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超级精简的php模板解析引擎 iSmarty

程序员文章站 2022-04-16 11:05:36

1. [代码][PHP]代码

class iSmarty
     * The name of the directory where templates are located.
     * @var string
    var $templatedir = '/';
     * The directory where compiled templates are located.
     * @var string
    var $compiledir = 'test/';
     * where assigned template vars are kept
     * @var array
    var $vars = array();
     * compile a resource
     * sets PHP tag to the compiled source
     * @param string $tpl (template file)
    function parse($tpl)
        // load template file //
        $fp   = @fopen($tpl, 'r');
        $text = fread($fp, filesize($tpl));
        // repalce template tag to PHP tag //
        $text        = str_replace('{/if}', '<?php } ?>', $text);
        $text        = str_replace('{/loop}', '<?php } ?>', $text);
        $text        = str_replace('{foreachelse}', '<?php } else {?>', $text);
        $text        = str_replace('{/foreach}', '<?php } ?>', $text);
        $text        = str_replace('{else}', '<?php } else {?>', $text);
        $text        = str_replace('{loopelse}', '<?php } else {?>', $text);
        // template pattern tags //
        $pattern     = array(
            '/\{include file=(\"|\'|)(\w*[a-zA-Z0-9_\.][a-zA-Z]\w*)(\"|\'|)\}/',
            '/\{if (.*?)\}/',
            '/\{elseif (.*?)\}/',
            '/\{loop \$(.*) as (\w*[a-zA-Z0-9_])\}/',
            '/\{foreach \$(.*) (\w*[a-zA-Z0-9_])\=\>(\w*[a-zA-Z0-9_])\}/'
        // replacement PHP tags //
        $replacement = array(
            '<?php $this->display(\'\2\')?>',
            '<?php echo \$this->vars\1\3?>',
            '<?php if(\1) {?>',
            '<?php } elseif(\1) {?>',
            '<?php if (count((array)\$\1)) foreach((array)\$\1 as \$this->vars[\'\2\']) {?>',
            '<?php if (count((array)\$\1)) foreach((array)\$\1 as \$this->vars[\'\2\']=>$this->vars[\'\3\']) {?>'
        // repalce template tags to PHP tags //
        $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text);
        // create compile file //
        $compliefile = $this->compiledir . basename($tpl) . '.php';
        if ($fp = @fopen($compliefile, 'w')) {
            fputs($fp, $text);
     * assigns values to template variables
     * @param array|string $k the template variable name(s)
     * @param mixed $v the value to assign
    function assign($k, $v = null)
        $this->vars[$k] = $v;
     * ste directory where templates are located
     * @param string $str (path)
    function templateDir($path)
        $this->templatedir = $this->pathCheck($path);
     * set where compiled templates are located
     * @param string $str (path)
    function compileDir($path)
        $this->compiledir = $this->pathCheck($path);
     * check the path last character
     * @param string $str (path)
     * @return string
    function pathCheck($str)
        return (preg_match('/\/$/', $str)) ? $str : $str . '/';
     * executes & displays the template results
     * @param string $tpl (template file)
    function display($tpl)
        $tplfile = $this->templatedir . $tpl;
        if (!file_exists($tplfile)) {
            exit('can not load template file : ' . $tplfile);
        $compliefile = $this->compiledir . $tpl . '.php';
        if (!file_exists($compliefile) || filemtime($tplfile) > filemtime($compliefile)) {


2. [代码][PHP]代码

include 'iSmarty.php';
$tpl = new iSmarty();

$contact = array('1'=>'张一','2'=>'zhang2');


3. [代码][PHP]代码

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<p>{$title} - {$Name}</p>
{foreach $contact  key=>val}
	{$key}: {$val}<br>

4. [文件] test.zip

超级精简的php模板解析引擎 iSmartytest.zip