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程序员文章站 2022-04-17 21:54:13
首先确保php-fpm正常安装,运行命令php-fpm -t输出查看: ##确定php-fpm配置正常[root@iz2vcf47jzvf8dxrapolf7z php7.3.10]# /usr/local/php7.3.10/sbin/php-fpm -t[02-Oct-201916:54:19] ......

首先确保php-fpm正常安装,运行命令php-fpm -t输出查看:


[root@iz2vcf47jzvf8dxrapolf7z php7.3.10]# /usr/local/php7.3.10/sbin/php-fpm -t
[02-oct-201916:54:19] notice: configuration file /usr/local/php7.3.10/etc/php-fpm.conf test is successful

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# ps -ef|grep php
root 1621 1603 0 09:31 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto php
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# /usr/local/php7.3.10/sbin/php-fpm
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# ps -ef|grep php|grep -v 'grep'
root 1626 1 0 09:32 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: master process (/usr/local/php7.3.10/etc/php-fpm.conf)
www 1627 1626 0 09:32 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www
www 1628 1626 0 09:32 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# kill -sigusr2 `cat /usr/local/php7.3.10/var/run/php-fpm.pid`
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# ps -ef|grep php|grep -v 'grep'
root 1651 1 0 09:36 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: master process (/usr/local/php7.3.10/etc/php-fpm.conf)
www 1652 1651 0 09:36 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www
www 1653 1651 0 09:36 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# kill -sigint `cat /usr/local/php7.3.10/var/run/php-fpm.pid` && ps -ef|grep php|grep -v 'grep'
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# ps -ef|grep fpm
root 1682 1603 0 09:41 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto fpm


      信号是硬件中断的软件模拟(软中断)。每个信号用一个整型常量宏表示,以sig开头,比如sigchld( 子进程结束向父进程发送的一个信号 )、sigint(ctrl+c)等,它们在系统头文件<signal.h>中定义,也可以通过在shell下键入kill –l查看信号列表,或者键入man 7 signal查看更详细的说明。
      信号是系统响应某些条件而产生的一个事件,接收到该信的进程做出相应的处理。通常信是由错误产生的,如段错误(sigsegv)。 但信还可以作为进程间通信的一种方式,由一个进程发送给另一个进程。



[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service

after=syslog.target network.target

execreload=/bin/kill -sigusr2 mainpid
execstop=/bin/kill −sigint mainpid

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# systemctl enable php-fpm
created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php-fpm.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service.

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# systemctl reload php-fpm
job for php-fpm.service invalid.
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# systemctl status php-fpm
● php-fpm.service - php-fpm
loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
active: inactive (dead)
10月 07 10:32:02 izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z systemd[1]: unit php-fpm.service cannot be reloaded because it is inactive.

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# systemctl start php-fpm
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]#

      信号定义在/usr/include/asm/signal.h文件中,以 sig 作为开头,也可用 kill -l 命令查看,详细信息参见 。

[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# kill -l
 1) sighup     2) sigint     3) sigquit     4) sigill     5) sigtrap
 6) sigabrt     7) sigbus     8) sigfpe     9) sigkill    10) sigusr1
11) sigsegv    12) sigusr2    13) sigpipe    14) sigalrm    15) sigterm
16) sigstkflt    17) sigchld    18) sigcont    19) sigstop    20) sigtstp
21) sigttin    22) sigttou    23) sigurg    24) sigxcpu    25) sigxfsz
26) sigvtalrm    27) sigprof    28) sigwinch    29) sigio    30) sigpwr
31) sigsys    34) sigrtmin    35) sigrtmin+1    36) sigrtmin+2    37) sigrtmin+3
38) sigrtmin+4    39) sigrtmin+5    40) sigrtmin+6    41) sigrtmin+7    42) sigrtmin+8
43) sigrtmin+9    44) sigrtmin+10    45) sigrtmin+11    46) sigrtmin+12    47) sigrtmin+13
48) sigrtmin+14    49) sigrtmin+15    50) sigrtmax-14    51) sigrtmax-13    52) sigrtmax-12
53) sigrtmax-11    54) sigrtmax-10    55) sigrtmax-9    56) sigrtmax-8    57) sigrtmax-7
58) sigrtmax-6    59) sigrtmax-5    60) sigrtmax-4    61) sigrtmax-3    62) sigrtmax-2
63) sigrtmax-1    64) sigrtmax
[root@izj6c0ct64t9oyhoeow593z php7.3.10]# cat /usr/include/asm/signal.h
#ifndef _asm_x86_signal_h
#define _asm_x86_signal_h

#ifndef __assembly__
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/time.h>

/* avoid too many header ordering problems.  */
struct siginfo;

/* here we must cater to libcs that poke about in kernel headers.  */

#define nsig        32
typedef unsigned long sigset_t;

#endif /* __assembly__ */

#define sighup         1
#define sigint         2
#define sigquit         3
#define sigill         4
#define sigtrap         5
#define sigabrt         6
#define sigiot         6
#define sigbus         7
#define sigfpe         8
#define sigkill         9
#define sigusr1        10
#define sigsegv        11
#define sigusr2        12
#define sigpipe        13
#define sigalrm        14
#define sigterm        15
#define sigstkflt    16
#define sigchld        17
#define sigcont        18
#define sigstop        19
#define sigtstp        20
#define sigttin        21
#define sigttou        22
#define sigurg        23
#define sigxcpu        24
#define sigxfsz        25
#define sigvtalrm    26
#define sigprof        27
#define sigwinch    28
#define sigio        29
#define sigpoll        sigio
#define siglost        29
#define sigpwr        30
#define sigsys        31
#define    sigunused    31

/* these should not be considered constants from userland.  */
#define sigrtmin    32
#define sigrtmax    _nsig

 * sa_flags values:
 * sa_onstack indicates that a registered stack_t will be used.
 * sa_restart flag to get restarting signals (which were the default long ago)
 * sa_nocldstop flag to turn off sigchld when children stop.
 * sa_resethand clears the handler when the signal is delivered.
 * sa_nocldwait flag on sigchld to inhibit zombies.
 * sa_nodefer prevents the current signal from being masked in the handler.
 * sa_oneshot and sa_nomask are the historical linux names for the single
 * unix names resethand and nodefer respectively.
#define sa_nocldstop    0x00000001u
#define sa_nocldwait    0x00000002u
#define sa_siginfo    0x00000004u
#define sa_onstack    0x08000000u
#define sa_restart    0x10000000u
#define sa_nodefer    0x40000000u
#define sa_resethand    0x80000000u

#define sa_nomask    sa_nodefer
#define sa_oneshot    sa_resethand

#define sa_restorer    0x04000000

#define minsigstksz    2048
#define sigstksz    8192

#include <asm-generic/signal-defs.h>

#ifndef __assembly__

/* here we must cater to libcs that poke about in kernel headers.  */
#ifdef __i386__

struct sigaction {
    union {
      __sighandler_t _sa_handler;
      void (*_sa_sigaction)(int, struct siginfo *, void *);
    } _u;
    sigset_t sa_mask;
    unsigned long sa_flags;
    void (*sa_restorer)(void);

#define sa_handler    _u._sa_handler
#define sa_sigaction    _u._sa_sigaction

#else /* __i386__ */

struct sigaction {
    __sighandler_t sa_handler;
    unsigned long sa_flags;
    __sigrestore_t sa_restorer;
    sigset_t sa_mask;        /* mask last for extensibility */

#endif /* !__i386__ */

typedef struct sigaltstack {
    void *ss_sp;
    int ss_flags;
    size_t ss_size;
} stack_t;

#endif /* __assembly__ */

#endif /* _asm_x86_signal_h */