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关于编译Boost库时出现typedef unused的warning的解决办法

程序员文章站 2022-04-17 09:05:15


#include <iostream>
#include <boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp>

using namespace std;

int main(void)
        int a, b;
        cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
        return 0;


[[email protected] Desktop]$ g++ -g -Wall Test.cpp -o Test
[[email protected] Desktop]$ ./Test 
Hello World!

没有任何问题。但如果我们把boost库从系统库(及/usr/include)中copy出来,然后再用-I选项来指定优先寻址路径,则会出现typedef unused的warning。

[[email protected] Desktop]$ g++ -g -Wall -I/home/reol/Desktop Test.cpp -o Test
In file included from Test.cpp:2:0:
/home/reol/Desktop/boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp: In function ‘typename boost::enable_if<typename boost::polygon::gtl_and<boost::polygon::y_i_scale_down, typename boost::polygon::is_mutable_interval_concept<typename boost::polygon::geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type, IntervalType>::type& boost::polygon::scale_down(IntervalType&, typename boost::polygon::interval_coordinate_type<IntervalType>::type)’:
/home/reol/Desktop/boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp:389:65: warning: typedef ‘Unit’ locally defined but not used [-Wunused-local-typedefs]
   typedef typename interval_coordinate_type<IntervalType>::type Unit;                                         

为了了解这个问题的本质,我解包了boost库的rpm安装包,发现boost库的安装包中有许多用来解决typedef unused的patch补丁。也就是说这些warning是boost库在开发过程中留下的问题,是boost库本身的缺陷而不是我们的使用不当。

Add the directory dir to the head of the list of directories to be searched for header files. This can be used to override a system header file, substituting your own version, since these directories are searched before the system header file directories. However, you should not use this option to add directories that contain vendor-supplied system header files (use ‘-isystem’ for that). If you use more than one ‘-I’ option, the directories are scanned in left-to-right order; the standard system directories come after.
If a standard system include directory, or a directory specified with ‘-isystem’, is also specified with ‘-I’, the ‘-I’ option is ignored. The directory is still searched but as a system directory at its normal position in the system include chain. This is to ensure that GCC’s procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering for the include_next directive are not inadvertently changed. If you really need to change the search order for system directories, use the ‘-nstdinc’ and/or ‘-isystem’ options.


[[email protected] Desktop]$ g++ -g -Wall -isystem/home/reol/Desktop Test.cpp -o Test