2022-04-14 20:46:36
'================================================ '函数名:formatremoteurl '作 用...
'作 用:格式化成当前网站完整的url-将相对地址转换为绝对地址
'参 数: url ----url字符串
'参 数: currenturl ----当然网站url
public function formatremoteurl(byval url,byval currenturl)
dim strurl
if len(url) < 2 or len(url) > 255 or len(currenturl) < 2 then
formatremoteurl = vbnullstring
exit function
end if
currenturl = trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(currenturl, "'", vbnullstring), """", vbnullstring), vbnewline, vbnullstring), "\", "/"), "|", vbnullstring))
url = trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(url, "'", vbnullstring), """", vbnullstring), vbnewline, vbnullstring), "\", "/"), "|", vbnullstring))
if instr(9, currenturl, "/") = 0 then
strurl = currenturl
strurl = left(currenturl, instr(9, currenturl, "/") - 1)
end if
if strurl = vbnullstring then strurl = currenturl
select case left(lcase(url), 6)
case "http:/", "https:", "ftp://", "rtsp:/", "mms://"
formatremoteurl = url
exit function
end select
if left(url, 1) = "/" then
formatremoteurl = strurl & url
exit function
end if
if left(url, 3) = "../" then
dim arrayurl
dim arraycurrenturl
dim arraytemp()
dim strtemp
dim i, n
dim c, l
n = 0
arraycurrenturl = split(currenturl, "/")
arrayurl = split(url, "../")
c = ubound(arraycurrenturl)
l = ubound(arrayurl) + 1
if c > l + 2 then
for i = 0 to c - l
redim preserve arraytemp(n)
arraytemp(n) = arraycurrenturl(i)
n = n + 1
strtemp = join(arraytemp, "/")
strtemp = strurl
end if
url = replace(url, "../", vbnullstring)
formatremoteurl = strtemp & "/" & url
exit function
end if
strurl = left(currenturl, instrrev(currenturl, "/"))
formatremoteurl = strurl & replace(url, "./", vbnullstring)
exit function
end function
'作 用:格式化成当前网站完整的url-将相对地址转换为绝对地址
'参 数: url ----url字符串
'参 数: currenturl ----当然网站url
public function formatremoteurl(byval url,byval currenturl)
dim strurl
if len(url) < 2 or len(url) > 255 or len(currenturl) < 2 then
formatremoteurl = vbnullstring
exit function
end if
currenturl = trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(currenturl, "'", vbnullstring), """", vbnullstring), vbnewline, vbnullstring), "\", "/"), "|", vbnullstring))
url = trim(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(url, "'", vbnullstring), """", vbnullstring), vbnewline, vbnullstring), "\", "/"), "|", vbnullstring))
if instr(9, currenturl, "/") = 0 then
strurl = currenturl
strurl = left(currenturl, instr(9, currenturl, "/") - 1)
end if
if strurl = vbnullstring then strurl = currenturl
select case left(lcase(url), 6)
case "http:/", "https:", "ftp://", "rtsp:/", "mms://"
formatremoteurl = url
exit function
end select
if left(url, 1) = "/" then
formatremoteurl = strurl & url
exit function
end if
if left(url, 3) = "../" then
dim arrayurl
dim arraycurrenturl
dim arraytemp()
dim strtemp
dim i, n
dim c, l
n = 0
arraycurrenturl = split(currenturl, "/")
arrayurl = split(url, "../")
c = ubound(arraycurrenturl)
l = ubound(arrayurl) + 1
if c > l + 2 then
for i = 0 to c - l
redim preserve arraytemp(n)
arraytemp(n) = arraycurrenturl(i)
n = n + 1
strtemp = join(arraytemp, "/")
strtemp = strurl
end if
url = replace(url, "../", vbnullstring)
formatremoteurl = strtemp & "/" & url
exit function
end if
strurl = left(currenturl, instrrev(currenturl, "/"))
formatremoteurl = strurl & replace(url, "./", vbnullstring)
exit function
end function
下一篇: sublime实现一键代码格式化