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this 和 super

程序员文章站 2022-04-18 15:52:16

      一、this 和 super











           1、调用构造器“一”的原则。   为了提高代码的复用及方便维护,二者都是可以在某一构造器中调用另一构造器,但是this或super语句必须放在第一句(为什么强制放在第一行,个人暂不得其解),且不能用类名替换this或super,因为“A constructor can only be called in conjunction with the new operator.”(Java核心技术卷1:基础知识),从侧面也可以证明this对象中没有构造器。


           2、区别同名属性。   因为this、super的定义,使得程序可以轻松区别同名的临时变量、实例属性、父类属性。使编译器不迷惑,程序更加健壮



           1、针对相同点的1,如果在构造器中没有显示地使用this重载构造器,那么并不存在默认调用默认的无参构造器,所以也可以证明了当一个类存在有参构造时,如果你没有显示编出无参构造,那么这个类只有有参构造。 但是在子类的构造器调用父类的构造器,父类存在无参构造时,如果没有显示地使用super,系统会默认调用父类的无参构造初始化父类。

如果父类只存在有参构造,那么子类必须定义一个有参构造器,便于使用super使得父类的有参构造可以寄生在子类的有参构造中完成父类的初始化(看懂这段,需要补充类的初始化的知识点:...--> 父类初始化 -->子类初始化...)




package com.Inheritance;

 * separate from this to super                                              
 * @author:      瘋叻ハ.兩                                                                              
 * @revision:    1.0                                                        
 * @create-time: 2011-9-6 上午12:48:53 
 *  序号①②对应上文总结的的知识点 
 *  如果要一一测试相应的知识点,请自行复制注释某几行代码个人测试。这里就不作说明                                          
public class ThisAndSuper {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("test keyword this \n" );
		Employees em = new Employees("John", 25, 5000);
		System.out.println("test keyword super \n");
		Managers ma = new Managers("Mike", 27, 4000);


class Employees{
	private String name;
	private int age;
	public int salary;		// public, just for testing conveniently
	// default construction --> you must write out if you define another construction or it will be lost
	public Employees(){
		System.out.println("invoke superclass constructor without fields");
	// define the construction with initializing all the fields
	public Employees(String name, int a, int s){
		this(); 			// 相同点的①、it's the correct way to overload default construction! if you annotate, it doesn't print sentence
		this.name = name;   // 相同点的②、you can identify temporal variable and object's variable clearly even though they are in the same name
		this.age = a;
		this.salary = s;
		//this();			// it's the wrong way
		System.out.println("invoke superclass construtor with fields");

class Managers extends Employees{
	private int bonus;
	// ①you can annotate to test because superclass has default constructor
	public Managers(){
		System.out.println("invoke subclass constructor without fields");
	// 不同点的①、if superclass doesn't have default constructor, you can't annotate this constructor
	// you can run the program without annotating any code to get obvious result
	public Managers(String n, int a,int s){
		super(n,a,s);	   // pay attention to the superclass constructor with fields
		bonus = 0;
		System.out.println("invoke subclass constructor with fields");
	public void setBonus(int bonus){
		this.bonus = bonus;
	public int getSalary(){
		int salary = super.salary;  // the same as keyword this 
		return salary + bonus;



                    test keyword this


                    invoke superclass constructor without fields
                    invoke superclass construtor with fields
                    test keyword super


                    invoke superclass constructor without fields
                    invoke superclass construtor with fields
                    invoke subclass constructor with fields   


         分 析  :  耐心看代码注释。







package com.Inheritance;

 * whether can return this or super                                               
 * @author:      瘋叻ハ. 兩                                                                              
 * @revision:    1.0                                                        
 * @create-time: 2011-9-6 下午02:01:45                                               
class A{
	public void getA(){

public class ReturnTest extends A{
	private int a;
	public A getClasses(){
		return this;
		// return super   // it's wrong to change to return super
	public void getA(){
	public static void main(String[] args){
		// Polymorphism
		new ReturnTest().getClasses().getA();





         分析   :创建ReturnTest对象,调用getClasses( )返回的还是ReturnTest对象,所以可以使用getA( )方法。




相关标签: java this super