.inflatemargins = true = psrectangle pointer.visible = false = 'x' xvalues.order = loascending = 'y' yvalues.order = lonone end object charttool3: tcursortool pen.width = 2 series = series3 onchange = charttool3change end object charttool4: tdragpointtool series = series3 ondragpoint = charttool4dragpoint end object charttool6: tdragmarkstool end object charttool7: tmarkstiptool mousedelay = 250 end object charttool10: textralegendtool legend.customposition = true legend.left = 0 legend.legendstyle = lsvalues legend.resizechart = false = 0 series = series4 end object charttool11: tnearesttool brush.color = clwhite = bsclear pen.color = clwhite = psdot series = series3 end end object colordialog1: tcolordialog left = 532 top = 228 end end
unit unit1; interface uses windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls, forms, dialogs, stdctrls, spin, extctrls, grids, teechartgrid, comctrls, teetools, teeextralegendtool, teedragpoint, teengine, series, teeprocs, chart; type tform1 = class(tform) chart1: tchart; series1: tlineseries; series2: tlineseries; charttool2: tdragpointtool; charttool5: tdragmarkstool; charttool8: tmarkstiptool; charttool9: textralegendtool; charttool12: tnearesttool; panel1: tpanel; button5: tbutton; groupbox1: tgroupbox; checkbox11: tcheckbox; checkbox12: tcheckbox; checkbox2: tcheckbox; checkbox13: tcheckbox; checkbox14: tcheckbox; checkbox15: tcheckbox; checkbox16: tcheckbox; pagecontrol1: tpagecontrol; tabsheet1: ttabsheet; groupbox2: tgroupbox; label1: tlabel; button1: tbutton; button2: tbutton; button3: tbutton; button4: tbutton; checkbox1: tcheckbox; checkbox5: tcheckbox; tabsheet2: ttabsheet; groupbox3: tgroupbox; label2: tlabel; combobox1: tcombobox; chartgrid1: tchartgrid; tabsheet3: ttabsheet; groupbox4: tgroupbox; checkbox3: tcheckbox; tabsheet4: ttabsheet; groupbox5: tgroupbox; label3: tlabel; label4: tlabel; radiogroup1: tradiogroup; spinedit1: tspinedit; combobox2: tcombobox; tabsheet5: ttabsheet; groupbox6: tgroupbox; checkbox4: tcheckbox; tabsheet6: ttabsheet; groupbox7: tgroupbox; label5: tlabel; combobox3: tcombobox; checkbox6: tcheckbox; button6: tbutton; chart2: tchart; series3: tlineseries; series4: tlineseries; charttool3: tcursortool; charttool4: tdragpointtool; charttool6: tdragmarkstool; charttool7: tmarkstiptool; charttool10: textralegendtool; charttool11: tnearesttool; colordialog1: tcolordialog; charttool1: tcursortool; procedure formcreate(sender: tobject); procedure button5click(sender: tobject); procedure button1click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox11click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox12click(sender: tobject); procedure combobox1change(sender: tobject); procedure button2click(sender: tobject); procedure button3click(sender: tobject); procedure button4click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox1click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox5click(sender: tobject); procedure chart1mousemove(sender: tobject; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); procedure checkbox13click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox3click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox14click(sender: tobject); procedure radiogroup1click(sender: tobject); procedure spinedit1change(sender: tobject); procedure combobox2change(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox2click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox15click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox4click(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox16click(sender: tobject); procedure combobox3change(sender: tobject); procedure checkbox6click(sender: tobject); procedure button6click(sender: tobject); procedure charttool2dragpoint(sender: tdragpointtool; index: integer); procedure charttool4dragpoint(sender: tdragpointtool; index: integer); procedure charttool1change(sender: tcursortool; x, y: integer; const xvalue, yvalue: double; series: tchartseries; valueindex: integer); procedure charttool3change(sender: tcursortool; x, y: integer; const xvalue, yvalue: double; series: tchartseries; valueindex: integer); procedure chart2mousemove(sender: tobject; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tform1.formcreate(sender: tobject); var i: integer; begin position := poscreencenter; borderstyle := bsdialog; caption := '序列类工具(series tools)功能演示'; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; := false; series1.fillsamplevalues(40); series2.fillsamplevalues(40); for i:=0 to series1.count-1 do begin series3.addy(series1.yvalue[i]); series4.addy(series2.yvalue[i]); end; end; procedure tform1.button5click(sender: tobject); begin close; end; procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.xvalue := charttool1.xvalue - 1; charttool3.xvalue := charttool3.xvalue - 1; end; procedure tform1.checkbox11click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '光标同步工具演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '光标同步工具演示'; //激活光标工具 := checkbox11.checked; := checkbox11.checked; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 0; end; procedure tform1.checkbox12click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '拖点工具演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '拖点工具演示'; := checkbox12.checked; := checkbox12.checked; charttool2.series := series1; charttool4.series := series3; charttool2.dragstyle := dsy; charttool4.dragstyle := dsy; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 1; end; procedure tform1.combobox1change(sender: tobject); begin // case combobox1.itemindex of 0: begin charttool2.dragstyle := dsx; charttool4.dragstyle := dsx; end; 1: begin charttool2.dragstyle := dsy; charttool4.dragstyle := dsy; end; 2: begin charttool2.dragstyle := dsboth; charttool4.dragstyle := dsboth; end; end; end; procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.xvalue := charttool1.xvalue + 1; charttool3.xvalue := charttool3.xvalue + 1; end; procedure tform1.button3click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.yvalue := charttool1.yvalue + 10; charttool3.yvalue := charttool3.yvalue + 10; end; procedure tform1.button4click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.yvalue := charttool1.yvalue - 10; charttool3.yvalue := charttool3.yvalue - 10; end; procedure tform1.checkbox1click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.followmouse := checkbox1.checked; charttool3.followmouse := checkbox1.checked; button1.enabled := not checkbox1.checked; button2.enabled := not checkbox1.checked; button3.enabled := not checkbox1.checked; button4.enabled := not checkbox1.checked; end; procedure tform1.checkbox5click(sender: tobject); begin charttool1.followmouse := checkbox5.checked; charttool3.followmouse := checkbox5.checked; end; procedure tform1.chart1mousemove(sender: tobject; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); begin label1.caption := inttostr(x)+','+inttostr(y); end; procedure tform1.checkbox13click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '拖标签工具演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '拖标签工具演示'; := checkbox13.checked; := checkbox13.checked; series1.marks.visible := checkbox13.checked; series3.marks.visible := checkbox13.checked; checkbox3.checked := checkbox13.checked; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 2; end; procedure tform1.checkbox3click(sender: tobject); begin series1.marks.visible := checkbox3.checked; series3.marks.visible := checkbox3.checked; end; procedure tform1.checkbox14click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '提示签工具演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '提示签工具演示'; := checkbox4.checked; := checkbox4.checked; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 3; end; procedure tform1.radiogroup1click(sender: tobject); begin case radiogroup1.itemindex of 0: begin charttool8.mouseaction := mtmmove; charttool7.mouseaction := mtmmove; end; 1: begin charttool8.mouseaction := mtmclick; charttool7.mouseaction := mtmclick; end; end; end; procedure tform1.spinedit1change(sender: tobject); begin charttool8.mousedelay := spinedit1.value; charttool7.mousedelay := spinedit1.value; end; procedure tform1.combobox2change(sender: tobject); begin case combobox2.itemindex of :=smsvalue; { 1234 } :=smspercent; { 12 % } :=smslabel; { cars } :=smslabelpercent; { cars 12 % } := smslabelvalue; { cars 1234 } := smslegend; { ( } := smspercenttotal; { 12 % of 1234 } := smslabelpercenttotal; { cars 12 % of 1234 } := smsxvalue; { 1..2..3.. or 21/6/1996 } := smsxy; { 123 456 } end; case combobox2.itemindex of :=smsvalue; { 1234 } :=smspercent; { 12 % } :=smslabel; { cars } :=smslabelpercent; { cars 12 % } := smslabelvalue; { cars 1234 } := smslegend; { ( } := smspercenttotal; { 12 % of 1234 } := smslabelpercenttotal; { cars 12 % of 1234 } := smsxvalue; { 1..2..3.. or 21/6/1996 } := smsxy; { 123 456 } end; end; procedure tform1.checkbox2click(sender: tobject); begin // chart1.view3d := checkbox2.checked; chart2.view3d := checkbox2.checked; end; procedure tform1.checkbox15click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '附加图例演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '附加图例演示'; := checkbox15.checked; := checkbox15.checked; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 4; end; procedure tform1.checkbox4click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.legend.visible := checkbox4.checked; chart2.legend.visible := checkbox4.checked; end; procedure tform1.checkbox16click(sender: tobject); begin chart1.title.text.text := '最近点工具演示'; chart2.title.text.text := '最近点工具演示'; := checkbox16.checked; := checkbox16.checked; pagecontrol1.activepageindex := 5; end; procedure tform1.combobox3change(sender: tobject); begin := tnearesttoolstyle(combobox3.itemindex); := tnearesttoolstyle(combobox3.itemindex); end; procedure tform1.checkbox6click(sender: tobject); begin charttool11.drawline :=checkbox6.checked; charttool12.drawline :=checkbox6.checked; end; procedure tform1.button6click(sender: tobject); begin if colordialog1.execute then begin charttool11.linepen.color := colordialog1.color; charttool12.linepen.color := colordialog1.color; charttool11.pen.color := colordialog1.color; charttool12.pen.color := colordialog1.color; end; end; procedure tform1.charttool2dragpoint(sender: tdragpointtool; index: integer); begin //拖点同步 charttool4.series.yvalue[index] := charttool2.series.yvalue[index]; charttool4.series.xvalue[index] := charttool2.series.xvalue[index]; end; procedure tform1.charttool4dragpoint(sender: tdragpointtool; index: integer); begin charttool2.series.yvalue[index] := charttool4.series.yvalue[index]; charttool2.series.xvalue[index] := charttool4.series.xvalue[index]; end; procedure tform1.charttool1change(sender: tcursortool; x, y: integer; const xvalue, yvalue: double; series: tchartseries; valueindex: integer); begin if checkbox1.checked then begin charttool3.xvalue := xvalue; charttool3.yvalue := yvalue; end; end; procedure tform1.charttool3change(sender: tcursortool; x, y: integer; const xvalue, yvalue: double; series: tchartseries; valueindex: integer); begin if checkbox1.checked then begin charttool1.yvalue := yvalue; charttool1.xvalue := xvalue; end; end; procedure tform1.chart2mousemove(sender: tobject; shift: tshiftstate; x, y: integer); begin label1.caption := inttostr(x)+','+inttostr(y); end; end.