2022-04-14 19:11:00
'/*========================================================================= &nbs...
' * intro 研究网页编码很长时间了,因为最近要设计一个友情链接检测的vbs脚本,而与你链接的人的页面很可能是各种编码,以前采取的方法是:如果用gb2312查不到再用utf-8查,再找不到证明对方没有给你做链接虽然不是100%正确,但也差不多了,这两种编码用的人比较多,偶然间在收藏夹里的一个地址看到的一个思路,终于可以在采集文章时自动判断网页的编码了。因为研究过程中这个问题困扰很久,虽然现在觉得简单了,想必很多人还在找,所以把这三个函数贴出来。
' * filename getwebcodepage.vbs
' * author yongfa365
' * version v2.0
' * web http://www.yongfa365.com
' * email yongfa365[at]qq.com
' * firstwrite http://www.yongfa365.com/item/getwebcodepage.vbs.html
' * madetime 2008-01-29 20:55:46
' * lastmodify 2008-01-30 20:55:46
' *==========================================================================*/
call gethttppage("http://www.baidu.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.google.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.yongfa365.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.cbdcn.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.csdn.net/")
'msgbox getcontents("a(.+?)b", "a23234b ab a67896896b sadfasdfb" ,true)(0)
function getcontents(patrn, strng , yinyong)
'by www.yongfa365.com 转载请保留链接,以便最终用户及时得到最新更新信息
on error resume next
set re = new regexp
re.pattern = patrn
re.ignorecase = true
re.global = true
set matches = re.execute(strng)
if yinyong then
for i = 0 to matches.count -1
if matches(i).value<>"" then retstr = retstr & matches(i).submatches(0) & "柳永法"
for each omatch in matches
if omatch.value<>"" then retstr = retstr & omatch.value & "柳永法"
end if
getcontents = split(retstr, "柳永法")
end function
function gethttppage(url)
on error resume next
set xmlhttp = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
xmlhttp.open "get", url, false
if xmlhttp.status<>200 then exit function
getbody = xmlhttp.responsebody
getcodepage = getcontents("charset=[""']*([^"",']+)", xmlhttp.responsetext , true)(0)
if len(getcodepage)<3 then getcodepage = getcontents("charset=[""']*([^"",']+)", xmlhttp.getresponseheader("content-type") , true)(0)
if len(getcodepage)<3 then getcodepage = "gb2312"
set xmlhttp = nothing
wscript.echo url & "-->" & getcodepage
gethttppage = bytestobstr(getbody, getcodepage)
end function
function bytestobstr(body, cset)
on error resume next
dim objstream
set objstream = createobject("adodb.stream")
objstream.type = 1
objstream.mode = 3
objstream.write body
objstream.position = 0
objstream.type = 2
objstream.charset = cset
bytestobstr = objstream.readtext
set objstream = nothing
end function
' * intro 研究网页编码很长时间了,因为最近要设计一个友情链接检测的vbs脚本,而与你链接的人的页面很可能是各种编码,以前采取的方法是:如果用gb2312查不到再用utf-8查,再找不到证明对方没有给你做链接虽然不是100%正确,但也差不多了,这两种编码用的人比较多,偶然间在收藏夹里的一个地址看到的一个思路,终于可以在采集文章时自动判断网页的编码了。因为研究过程中这个问题困扰很久,虽然现在觉得简单了,想必很多人还在找,所以把这三个函数贴出来。
' * filename getwebcodepage.vbs
' * author yongfa365
' * version v2.0
' * web http://www.yongfa365.com
' * email yongfa365[at]qq.com
' * firstwrite http://www.yongfa365.com/item/getwebcodepage.vbs.html
' * madetime 2008-01-29 20:55:46
' * lastmodify 2008-01-30 20:55:46
' *==========================================================================*/
call gethttppage("http://www.baidu.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.google.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.yongfa365.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.cbdcn.com/")
call gethttppage("http://www.csdn.net/")
'msgbox getcontents("a(.+?)b", "a23234b ab a67896896b sadfasdfb" ,true)(0)
function getcontents(patrn, strng , yinyong)
'by www.yongfa365.com 转载请保留链接,以便最终用户及时得到最新更新信息
on error resume next
set re = new regexp
re.pattern = patrn
re.ignorecase = true
re.global = true
set matches = re.execute(strng)
if yinyong then
for i = 0 to matches.count -1
if matches(i).value<>"" then retstr = retstr & matches(i).submatches(0) & "柳永法"
for each omatch in matches
if omatch.value<>"" then retstr = retstr & omatch.value & "柳永法"
end if
getcontents = split(retstr, "柳永法")
end function
function gethttppage(url)
on error resume next
set xmlhttp = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
xmlhttp.open "get", url, false
if xmlhttp.status<>200 then exit function
getbody = xmlhttp.responsebody
getcodepage = getcontents("charset=[""']*([^"",']+)", xmlhttp.responsetext , true)(0)
if len(getcodepage)<3 then getcodepage = getcontents("charset=[""']*([^"",']+)", xmlhttp.getresponseheader("content-type") , true)(0)
if len(getcodepage)<3 then getcodepage = "gb2312"
set xmlhttp = nothing
wscript.echo url & "-->" & getcodepage
gethttppage = bytestobstr(getbody, getcodepage)
end function
function bytestobstr(body, cset)
on error resume next
dim objstream
set objstream = createobject("adodb.stream")
objstream.type = 1
objstream.mode = 3
objstream.write body
objstream.position = 0
objstream.type = 2
objstream.charset = cset
bytestobstr = objstream.readtext
set objstream = nothing
end function
上一篇: 简单的asp采集代码教程
下一篇: asp文本框换行显示代码