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PeerSim进行BitTorrent仿真(二)—— BitTorrent变量

程序员文章站 2022-03-04 23:28:28
public class BitTorrent implements EDProtocol {
	 *	配置文件中读取的文件大小
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_SIZE="file_size";
	 *	The Transport used by the the protocol.
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_TRANSPORT="transport";
	 *	配置文件中读取一个节点虽多能拥有的邻居数 
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_SWARM="max_swarm_size";
	 *	tracker向普通节点返回的一个子集,用于交换bitfield成为邻居
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_PEERSET_SIZE="peerset_size";
	 *	当前网络最多能动态增加的节点数
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_MAX_GROWTH="max_growth";
	 *	单个request能向多少个节点同时发送
	 *	@config
	private static final String PAR_DUP_REQ = "duplicated_requests";
	 *	KEEP_ALIVE message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int KEEP_ALIVE = 1;
	 *	CHOKE message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int CHOKE = 2;
	 *	UNCHOKE message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int UNCHOKE = 3;
	 *	INTERESTED message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int INTERESTED = 4;
	 *	NOT_INTERESTED message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int NOT_INTERESTED = 5;
	 *	HAVE message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int HAVE = 6;
	 *	BITFIELD message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int BITFIELD = 7;
	 *	REQUEST message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int REQUEST = 8;
	 *	PIECE message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int PIECE = 9;

	 *	CANCEL message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int CANCEL = 10;
	 *	TRACKER message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int TRACKER = 11;
	 *	PEERSET message.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int PEERSET = 12;
	 *	CHOKE_TIME event.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int CHOKE_TIME = 13;
	 *	OPTUNCHK_TIME event.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int OPTUNCHK_TIME = 14;
	 *	ANTISNUB_TIME event.
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int ANTISNUB_TIME = 15;
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int CHECKALIVE_TIME = 16;
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int TRACKERALIVE_TIME = 17;
	 *	@see SimpleEvent#type "Event types"
	private static final int DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED = 18;

	 *	最大带宽
	int maxBandwidth;
	 *	通过节点ID存储的邻居数组
	 *  @see Element
	private Element byPeer[];
	 *	通过带宽排序的邻居数组,用于判断unchoke
	private Element byBandwidth[];
	 *	The Neighbors list.
	private Neighbor cache[];
	 *	记录对子集unchoke的节点
	private boolean unchokedBy[];
	 *	cache中的邻居节点数
	private int nNodes = 0;
	 *	网络中的最大节点数
	private int nMaxNodes;
	 *	本地节点状态:是否为seed. 0 means that the current peer is a leecher, 1 a seeder.
	private int peerStatus;
	 *	Defines how much the network can grow with respect to the <tt>network.size</tt> 
	 *  when {@link NetworkDynamics} is used.
	public int maxGrowth;
	 *	File status of the local node. Contains the blocks owned by the local node.
	private int status[];
	 *	向多少个节点发送了BitField消息
	private int nBitfieldSent = 0;
	 *	当前正在上传的Piece数
	public int nPiecesUp = 0;
	 *	正在下载的Piece数
	public int nPiecesDown = 0;
	 *	当前完成下载的Piece数
	private int nPieceCompleted = 0;
	 *	正在下载哪个Piece。 the previous lastInterested piece.
	int currentPiece = -1;
	 *	Used to compute the average download rates in choking algorithm. Stores the
	 *	number of <tt>CHOKE</tt> events.
	 *	记录被choke的次数,用于计算平均下载速率。
	int n_choke_time = 0;
	 *	Used to send the <tt>TRACKER</tt> message when the local node has 20 neighbors
	 *	for the first time.
	boolean lock = false;
	 *	Number of peers interested to my pieces.
	 *	对自己interest的节点数
	int numInterestedPeers = 0;
	 *	Last piece for which the local node sent an <tt>INTERESTED</tt> message.
	 *	本节点上一个感兴趣的Piece
	int lastInterested = -1;
	 *	存储本Piece的block状态。均为1的时候说明整个Piece下载完成
	private int pieceStatus[];
	 *  当前File有多少个Piece
	int nPieces;
	 *	相当于neighbor的Piece状态:BitField消息
	int [][]swarm;
	 *	local rarest piece
	int rarestPieceSet[];
	 *	五个待解决的block请求.
	int pendingRequest[];
	 *	邻居列表最多多少个
	int swarmSize;
	 *	peerset大小
	int peersetSize;
	 *  当前nodeId
	private long thisNodeID;
     *	同时向多少个节点发送request
	 *	@see BitTorrent#PAR_DUP_REQ
	private int numberOfDuplicatedRequests;
	 *	T向自己发送过的请求队列
	Queue requestToServe = null;
	 *	等待处理的Pieces
	Queue incomingPieces = null;
	 *	The Transport ID.
	 *	@see BitTorrent#PAR_TRANSPORT
	int tid;
	 *	The reference to the tracker node. If equals to <tt>null</tt>, the local
	 *	node is the tracker.
	private Node tracker = null;
相关标签: 软件 p2p