2022-04-16 07:58:54
使用limit分页查询时,做delete操作,会导致丢失数据 [TOC] 一、准备数据 1.1 mysql数据脚本 mysql SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; Table structure for test_so_item DROP T ......
1.1 mysql数据脚本
set names utf8mb4; set foreign_key_checks = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- table structure for test_so_item -- ---------------------------- drop table if exists `test_so_item`; create table `test_so_item` ( `id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment, `line_no` varchar(20) character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci null default null, `sku` varchar(255) character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci null default null, `qty` decimal(4, 2) null default null, primary key (`id`) using btree ) engine = innodb auto_increment = 1 character set = utf8mb4 collate = utf8mb4_general_ci row_format = dynamic; -- ---------------------------- -- records of test_so_item -- ---------------------------- insert into `test_so_item` values (1, '00020', 'a0001', 10.00); insert into `test_so_item` values (2, '00010', 'nt9531', 1.00); insert into `test_so_item` values (3, '00030', 'a0002', 2.00); insert into `test_so_item` values (4, '00040', 'a0003', 5.00); set foreign_key_checks = 1;
@test public void test() { list<testsoitem> items = testsoitemservice.list(); //1.当前全量数据 log.info("1.当前全部数据:{}", items); ipage<testsoitem> page = new page<>(); page.setcurrent(1); page.setsize(2); //2.分页查第一页 ipage<testsoitem> items1 = testsoitemservice.page(page); log.info("2.第一页:{}", json.tojsonstring(items1)); //3.删除 testsoitemservice.removebyid(items1.getrecords().get(1).getid()); log.info("3.已删除id:{}", items1.getrecords().get(1).getid()); //4.add testsoitem addsoitem = new testsoitem(); addsoitem.setlineno("00010"); addsoitem.setsku("aa0793159"); addsoitem.setqty(new bigdecimal(1)); log.info("4:新增记录{}", json.tojsonstring(addsoitem)); testsoitemservice.save(addsoitem); //5.分页查第2页 page.setcurrent(2); ipage<testsoitem> items2 = testsoitemservice.page(page); log.info("5.第二页:{}", json.tojsonstring(items2)); }
<== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 1, 00020, a0001, 10.00 <== row: 2, 00010, nt9531, 1.00 <== row: 3, 00030, a0002, 2.00 <== row: 4, 00040, a0003, 5.00 <== total: 4
[testsoitem(lineno=00020, sku=a0001, qty=10.00), testsoitem(lineno=00010, sku=nt9531, qty=1.00), testsoitem(lineno=00030, sku=a0002, qty=2.00), testsoitem(lineno=00040, sku=a0003, qty=5.00)]
==> preparing: select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item limit ?,? ==> parameters: 0(long), 2(long) <== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 1, 00020, a0001, 10.00 <== row: 2, 00010, nt9531, 1.00
==> preparing: delete from test_so_item where id=? ==> parameters: 2(long) <== updates: 1
4. 新增记录
==> preparing: insert into test_so_item ( line_no, sku, qty ) values ( ?, ?, ? ) ==> parameters: 00010(string), aa0793159(string), 1(bigdecimal) <== updates: 1
==> preparing: select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item limit ?,? ==> parameters: 2(long), 2(long) <== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 4, 00040, a0003, 5.00 <== row: 5, 00010, aa0793159, 1.00
6. 验证后的数据
7. log
sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@2e6bac5a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active <== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 1, 00020, a0001, 10.00 <== row: 2, 00010, nt9531, 1.00 <== row: 3, 00030, a0002, 2.00 <== row: 4, 00040, a0003, 5.00 <== total: 4 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@232438a8] jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@7ed49ba] will not be managed by spring 2020-04-15 17:17:56.950 - info 1412 --- [ main] - [] c.z.p.s.impl.testsoitemserviceimpltest : 1.当前全部数据:[testsoitem(lineno=00020, sku=a0001, qty=10.00), testsoitem(lineno=00010, sku=nt9531, qty=1.00), testsoitem(lineno=00030, sku=a0002, qty=2.00), testsoitem(lineno=00040, sku=a0003, qty=5.00)] jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@2907d3e8] will not be managed by spring jsqlparsercountoptimize sql=select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item <== updates: 1 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@2e6bac5a] ==> preparing: select count(1) from test_so_item ==> parameters: <== columns: count(1) <== row: 4 ==> preparing: select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item limit ?,? ==> parameters: 0(long), 2(long) <== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 1, 00020, a0001, 10.00 <== row: 2, 00010, nt9531, 1.00 <== total: 2 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@70382eb1] 2020-04-15 17:18:24.496 - info 1412 --- [ main] - [] c.z.p.s.impl.testsoitemserviceimpltest : 2.第一页:{"current":1,"pages":2,"records":[{"id":1,"lineno":"00020","qty":10.00,"sku":"a0001"},{"id":2,"lineno":"00010","qty":1.00,"sku":"nt9531"}],"searchcount":true,"size":2,"total":4} creating a new sqlsession sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@d9420bf] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@2907d3e8] will not be managed by spring ==> preparing: delete from test_so_item where id=? ==> parameters: 2(long) <== updates: 1 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@d9420bf] 2020-04-15 17:18:24.597 - info 1412 --- [ main] - [] c.z.p.s.impl.testsoitemserviceimpltest : 3.已删除id:2 2020-04-15 17:18:24.598 - info 1412 --- [ main] - [] c.z.p.s.impl.testsoitemserviceimpltest : 4:新增记录{"lineno":"00010","qty":1,"sku":"aa0793159"} creating a new sqlsession sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@1145d71f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@2907d3e8] will not be managed by spring ==> preparing: insert into test_so_item ( line_no, sku, qty ) values ( ?, ?, ? ) ==> parameters: 00010(string), aa0793159(string), 1(bigdecimal) <== updates: 1 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@1145d71f] creating a new sqlsession sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@64aa7a33] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active jdbc connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.connectionproxyimpl@2907d3e8] will not be managed by spring jsqlparsercountoptimize sql=select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item ==> preparing: select count(1) from test_so_item ==> parameters: <== columns: count(1) <== row: 4 ==> preparing: select id,line_no,sku,qty from test_so_item limit ?,? ==> parameters: 2(long), 2(long) <== columns: id, line_no, sku, qty <== row: 4, 00040, a0003, 5.00 <== row: 5, 00010, aa0793159, 1.00 <== total: 2 closing non transactional sqlsession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.defaultsqlsession@64aa7a33] 2020-04-15 17:18:24.721 - info 1412 --- [ main] - [] c.z.p.s.impl.testsoitemserviceimpltest : 5.第二页:{"current":2,"pages":2,"records":[{"id":4,"lineno":"00040","qty":5.00,"sku":"a0003"},{"id":5,"lineno":"00010","qty":1.00,"sku":"aa0793159"}],"searchcount":true,"size":2,"total":4} 2020-04-15 17:18:24.735 - warn 1412 --- [ thread-31] - [] o.s.cloud.stream.binding.bindingservice : trying to unbind 'sappurchaseorder-input', but no binding found. 2020-04-15 17:18:24.736 - info 1412 --- [ thread-31] - [] o.s.i.endpoint.eventdrivenconsumer : removing {logging-channel-adapter:_org.springframework.integration.errorlogger} as a subscriber to the 'errorchannel' channel 2020-04-15 17:18:24.736 - info 1412 --- [ thread-31] - [] o.s.i.channel.publishsubscribechannel : channel '{server.name}-1.errorchannel' has 0 subscriber(s). 2020-04-15 17:18:24.736 - info 1412 --- [ thread-31] - [] o.s.i.endpoint.eventdrivenconsumer : stopped _org.springframework.integration.errorlogger 2020-04-15 17:18:24.767 - warn 1412 --- [ thread-32] - [] o.s.c.support.defaultlifecycleprocessor : failed to stop bean 'inputbindinglifecycle'
在使用limit分页查询时,做delete操作,会导致丢失数据。如案例中id=3 的记录,在第一、二页均没有查到。
查询时使用delete 进行物理删除时,会导致漏查询数据(同时更不建议使用物理删除,尽量使用逻辑删除)。
上一篇: Python练习题3.16删除重复字符
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