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程序员文章站 2022-04-15 15:26:43
需求分析 因为有时候想提高性能,只需要一个ajax函数,不想引入较大的jq文件,尝试过axios,可是get方法不支持多层嵌套的json,post方式后台接收方式似乎要变。。也许是我不太会用吧。。其实换个方式接收也没什么,只是习惯了JQ序列化参数。所以上网搜集了很多资料,同时也进一步了解了一点JQ。 ......







  1 var ajax = {};
  2 (function($) {
  4     function ajax(options) {
  5         var str;
  6         var xmlhttprequest;
  7         var timer;
  8         if (window.xmlhttprequest) {
  9             xmlhttprequest = new xmlhttprequest();
 10         } else {
 11             xmlhttprequest = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");
 12         }
 13         options = object.assign({}, { type: "get", processdata: true, contenttype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, options);
 14         if (options.type.touppercase() !== "get") {
 15             xmlhttprequest.open(options.type.touppercase(), options.url, true);
 16             xmlhttprequest.setrequestheader("content-type", options.contenttype);
 17             if (options.processdata) {
 18                 str = param(options.data);
 19             } else {
 20                 str = options.data;
 21             }
 22             xmlhttprequest.send(str);
 23         } else {
 24             str = param(object.assign(urlorquerytoobject(options.url), options.data));
 25             if (options.url.indexof("?") !== -1) {
 26                 options.url = options.url.substr(0, options.url.indexof("?"));
 27             }
 28             xmlhttprequest.open("get", options.url + "?" + str, true);
 29             xmlhttprequest.send(null);
 30         }
 31         xmlhttprequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
 32             if (xmlhttprequest.readystate === 4) {
 33                 clearinterval(timer);
 34                 if (xmlhttprequest.status === 200) {
 35                     try {
 36                         // 如果是json格式,自动转换为json对象
 37                         options.success(json.parse(xmlhttprequest.responsetext));
 38                     } catch (e) {
 39                         options.success(xmlhttprequest.responsetext);
 40                     }
 41                 } else if (options.error) {
 42                     if (xmlhttprequest.status === 304) {
 43                         options.error(xmlhttprequest, "notmodified");
 44                     } else {
 45                         options.error(xmlhttprequest, xmlhttprequest.statustext);
 46                     }
 47                 }
 48             }
 49         };
 50         //判断是否超时
 51         if (options.timeout) {
 52             timer = settimeout(function() {
 53                 if (options.error) {
 54                     options.error(xmlhttprequest, "timeout");
 55                 }
 56                 xmlhttprequest.abort();
 57             }, options.timeout);
 58         }
 59     }
 61     // 把url中的查询字符串转为对象,主要是想当方式为get时,用data对象的参数覆盖掉url中的参数
 62     function urlorquerytoobject(urlorquery) {
 63         var queryarr = [];
 64         var urlsplit = urlorquery.split("?");
 65         queryarr[0] = urlsplit[0];
 66         if (urlsplit[1]) {
 67             queryarr[0] = urlsplit[1];
 68         }
 69         queryarr = queryarr[0].split("&");
 70         var obj = {};
 71         var i = 0;
 72         var temp;
 73         var key;
 74         var value;
 75         for (i = 0; i < queryarr.length; i += 1) {
 76             temp = queryarr[i].split("=");
 77             key = temp[0];
 78             value = temp[1];
 79             obj[key] = value;
 80         }
 81         return obj;
 82     }
 84     // 序列化参数
 85     // 转载自 https://www.jianshu.com/p/0ca22d53feea
 86     function param(obj, traditional) {
 88         if (traditional === "undefined") { traditional = false; }
 89         var
 90             rbracket = /\[\]$/,
 91             op = object.prototype,
 92             ap = array.prototype,
 93             aeach = ap.foreach,
 94             ostring = op.tostring;
 96         function isfunction(it) {
 97             return ostring.call(it) === "[object function]";
 98         }
100         function isarray(it) {
101             return ostring.call(it) === "[object array]";
102         }
104         function isobject(it) {
105             return ostring.call(it) === "[object object]";
106         }
108         function buildparams(prefix, obj, traditional, add) {
109             var name;
110             if (isarray(obj)) {
111                 // serialize array item.
112                 aeach.call(obj, function(v, i) {
113                     if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) {
114                         // treat each array item as a scalar.
115                         add(prefix, v);
116                     } else {
117                         // item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its numeric index.
118                         buildparams(
119                             prefix + "[" + (typeof v === "object" && v != null ? i : "") + "]",
120                             v,
121                             traditional,
122                             add
123                         );
124                     }
125                 });
126             } else if (!traditional && isobject(obj)) {
127                 // serialize object item.
128                 for (name in obj) {
129                     buildparams(prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[name], traditional, add);
130                 }
131             } else {
132                 // serialize scalar item.
133                 add(prefix, obj);
134             }
135         }
136         // serialize an array of form elements or a set of
137         // key/values into a query string
138         function jollyparam(a, traditional) {
139             var prefix,
140                 s = [],
141                 add = function(key, valueorfunction) {
142                     // if value is a function, invoke it and use its return value
143                     var value = isfunction(valueorfunction) ? valueorfunction() : valueorfunction;
144                     s[s.length] = encodeuricomponent(key) + "=" +
145                         encodeuricomponent(value == null ? "" : value);
146                 };
147             // if an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
148             if (isarray(a)) {
149                 // serialize the form elements
150                 aeach.call(a, function(item) {
151                     add(item.name, item.value);
152                 });
153             } else {
154                 // if traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
155                 // did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
156                 for (prefix in a) {
157                     buildparams(prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add);
158                 }
159             }
160             // return the resulting serialization
161             return s.join("&");
162         }
163         return jollyparam(obj, traditional);
164     }
166     // 为避免 object.assign 不能使用
167     // 转载自 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-cn/docs/web/javascript/reference/global_objects/object/assign
168     if (typeof object.assign != "function") {
169         // must be writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
170         object.defineproperty(object, "assign", {
171             value: function assign(target, varargs) { // .length of function is 2
172                 "use strict";
173                 if (target == null) { // typeerror if undefined or null
174                     throw new typeerror("cannot convert undefined or null to object");
175                 }
176                 var to = object(target);
177                 for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
178                     var nextsource = arguments[index];
179                     if (nextsource != null) { // skip over if undefined or null
180                         for (var nextkey in nextsource) {
181                             // avoid bugs when hasownproperty is shadowed
182                             if (object.prototype.hasownproperty.call(nextsource, nextkey)) {
183                                 to[nextkey] = nextsource[nextkey];
184                             }
185                         }
186                     }
187                 }
188                 return to;
189             },
190             writable: true,
191             configurable: true
192         });
193     }
195     $ = {
196         get: function(url, data, success) {
197             return ajax({ url: url, data: data, success: success });
198         },
199         post: function(url, data, success) {
200             return ajax({ type: "post", url: url, data: data, success: success });
201         },
202         ajax: function(options) { return ajax(options); },
203         param: function(obj, traditional) { return param(obj, traditional); },
204         urlorquerytoobject: function(urlorquery) { return urlorquerytoobject(urlorquery); }
205     };
207     // 满足 jquery 的使用习惯
208     if (typeof window.$ === "undefined") {
209         window.$ = $;
210     }
211 })(ajax);




 1 // get请求
 2 $.get("", {}, function(data) {})
 4 // post请求
 5 $.post("", {}, function(data) {})
 7 // 更完整的ajax
 8 $.ajax({
 9     type: "post",
10     // 非必须,默认 get
11     url: "",
12     data: {},
13     // json格式
14     processdata: true,
15     // 非必须,默认 true
16     contenttype: "application/json;charsetset=utf-8",
17     //非必须,默认 application/x-www-form-urlencoded
18     success: function(data) {},
19     timeout: 1000,
20     // 超时时间,非必须,如果设置了,超时且存在error函数则会调用
21     error: function(xhr, statustext) {// 非必须
22     // statustext: "notmodified","timeout", 或者其他xmlhttprequest.statustext
23     }
24 });



1. 如果 " $ " 符号不能使用,请用 " ajax " 替代,这个变量名若仍有冲突,请修改源代码首尾两行。

2. 如果返回的是json格式的字符串,会自动将字符串转为json对象传给success函数参数,其他情况均为字符串。


