2022-04-14 19:10:48
<% dim adata adata = array(3,2,4,1,6,0) call responsearray(adata, "原来顺序") call resp...
dim adata
adata = array(3,2,4,1,6,0)
call responsearray(adata, "原来顺序")
call responsearray(selectsort(adata), "选择排序")
call responsearray(quicksort(adata), "快速排序")
call responsearray(insertsort(adata), "插入排序")
call responsearray(bubblesort(adata), "冒泡排序")
function selectsort(a_data)
dim i, j, k
dim bound, t
bound = ubound(a_data)
for i = 0 to bound-1
k = i
for j = i+1 to bound
if a_data(k) > a_data(j) then
k = j
end if
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(k)
a_data(k) = t
selectsort = a_data
end function
function quicksort(a_data)
dim i, j
dim bound, t
bound = ubound(a_data)
for i = 0 to bound-1
for j = i+1 to bound
if a_data(i) > a_data(j) then
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(j)
a_data(j) = t
end if
quicksort = a_data
end function
function bubblesort(a_data)
dim bound
bound = ubound(a_data)
dim bsorted, i, t
bsorted = false
do while bound > 0 and bsorted = false
bsorted = true
for i = 0 to bound-1
if a_data(i) > a_data(i+1) then
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(i+1)
a_data(i+1) = t
bsorted = false
end if
bound = bound - 1
bubblesort = a_data
end function
function insertsort(a_data)
dim bound
bound = ubound(a_data)
dim i, j, t
for i = 1 to bound
t = a_data(i)
j = i
do while t<a_data(j-1) and j>0
a_data(j) = a_data(j-1)
j = j - 1
a_data(j) = t
insertsort = a_data
end function
sub responsearray(a_data, str)
dim s
s = ""
response.write "<b>" & str & ":</b>"
for i = 0 to ubound(a_data)
s = s & a_data(i) & ","
s = left(s, len(s)-1)
response.write s
response.write "<hr>"
end sub
dim adata
adata = array(3,2,4,1,6,0)
call responsearray(adata, "原来顺序")
call responsearray(selectsort(adata), "选择排序")
call responsearray(quicksort(adata), "快速排序")
call responsearray(insertsort(adata), "插入排序")
call responsearray(bubblesort(adata), "冒泡排序")
function selectsort(a_data)
dim i, j, k
dim bound, t
bound = ubound(a_data)
for i = 0 to bound-1
k = i
for j = i+1 to bound
if a_data(k) > a_data(j) then
k = j
end if
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(k)
a_data(k) = t
selectsort = a_data
end function
function quicksort(a_data)
dim i, j
dim bound, t
bound = ubound(a_data)
for i = 0 to bound-1
for j = i+1 to bound
if a_data(i) > a_data(j) then
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(j)
a_data(j) = t
end if
quicksort = a_data
end function
function bubblesort(a_data)
dim bound
bound = ubound(a_data)
dim bsorted, i, t
bsorted = false
do while bound > 0 and bsorted = false
bsorted = true
for i = 0 to bound-1
if a_data(i) > a_data(i+1) then
t = a_data(i)
a_data(i) = a_data(i+1)
a_data(i+1) = t
bsorted = false
end if
bound = bound - 1
bubblesort = a_data
end function
function insertsort(a_data)
dim bound
bound = ubound(a_data)
dim i, j, t
for i = 1 to bound
t = a_data(i)
j = i
do while t<a_data(j-1) and j>0
a_data(j) = a_data(j-1)
j = j - 1
a_data(j) = t
insertsort = a_data
end function
sub responsearray(a_data, str)
dim s
s = ""
response.write "<b>" & str & ":</b>"
for i = 0 to ubound(a_data)
s = s & a_data(i) & ","
s = left(s, len(s)-1)
response.write s
response.write "<hr>"
end sub
上一篇: asp智能脏话过滤系统v1.0第1/2页
下一篇: asp生成带有样式的word文件方法