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android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size xxxx bytes

程序员文章站 2022-04-15 17:44:53
针对这个问题也百度看了一下, 发现其实很多人都遇到过这个问题

1. 界面跳转   intent 中的数据内容较多   android.os.TransactionTooLargeException    

2. Android调用系统裁减图片,出现android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 642356 bytes

3. insert to db    (我是在插入联系人数据库的时候报错的)  resolver.applypatch() ---- 最后修改数据量变小

7.0 源码位置:


684            ALOGE("!!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!  (parcel size = %d)", parcelSize);
685            const char* exceptionToThrow;
686            char msg[128];
687            // TransactionTooLargeException is a checked exception, only throw from certain methods.
688            // FIXME: Transaction too large is the most common reason for FAILED_TRANSACTION
689            //        but it is not the only one.  The Binder driver can return BR_FAILED_REPLY
690            //        for other reasons also, such as if the transaction is malformed or
691            //        refers to an FD that has been closed.  We should change the driver
692            //        to enable us to distinguish these cases in the future.
693            if (canThrowRemoteException && parcelSize > 200*1024) {    --------- 在这里是有判断的  
694                // bona fide large payload
695                exceptionToThrow = "android/os/TransactionTooLargeException";
696                snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "data parcel size %d bytes", parcelSize);
697            } else {
698                // Heuristic: a payload smaller than this threshold "shouldn't" be too
699                // big, so it's probably some other, more subtle problem.  In practice
700                // it seems to always mean that the remote process died while the binder
701                // transaction was already in flight.
702                exceptionToThrow = (canThrowRemoteException)
703                        ? "android/os/DeadObjectException"
704                        : "java/lang/RuntimeException";
705                snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1,
706                        "Transaction failed on small parcel; remote process probably died");
707            }
708            jniThrowException(env, exceptionToThrow, msg);
709        } break;



1. 查看log 定位 pid 和 出错原因

2. 查看Kernel log 根据 pid

3. 定位报错代码

4. 根据代码定位问题