2022-04-15 09:33:25
<html> <head> <title>文件排序演示</title> </head> <body> <% ' 设定一个演示目录,:) const directory = "/" ' 用常数定义排序方式 const file_name = 0 '按照名字排序……依次类推 const file_ext = 1 const file_type = 2 const file_size = 3 const file_created = 4 const file_modified = 5 const file_accessed = 6 '获得 排序命令,默认为按照名字排序 req = request("sortby") if len(req) < 1 then sortby = 0 else sortby = cint(req) req = request("priorsort") if len(req) < 1 then priorsort = -1 else priorsort = cint(req) '设置倒序 if sortby = priorsort then reverse = true priorsort = -1 else reverse = false priorsort = sortby end if ' 接下来开始我们真正的代码了。。。 path = server.mappath(directory) set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set thecurrentfolder = fso.getfolder(path) set curfiles = thecurrentfolder.files ' 给这些文件做一个循环 dim thefiles() redim thefiles(500) ' 我随便定的一个大小 currentslot = -1 ' start before first slot ' 我们将文件的所有相关信息放到数组里面 for each fileitem in curfiles fname = fileitem.name fext = instrrev(fname, ".") if fext < 1 then fext = "" else fext = mid(fname,fext+1) ftype = fileitem.type fsize = fileitem.size fcreate = fileitem.datecreated fmod = fileitem.datelastmodified faccess = fileitem.datelastaccessed currentslot = currentslot + 1 if currentslot > ubound(thefiles) then redim preserve thefiles(currentslot + 99) end if ' 放到数组里 thefiles(currentslot) = array(fname,fext,ftype,fsize,fcreate,fmod,faccess) next ' 现在都在数组里了,开始下一步 filecount = currentslot ' 文件数量 redim preserve thefiles(currentslot) ' 排序 ' (8 表示 string) if vartype(thefiles(0)(sortby)) = 8 then if reverse then kind = 1 else kind = 2 ' 给字符排序 else if reverse then kind = 3 else kind = 4 '数字、时间。。。 end if for i = filecount to 0 step -1 minmax = thefiles(0)(sortby) minmaxslot = 0 for j = 1 to i select case kind case 1 mark = (strcomp(thefiles(j)(sortby), minmax, vbtextcompare) < 0) case 2 mark = (strcomp(thefiles(j)(sortby), minmax, vbtextcompare) > 0) case 3 mark = (thefiles(j)(sortby) < minmax) case 4 mark = (thefiles(j)(sortby) > minmax) end select if mark then minmax = thefiles(j)(sortby) minmaxslot = j end if next if minmaxslot <> i then temp = thefiles(minmaxslot) thefiles(minmaxslot) = thefiles(i) thefiles(i) = temp end if next ' 结束 %> <form name="dosort" method="get"> <input type=hidden name=priorsort value="<% = priorsort %>"> <input type=hidden name=sortby value="-1"> </form> <script language="javascript"> function resort(which) { document.dosort.sortby.value = which; document.dosort.submit(); } </script> <center> <font size="+2"> 显示<% = (filecount+1) %> 该目录下的文件<% = path %> </font> <p> 单击排序,再点一次反向排序 <p> <table border=1 cellpadding=3> <tr> <th><a href="javascript:resort(0);">文件名</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(1);">扩展名</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(2);">类型</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(3);">大小</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(4);">建立时间</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(5);">上次修改时间</a></th> <th><a href="javascript:resort(6);">上次存取时间</a></th> </tr> <% for i = 0 to filecount response.write "<tr>" & vbnewline for j = 0 to ubound(thefiles(i)) response.write " <td>" & thefiles(i)(j) & "</td>" & vbnewline next response.write "</tr>" & vbnewline next %> </table> </body> </html> |
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