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zTree mysql json

程序员文章站 2022-04-13 21:13:18

mysql语句查询返回json格式的数据,匹配zTree的数据接口 无 select c.id as id,c.pId as pId,c.name as name,c.checked as checked,c.type as type from(select a.funtypeid id,0 pId,a.name name,IF((select COUNT(*) from t_role_function f,t_fun_item g w

select c.id as id,c.pId as pId,c.name as name,c.checked as checked,c.type as type from(
a.funtypeid id,
0 pId,
a.name name,
IF((select COUNT(*) from t_role_function f,t_fun_item g where f.funid = g.funid and g.funtypeid = a.funtypeid AND f.roleid = 'systemuser')>0,'true','false') as checked,
'parent' type
from t_fun_type a
union all
b.funid id,
b.funtypeid pId,
b.funname name,
IF((select COUNT(*) from t_role_function e where e.funid = b.funid AND e.roleid = 'systemuser')>0,'true','false') as checked,
'childern' type
from t_fun_item b
)  c