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VB.NET & (三层+泛型)实现组合查询

程序员文章站 2022-04-14 11:01:35
对于组合查询,真的是“费劲苦难”,当然也只是玩笑话,下边谈谈自己拼接字符串的办法吧! 首先我们要明确声明一个实体层,定义组合查询为实体类,将"字段,操作符,组合...



    Private _ComboFileName1 As String
    Public Property ComboFileName1() As String
            Return _ComboFileName1
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _ComboFileName1 = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _ComboFileName2 As String
    Public Property ComboFileName2() As String
            Return _ComboFileName2
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _ComboFileName2 = value
        End Set
    End Property


Private Sub btnQuery_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click
        'combinQuery_m  ,定义一个实体
        Dim combinQuery_m As IList(Of Entity.RegisterEntity)   '定义泛型集合
        Dim combinQuery_bll As New BLL.StusInfoMainBLL    '定义一个B层接口
        Dim combinQuery As New Entity.CombinQueryEntity    '定义一个实体,作为参数

        Dim table As String = "T_student"    '用到的表,与学生表联系起来

        Dim arrayControl(2) As Control
        With combinQuery
            .ComboFileName1 = ComboFileName1.Text.Trim()
            .ComboFileName2 = ComboFileName2.Text.Trim()
            .ComboFileName3 = ComboFileName3.Text.Trim()
            .ComboSign1 = ComboSign1.Text.Trim()
            .ComboSign2 = ComboSign2.Text.Trim()
            .ComboSign3 = ComboSign3.Text.Trim()
            .txtInqure1 = txtInqure1.Text.Trim()
            .txtInqure2 = txtInqure2.Text.Trim()
            .txtInqure3 = txtInqure3.Text.Trim()
            .ComboRelation1 = ComboRelation1.Text.Trim()
            .ComboRelation2 = ComboRelation2.Text.Trim()
        End With
combinQuery_m = combinQuery_bll.StusInfo(table, combinQuery)

        DataGridView1.DataSource = combinQuery_m   '查询到的集合

将查询字段(1,2,3)对应于”表“的字段(eg: cardNo),操作符对应于关系运算符,组合关系对应于逻辑运算符(or/and)


        Select Case (combinQuery.ComboFileName1)
            Case "卡号"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "cardNo"
            Case "学号"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "studentNo"
            Case "姓名"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "studentName"
            Case "性别"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "sex"
            Case "年级"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "Grade"
            Case "班级"
                combinQuery.ComboFileName1 = "sclass"
        End Select
        Select Case combinQuery.ComboSign1
            Case "="
                combinQuery.ComboSign1 = "="
            Case ">"
                combinQuery.ComboSign1 = ">"
            Case ""
                combinQuery.ComboSign1 = ""
        End Select
        Select Case combinQuery.ComboRelation1
            Case "或"
                combinQuery.ComboRelation1 = "or"
            Case "与"
                combinQuery.ComboRelation1 = "and"
        End Select

    ''' 生成组合查询sql语句-拼接sql字符串
    ''' combinQuery实体
    Public Function CombinsqlQuery(ByVal table As String, ByVal combinQuery As Entity.CombinQueryEntity) As String

        Dim sql As String = "select * from " & table & " where  " & combinQuery.ComboFileName1 & " " & combinQuery.ComboSign1 & " " & combinQuery.txtInqure1.Trim()
        If combinQuery.ComboRelation1 = "" Then    '如果第一个组合关系为空,则第一个查询条件有效  
            Return sql

        Else     '如果第一个组合关系不为空,则前两个查询条件有效  
            sql = sql & " " & combinQuery.ComboRelation1 & " " & combinQuery.ComboFileName2 & " " & combinQuery.ComboSign2 & " " & combinQuery.txtInqure2.Trim()

            If combinQuery.ComboRelation2 = "" Then     '如果第一个组合关系不为空,第二个组合关系为空,则仅仅前两个查询条件有效  
                Return sql
            Else       '如果第一二组合关系不为空,则三个查询条件均有效  
                sql = sql & " " & combinQuery.ComboRelation2 & " " & combinQuery.ComboFileName3 & " " & combinQuery.ComboSign3 & " " & combinQuery.txtInqure3.Trim()

                Return sql
            End If

        End If

        If combinQuery.ComboRelation1  "" And combinQuery.ComboRelation2 = "" Then     '如果第一个组合关系不为空,第二个组合关系为空,则前两个查询条件有效  
            sql = sql & " " & combinQuery.ComboRelation1 & " " & combinQuery.ComboFileName2 & " " & combinQuery.ComboSign2 & " " & combinQuery.txtInqure2.Trim()

        ElseIf combinQuery.ComboRelation1  "" And combinQuery.ComboRelation2  "" Then '如果第一个组合关系和第二个组合关系均不为空,则三个查询条件有效  
            sql = sql

        End If
    End Function

Private clsSqlhelper As DAL.sqlhelper = New DAL.sqlhelper()   '声明并实例化
    ''' 泛型集合,组合查询
    Public Function StuInfoQuery(ByVal table As String, ByVal combinQuery As Entity.CombinQueryEntity) As IList(Of Entity.RegisterEntity) Implements IDAL.IStusInfoMainDAL.StuInfoQuery

        Dim dt As New DataTable
        Dim myList As IList(Of Entity.RegisterEntity)     '保存转化后的泛型集
        Dim strsql As String = CombinQueryModule.CombinsqlQuery(table, combinQuery)
        dt = clsSqlhelper.Query(strsql, CommandType.Text)    '执行查询

       myList = EntityHelper.converToList(Of RegisterEntity)(dt)
        Return myList
    End Function

    Private ReadOnly factory As DataAccess = New DataAccess
    Public Function StusInfo(ByVal data As String, ByVal StusQuery As Entity.CombinQueryEntity) As IList(Of Entity.RegisterEntity)
        Dim comboQuery As IStusInfoMainDAL = factory.StusInfoMain()
        Dim StusMain As IList(Of Entity.RegisterEntity)   '定义一个泛型集合
        StusMain = comboQuery.StuInfoQuery(data, StusQuery)

        Return StusMain
    End Function
这样组合查询的整个过程就完成了, 整个过程的实现,很好的遵守了三层架构的要求,实现了解耦的目的。当然除了拼接字符串还有使用存储过程实现的方法,这样就无需大量赋值,而且也就不用拼接字符串了,直接将这些全部定义在了存储过程中,然后再存储过程中直接传入参数就好了,虽然自己明白整个过程的实现,但是还是欠缺实践,希望在合作开发的过程中能够熟练对于各种技巧的使用。