“无处不在” 的系统核心服务 —— ActivityManagerService 启动流程解析
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之前介绍 systemserver 启动流程 的时候说到,systemserver 进程启动了一系列的系统服务,activitymanagerservice 是其中最核心的服务之一。它和四大组件的启动、切换、调度及应用进程的管理和调度息息相关,其重要性不言而喻。本文主要介绍其启动流程,它是在 systemserver
的 main()
中启动的,整个启动流程经历了 startbootstrapservices
。下面就顺着源码来捋一捋 activitymanagerservice
的启动流程,下文中简称 ams
private void startbootstrapservices() { ... // 1. ams 初始化 mactivitymanagerservice = msystemservicemanager.startservice( activitymanagerservice.lifecycle.class).getservice(); // 设置 ams 的系统服务管理器 mactivitymanagerservice.setsystemservicemanager(msystemservicemanager); // 设置 ams 的应用安装器 mactivitymanagerservice.setinstaller(installer); ... mactivitymanagerservice.initpowermanagement(); ... // 2. ams.setsystemprocess() mactivitymanagerservice.setsystemprocess(); ... } private void startcoreservices{ ... mactivitymanagerservice.setusagestatsmanager( localservices.getservice(usagestatsmanagerinternal.class)); ... } private void startherservice{ ... // 3. 安装系统 provider mactivitymanagerservice.installsystemproviders(); ... final watchdog watchdog = watchdog.getinstance(); watchdog.init(context, mactivitymanagerservice); ... mactivitymanagerservice.setwindowmanager(wm); ... networkpolicy = new networkpolicymanagerservice(context, mactivitymanagerservice, networkmanagement); ... if (safemode) { tracebeginandslog("entersafemodeanddisablejitcompilation"); mactivitymanagerservice.entersafemode(); // disable the jit for the system_server process vmruntime.getruntime().disablejitcompilation(); traceend(); } ... mpowermanagerservice.systemready(mactivitymanagerservice.getappopsservice()); ... // 4. ams.systemready() mactivitymanagerservice.systemready(() -> { ... mactivitymanagerservice.startobservingnativecrashes(); } }
ams 初始化
mactivitymanagerservice = msystemservicemanager.startservice( activitymanagerservice.lifecycle.class).getservice();
ams 通过 systemservicemanager.startservice()
在之前的文章中已经分析过,其作用是根据参数传入的类通过反射进行实例化,并回调其 onstart()
方法。注意这里传入的是 activitymanagerservice.lifecycle.class
是 ams 的一个静态内部类。
public static final class lifecycle extends systemservice { private final activitymanagerservice mservice; // 构造函数中新建 activitymanagerservice 对象 public lifecycle(context context) { super(context); mservice = new activitymanagerservice(context); } @override public void onstart() { mservice.start(); } @override public void onbootphase(int phase) { mservice.mbootphase = phase; if (phase == phase_system_services_ready) { mservice.mbatterystatsservice.systemservicesready(); mservice.mservices.systemservicesready(); } } @override public void oncleanupuser(int userid) { mservice.mbatterystatsservice.oncleanupuser(userid); } public activitymanagerservice getservice() { return mservice; } }
的构造函数中初始化了 ams。再来看看 ams 的构造函数。
public activitymanagerservice(context systemcontext) { minjector = new injector(); // ams 上下文 mcontext = systemcontext; mfactorytest = factorytest.getmode(); // activitythread 对象 msystemthread = activitythread.currentactivitythread(); // contextimpl 对象 muicontext = msystemthread.getsystemuicontext(); mpermissionreviewrequired = mcontext.getresources().getboolean( com.android.internal.r.bool.config_permissionreviewrequired); // 线程名为 activitymanager 的前台线程,servicethread 继承于 handlerthread mhandlerthread = new servicethread(tag, thread_priority_foreground, false /*allowio*/); mhandlerthread.start(); // 获取 mhandlerthread 的 handler 对象 mhandler = new mainhandler(mhandlerthread.getlooper()); // 创建名为 android.ui 的线程 muihandler = minjector.getuihandler(this); // 不知道什么作用 mprocstarthandlerthread = new servicethread(tag + ":procstart", thread_priority_foreground, false /* allowio */); mprocstarthandlerthread.start(); mprocstarthandler = new handler(mprocstarthandlerthread.getlooper()); mconstants = new activitymanagerconstants(this, mhandler); /* static; one-time init here */ // 根据优先级 kill 后台应用进程 if (skillhandler == null) { skillthread = new servicethread(tag + ":kill", thread_priority_background, true /* allowio */); skillthread.start(); skillhandler = new killhandler(skillthread.getlooper()); } // 前台广播队列,超时时间为 10 秒 mfgbroadcastqueue = new broadcastqueue(this, mhandler, "foreground", broadcast_fg_timeout, false); // 后台广播队列,超时时间为 60 秒 mbgbroadcastqueue = new broadcastqueue(this, mhandler, "background", broadcast_bg_timeout, true); mbroadcastqueues[0] = mfgbroadcastqueue; mbroadcastqueues[1] = mbgbroadcastqueue; // 创建 activeservices mservices = new activeservices(this); mprovidermap = new providermap(this); // 创建 apperrors,用于处理应用中的错误 mapperrors = new apperrors(muicontext, this); // 创建 /data/system 目录 file datadir = environment.getdatadirectory(); file systemdir = new file(datadir, "system"); systemdir.mkdirs(); mappwarnings = new appwarnings(this, muicontext, mhandler, muihandler, systemdir); // todo: move creation of battery stats service outside of activity manager service. // 创建 batterystatsservice,其信息保存在 /data/system/procstats 中 // 这里有个 todo,打算把 batterystatsservice 的创建移除 ams mbatterystatsservice = new batterystatsservice(systemcontext, systemdir, mhandler); mbatterystatsservice.getactivestatistics().readlocked(); mbatterystatsservice.schedulewritetodisk(); monbattery = debug_power ? true : mbatterystatsservice.getactivestatistics().getisonbattery(); mbatterystatsservice.getactivestatistics().setcallback(this); // 创建 processstatsservice,并将其信息保存在 /data/system/procstats 中 mprocessstats = new processstatsservice(this, new file(systemdir, "procstats")); mappopsservice = minjector.getappopsservice(new file(systemdir, "appops.xml"), mhandler); // 定义 contentprovider 访问指定 uri 数据的权限 mgrantfile = new atomicfile(new file(systemdir, "urigrants.xml"), "uri-grants"); // 多用户管理 musercontroller = new usercontroller(this); mvrcontroller = new vrcontroller(this); // 获取 opengl 版本 gl_es_version = systemproperties.getint("ro.opengles.version", configurationinfo.gl_es_version_undefined); if (systemproperties.getint("sys.use_fifo_ui", 0) != 0) { musefifouischeduling = true; } mtrackingassociations = "1".equals(systemproperties.get("debug.track-associations")); mtempconfig.settodefaults(); mtempconfig.setlocales(localelist.getdefault()); mconfigurationseq = mtempconfig.seq = 1; // 创建 activitystacksupervisor ,用于管理 activity 任务栈 mstacksupervisor = createstacksupervisor(); mstacksupervisor.onconfigurationchanged(mtempconfig); mkeyguardcontroller = mstacksupervisor.getkeyguardcontroller(); mcompatmodepackages = new compatmodepackages(this, systemdir, mhandler); mintentfirewall = new intentfirewall(new intentfirewallinterface(), mhandler); mtaskchangenotificationcontroller = new taskchangenotificationcontroller(this, mstacksupervisor, mhandler); // 创建 activitystartcontroller 对象,用于管理 activity 的启动 mactivitystartcontroller = new activitystartcontroller(this); // 创建最近任务栈 recenttask 对象 mrecenttasks = createrecenttasks(); mstacksupervisor.setrecenttasks(mrecenttasks); mlocktaskcontroller = new locktaskcontroller(mcontext, mstacksupervisor, mhandler); mlifecyclemanager = new clientlifecyclemanager(); // 创建 cputracker 线程,追踪 cpu 状态 mprocesscputhread = new thread("cputracker") { @override public void run() { synchronized (mprocesscputracker) { mprocesscpuinitlatch.countdown(); mprocesscputracker.init(); // 初始化 processcputracker。注意同步问题 } while (true) { try { try { synchronized(this) { final long now = systemclock.uptimemillis(); long nextcpudelay = (mlastcputime.get()+monitor_cpu_max_time)-now; long nextwritedelay = (mlastwritetime+battery_stats_time)-now; //slog.i(tag, "cpu delay=" + nextcpudelay // + ", write delay=" + nextwritedelay); if (nextwritedelay < nextcpudelay) { nextcpudelay = nextwritedelay; } if (nextcpudelay > 0) { mprocesscpumutexfree.set(true); this.wait(nextcpudelay); } } } catch (interruptedexception e) { } // 更新 cpu 统计信息 updatecpustatsnow(); } catch (exception e) { slog.e(tag, "unexpected exception collecting process stats", e); } } } }; // hidden api 设置 mhiddenapiblacklist = new hiddenapisettings(mhandler, mcontext); // 设置 watchdog 监控 watchdog.getinstance().addmonitor(this); watchdog.getinstance().addthread(mhandler); // bind background thread to little cores // this is expected to fail inside of framework tests because apps can't touch cpusets directly // make sure we've already adjusted system_server's internal view of itself first // 更新进程的 oom_adj 值 updateoomadjlocked(); try { process.setthreadgroupandcpuset(backgroundthread.get().getthreadid(), process.thread_group_bg_noninteractive); } catch (exception e) { slog.w(tag, "setting background thread cpuset failed"); } }
ams 的构造函数中做了很多事情,代码中作了很多注释,这里就不再展开细说了。
的构造函数中初始化了 ams,然后会调用 lifecycle.onstart()
,最终调用的是 ams.start()
private void start() { // 移除所有进程组 removeallprocessgroups(); // 启动构造函数中创建的 cputracker 线程,监控 cpu 使用情况 mprocesscputhread.start(); // 启动 batterystatsservice,统计电池信息 mbatterystatsservice.publish(); mappopsservice.publish(mcontext); // 启动 localservice ,将 activitymanagerinternal 加入服务列表 localservices.addservice(activitymanagerinternal.class, new localservice()); // 等待 mprocesscputhread 线程中的同步代码块执行完毕。 // 在执行 mprocesscputracker.init() 方法时访问 mprocesscputracker 将阻塞 try { mprocesscpuinitlatch.await(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { thread.currentthread().interrupt(); throw new illegalstateexception("interrupted wait during start"); } }
ams 的初始化工作到这里就基本结束了,我们再回到 startbootstrapservices()
中,看看 ams 的下一步动作 setsystemprocess()
public void setsystemprocess() { try { // 注册各种服务 // 注册 ams servicemanager.addservice(context.activity_service, this, /* allowisolated= */ true, dump_flag_priority_critical | dump_flag_priority_normal | dump_flag_proto); // 注册进程统计服务 servicemanager.addservice(processstats.service_name, mprocessstats); // 注册内存信息服务 servicemanager.addservice("meminfo", new membinder(this), /* allowisolated= */ false, dump_flag_priority_high); // 注册 graphicsbinder servicemanager.addservice("gfxinfo", new graphicsbinder(this)); // 注册 dbbinder servicemanager.addservice("dbinfo", new dbbinder(this)); if (monitor_cpu_usage) { // 注册 dbbinder servicemanager.addservice("cpuinfo", new cpubinder(this), /* allowisolated= */ false, dump_flag_priority_critical); } // 注册权限管理者 permissioncontroller servicemanager.addservice("permission", new permissioncontroller(this // 注册进程信息服务 processinfoservice servicemanager.addservice("processinfo", new processinfoservice(this)); // 获取包名为 android 的应用信息,framework-res.apk applicationinfo info = mcontext.getpackagemanager().getapplicationinfo( "android", stock_pm_flags | match_system_only); msystemthread.installsystemapplicationinfo(info, getclass().getclassloader()); synchronized (this) { // 创建 processrecord processrecord app = newprocessrecordlocked(info, info.processname, false, 0); app.persistent = true; app.pid = my_pid; app.maxadj = processlist.system_adj; app.makeactive(msystemthread.getapplicationthread(), mprocessstats); synchronized (mpidsselflocked) { mpidsselflocked.put(app.pid, app); } // 更新 mlruprocesses updatelruprocesslocked(app, false, null); // 更新进程对应的 oom_adj 值 updateoomadjlocked(); } } catch (packagemanager.namenotfoundexception e) { throw new runtimeexception( "unable to find android system package", e); } // start watching app ops after we and the package manager are up and running. // 当 packager manager 启动并运行时开始监听 app ops mappopsservice.startwatchingmode(appopsmanager.op_run_in_background, null, new iappopscallback.stub() { @override public void opchanged(int op, int uid, string packagename) { if (op == appopsmanager.op_run_in_background && packagename != null) { if (mappopsservice.checkoperation(op, uid, packagename) != appopsmanager.mode_allowed) { runinbackgrounddisabled(uid); } } } }); }
的主要工作就是向 servicemanager 注册关联的系统服务。
public final void installsystemproviders() { list<providerinfo> providers; synchronized (this) { processrecord app = mprocessnames.get("system", system_uid); providers = generateapplicationproviderslocked(app); if (providers != null) { for (int i=providers.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { providerinfo pi = (providerinfo)providers.get(i); if ((pi.applicationinfo.flags&applicationinfo.flag_system) == 0) { slog.w(tag, "not installing system proc provider " + pi.name + ": not system .apk"); // 移除非系统 provier providers.remove(i); } } } } // 安装系统 provider if (providers != null) { msystemthread.installsystemproviders(providers); } synchronized (this) { msystemprovidersinstalled = true; } mconstants.start(mcontext.getcontentresolver()); // 创建 coresettingsobserver ,监控核心设置的变化 mcoresettingsobserver = new coresettingsobserver(this); // 创建 fontscalesettingobserver,监控字体的变化 mfontscalesettingobserver = new fontscalesettingobserver(); // 创建 developmentsettingsobserver mdevelopmentsettingsobserver = new developmentsettingsobserver(); globalsettingstopropertiesmapper.start(mcontext.getcontentresolver()); // now that the settings provider is published we can consider sending // in a rescue party. rescueparty.onsettingsproviderpublished(mcontext); //musagestatsservice.monitorpackages(); }
的主要工作是安装系统 proviers。
是 ams 启动流程的最后一步了。
public void systemready(final runnable goingcallback, timingstracelog tracelog) { ... synchronized(this) { if (msystemready) { // 首次调用 msystemready 为 false // if we're done calling all the receivers, run the next "boot phase" passed in // by the systemserver if (goingcallback != null) { goingcallback.run(); } return; } // 一系列 systemready() mhasheavyweightfeature = mcontext.getpackagemanager().hassystemfeature( packagemanager.feature_cant_save_state); mlocaldeviceidlecontroller = localservices.getservice(deviceidlecontroller.localservice.class); massistutils = new assistutils(mcontext); mvrcontroller.onsystemready(); // make sure we have the current profile info, since it is needed for security checks. musercontroller.onsystemready(); mrecenttasks.onsystemreadylocked(); mappopsservice.systemready(); msystemready = true; } ... arraylist<processrecord> procstokill = null; synchronized(mpidsselflocked) { for (int i=mpidsselflocked.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { processrecord proc = mpidsselflocked.valueat(i); if (!isallowedwhilebooting(proc.info)){ if (procstokill == null) { procstokill = new arraylist<processrecord>(); } procstokill.add(proc); } } } synchronized(this) { if (procstokill != null) { for (int i=procstokill.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { processrecord proc = procstokill.get(i); removeprocesslocked(proc, true, false, "system update done"); } } // now that we have cleaned up any update processes, we // are ready to start launching real processes and know that // we won't trample on them any more. mprocessesready = true; } ... if (goingcallback != null) goingcallback.run(); mbatterystatsservice.noteevent(batterystats.historyitem.event_user_running_start, integer.tostring(currentuserid), currentuserid); mbatterystatsservice.noteevent(batterystats.historyitem.event_user_foreground_start, integer.tostring(currentuserid), currentuserid); // 回调所有 systemservice 的 onstartuser() 方法 msystemservicemanager.startuser(currentuserid); synchronized (this) { // only start up encryption-aware persistent apps; once user is // unlocked we'll come back around and start unaware apps startpersistentapps(packagemanager.match_direct_boot_aware); // start up initial activity. mbooting = true; // enable home activity for system user, so that the system can always boot. we don't // do this when the system user is not setup since the setup wizard should be the one // to handle home activity in this case. if (usermanager.issplitsystemuser() && settings.secure.getint(mcontext.getcontentresolver(), settings.secure.user_setup_complete, 0) != 0) { componentname cname = new componentname(mcontext, systemuserhomeactivity.class); try { appglobals.getpackagemanager().setcomponentenabledsetting(cname, packagemanager.component_enabled_state_enabled, 0, userhandle.user_system); } catch (remoteexception e) { throw e.rethrowasruntimeexception(); } } // 启动桌面 home 应用 starthomeactivitylocked(currentuserid, "systemready"); ... long ident = binder.clearcallingidentity(); try { // 发送广播 user_started intent intent = new intent(intent.action_user_started); intent.addflags(intent.flag_receiver_registered_only | intent.flag_receiver_foreground); intent.putextra(intent.extra_user_handle, currentuserid); broadcastintentlocked(null, null, intent, null, null, 0, null, null, null, op_none, null, false, false, my_pid, system_uid, currentuserid); // 发送广播 user_starting intent = new intent(intent.action_user_starting); intent.addflags(intent.flag_receiver_registered_only); intent.putextra(intent.extra_user_handle, currentuserid); broadcastintentlocked(null, null, intent, null, new iintentreceiver.stub() { @override public void performreceive(intent intent, int resultcode, string data, bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendinguser) throws remoteexception { } }, 0, null, null, new string[] {interact_across_users}, op_none, null, true, false, my_pid, system_uid, userhandle.user_all); } catch (throwable t) { slog.wtf(tag, "failed sending first user broadcasts", t); } finally { binder.restorecallingidentity(ident); } mstacksupervisor.resumefocusedstacktopactivitylocked(); musercontroller.senduserswitchbroadcasts(-1, currentuserid); binderinternal.nsetbinderproxycountwatermarks(6000,5500); binderinternal.nsetbinderproxycountenabled(true); binderinternal.setbinderproxycountcallback( new binderinternal.binderproxylimitlistener() { @override public void onlimitreached(int uid) { if (uid == process.system_uid) { slog.i(tag, "skipping kill (uid is system)"); } else { killuid(userhandle.getappid(uid), userhandle.getuserid(uid), "too many binders sent to system"); } } }, mhandler); } }
方法源码很长,上面做了很多删减。注意其中的 starthomeactivitylocked()
方法会启动桌面 activity 。
boolean starthomeactivitylocked(int userid, string reason) { ... intent intent = gethomeintent(); activityinfo ainfo = resolveactivityinfo(intent, stock_pm_flags, userid); if (ainfo != null) { intent.setcomponent(new componentname(ainfo.applicationinfo.packagename, ainfo.name)); // don't do this if the home app is currently being // instrumented. ainfo = new activityinfo(ainfo); ainfo.applicationinfo = getappinfoforuser(ainfo.applicationinfo, userid); processrecord app = getprocessrecordlocked(ainfo.processname, ainfo.applicationinfo.uid, true); if (app == null || app.instr == null) { intent.setflags(intent.getflags() | flag_activity_new_task); final int resolveduserid = userhandle.getuserid(ainfo.applicationinfo.uid); // for anr debugging to verify if the user activity is the one that actually // launched. final string myreason = reason + ":" + userid + ":" + resolveduserid; // 启动桌面 activity mactivitystartcontroller.starthomeactivity(intent, ainfo, myreason); } } else { slog.wtf(tag, "no home screen found for " + intent, new throwable()); } return true; }
负责启动 activity,至此,桌面应用就启动了。
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