2022-04-14 19:00:19
但也许是随着asp的逐渐淡出web开发,官方仅提供了.net、php等版本的上传处理程序,对于asp开发者来说则需要自行处理服务器端的数据接收。 刚接触此组件时就被它功能强...
class swfupload
private formdata, folderpath, streamget
private filesize, chunksize, bofcont, eofcont
rem class-initialize
private sub class_initialize
call initvariant
server.scripttimeout = 1800
set streamget = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
sauthor = "51js.com-zmm"
sversion = "upload class 1.0"
end sub
rem class-initialize
public property let savefolder(byval sfolder)
if right(sfolder, 1) = "/" then
folderpath = sfolder
folderpath = sfolder & "/"
end if
end property
public property get savefolder
savefolder = folderpath
end property
private function initvariant
chunksize = 1024 * 128
folderpath = "/" : filesize = 1024 * 10
bofcont = strtobyte("octet-stream" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
eofcont = strtobyte(vbcrlf & string(12, "-"))
end function
public function getuploaddata
dim curread : curread = 0
dim datalen : datalen = request.totalbytes
streamget.type = 1 : streamget.open
do while curread < datalen
dim partlen : partlen = chunksize
if partlen + curread > datalen then partlen = datalen - curread
streamget.write request.binaryread(partlen)
curread = curread + partlen
streamget.position = 0
formdata = streamget.read(datalen)
call getuploadfile
end function
public function getuploadfile
dim begmark : begmark = strtobyte("filename=")
dim begpath : begpath = instrb(1, formdata, begmark & chrb(34)) + 10
dim endpath : endpath = instrb(begpath, formdata, chrb(34))
dim cntpath : cntpath = midb(formdata, begpath, endpath - begpath)
dim cntname : cntname = folderpath & getclientname(cntpath)
dim begfile : begfile = instrb(1, formdata, bofcont) + 15
dim endfile : endfile = instrb(begfile, formdata, eofcont)
call saveuploadfile(cntname, begfile, endfile - begfile)
end function
public function saveuploadfile(byval fname, byval bcont, byval slen)
dim filepath : filepath = server.mappath(fname)
if createfolder("|", getparentfolder(filepath)) then
streamget.position = bcont
set streamput = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
streamput.type = 1 : streamput.mode = 3 : streamput.open
streamput.write streamget.read(slen)
streamput.savetofile filepath, 2
streamput.close : set streamput = nothing
end if
end function
private function isnothing(byval svar)
isnothing = isnull(svar) or (svar = empty)
end function
private function strtobyte(byval stext)
for i = 1 to len(stext)
strtobyte = strtobyte & chrb(asc(mid(stext, i, 1)))
end function
private function bytetostr(byval sbyte)
dim streamtmp
set streamtmp = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
streamtmp.type = 2
streamtmp.mode = 3
streamtmp.writetext sbyte
streamtmp.position = 0
streamtmp.charset = "utf-8"
streamtmp.position = 2
bytetostr = streamtmp.readtext
set streamtmp = nothing
end function
private function getclientname(byval binfo)
dim sinfo, regex
sinfo = bytetostr(binfo)
if isnothing(sinfo) then
getclientname = ""
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^.*\\([^\\]+)$"
regex.global = false
regex.ignorecase = true
getclientname = regex.replace(sinfo, "$1")
set regex = nothing
end if
end function
private function getparentfolder(byval spath)
dim regex
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^(.*)\\[^\\]*$"
regex.global = true
regex.ignorecase = true
getparentfolder = regex.replace(spath, "$1")
set regex = nothing
end function
private function createfolder(byval sline, byval spath)
dim ofso
set ofso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if not ofso.folderexists(spath) then
dim regex
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^(.*)\\([^\\]*)$"
regex.global = false
regex.ignorecase = true
sline = sline & regex.replace(spath, "$2") & "|"
spath = regex.replace(spath, "$1")
if createfolder(sline, spath) then createfolder = true
set regex = nothing
if sline = "|" then
createfolder = true
dim stemp : stemp = mid(sline, 2, len(sline) - 2)
if instrrev(stemp, "|") = 0 then
sline = "|"
spath = spath & "\" & stemp
dim folder : folder = mid(stemp, instrrev(stemp, "|") + 1)
sline = "|" & mid(stemp, 1, instrrev(stemp, "|") - 1) & "|"
spath = spath & "\" & folder
end if
ofso.createfolder spath
if createfolder(sline, spath) then createfolder = true
end if
end if
set ofso = nothing
end function
rem class-terminate
private sub class_terminate
set streamget = nothing
end sub
end class
rem 调用方法
dim oupload
set oupload = new swfupload
oupload.savefolder = "存放路径"
set oupload = nothing
复制代码 代码如下:
class swfupload
private formdata, folderpath, streamget
private filesize, chunksize, bofcont, eofcont
rem class-initialize
private sub class_initialize
call initvariant
server.scripttimeout = 1800
set streamget = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
sauthor = "51js.com-zmm"
sversion = "upload class 1.0"
end sub
rem class-initialize
public property let savefolder(byval sfolder)
if right(sfolder, 1) = "/" then
folderpath = sfolder
folderpath = sfolder & "/"
end if
end property
public property get savefolder
savefolder = folderpath
end property
private function initvariant
chunksize = 1024 * 128
folderpath = "/" : filesize = 1024 * 10
bofcont = strtobyte("octet-stream" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf)
eofcont = strtobyte(vbcrlf & string(12, "-"))
end function
public function getuploaddata
dim curread : curread = 0
dim datalen : datalen = request.totalbytes
streamget.type = 1 : streamget.open
do while curread < datalen
dim partlen : partlen = chunksize
if partlen + curread > datalen then partlen = datalen - curread
streamget.write request.binaryread(partlen)
curread = curread + partlen
streamget.position = 0
formdata = streamget.read(datalen)
call getuploadfile
end function
public function getuploadfile
dim begmark : begmark = strtobyte("filename=")
dim begpath : begpath = instrb(1, formdata, begmark & chrb(34)) + 10
dim endpath : endpath = instrb(begpath, formdata, chrb(34))
dim cntpath : cntpath = midb(formdata, begpath, endpath - begpath)
dim cntname : cntname = folderpath & getclientname(cntpath)
dim begfile : begfile = instrb(1, formdata, bofcont) + 15
dim endfile : endfile = instrb(begfile, formdata, eofcont)
call saveuploadfile(cntname, begfile, endfile - begfile)
end function
public function saveuploadfile(byval fname, byval bcont, byval slen)
dim filepath : filepath = server.mappath(fname)
if createfolder("|", getparentfolder(filepath)) then
streamget.position = bcont
set streamput = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
streamput.type = 1 : streamput.mode = 3 : streamput.open
streamput.write streamget.read(slen)
streamput.savetofile filepath, 2
streamput.close : set streamput = nothing
end if
end function
private function isnothing(byval svar)
isnothing = isnull(svar) or (svar = empty)
end function
private function strtobyte(byval stext)
for i = 1 to len(stext)
strtobyte = strtobyte & chrb(asc(mid(stext, i, 1)))
end function
private function bytetostr(byval sbyte)
dim streamtmp
set streamtmp = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
streamtmp.type = 2
streamtmp.mode = 3
streamtmp.writetext sbyte
streamtmp.position = 0
streamtmp.charset = "utf-8"
streamtmp.position = 2
bytetostr = streamtmp.readtext
set streamtmp = nothing
end function
private function getclientname(byval binfo)
dim sinfo, regex
sinfo = bytetostr(binfo)
if isnothing(sinfo) then
getclientname = ""
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^.*\\([^\\]+)$"
regex.global = false
regex.ignorecase = true
getclientname = regex.replace(sinfo, "$1")
set regex = nothing
end if
end function
private function getparentfolder(byval spath)
dim regex
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^(.*)\\[^\\]*$"
regex.global = true
regex.ignorecase = true
getparentfolder = regex.replace(spath, "$1")
set regex = nothing
end function
private function createfolder(byval sline, byval spath)
dim ofso
set ofso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if not ofso.folderexists(spath) then
dim regex
set regex = new regexp
regex.pattern = "^(.*)\\([^\\]*)$"
regex.global = false
regex.ignorecase = true
sline = sline & regex.replace(spath, "$2") & "|"
spath = regex.replace(spath, "$1")
if createfolder(sline, spath) then createfolder = true
set regex = nothing
if sline = "|" then
createfolder = true
dim stemp : stemp = mid(sline, 2, len(sline) - 2)
if instrrev(stemp, "|") = 0 then
sline = "|"
spath = spath & "\" & stemp
dim folder : folder = mid(stemp, instrrev(stemp, "|") + 1)
sline = "|" & mid(stemp, 1, instrrev(stemp, "|") - 1) & "|"
spath = spath & "\" & folder
end if
ofso.createfolder spath
if createfolder(sline, spath) then createfolder = true
end if
end if
set ofso = nothing
end function
rem class-terminate
private sub class_terminate
set streamget = nothing
end sub
end class
rem 调用方法
dim oupload
set oupload = new swfupload
oupload.savefolder = "存放路径"
set oupload = nothing
下一篇: JS之AJAX