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程序员文章站 2022-04-13 15:56:08
问题描述 线上一个很有意思的现象,发现binlog文件大小是15G,查看了参数max_binlog_size是1073741824[1G], max_binlog_cache_size是21474836480[20G]。那么为什么会文件大小会超过max_binlog_file_size的设置。这个问 ......


线上一个很有意思的现象,发现binlog文件大小是15g,查看了参数是1073741824[1g], max_binlog_cache_size是21474836480[20g]。那么为什么会文件大小会超过max_binlog_file_size的设置。这个问题比较好理解,如果是大事务呢?那么这里有一个小问题,binlog里面是以event为单位来记录的,那么事务有可能跨binlog吗?使用begin;***;***;commit进行测试




root@test10:39:24>set global max_binlog_size=4096;

query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

root@test10:48:39>insert into testb select * from testa limit 32;
query ok, 32 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 32  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

root@test10:49:05>insert into testb select * from testa limit 32;
query ok, 32 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 32  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

root@test10:49:10>insert into testb select * from testa limit 32;
query ok, 32 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 32  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

root@test10:49:14>insert into testb select * from testa limit 32;
query ok, 32 rows affected (0.00 sec)
records: 32  duplicates: 0  warnings: 0

query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

# at 3994  -- 上一个event结束的地方
#190130 10:49:14 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 4064 crc32 0x64e8a1c6 rows_query
# insert into testb select * from testa limit 32
# at 4064
#190130 10:49:14 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 4113 crc32 0x7ef21b8c table_map: `test`.`testb` mapped to number 11496
# at 4113
#190130 10:49:14 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 4692 crc32 0xfc3f78bd write_rows: table id 11496 flags: stmt_end_f  -- 这已经是下一个insert 语句了,在一个binlog文件中,说明binlog是以事务为单位来进行切割的,不是事务里面的单个sql语句,这也是比较好理解的,因为事务只有执行完了, 才能在内存中生成完整的binlog,才存在刷盘的操作。



root@test11:01:52>set global  max_binlog_cache_size=4096;
root@test11:15:20>insert into testb select * from testb limit 200; -- 3.9k jan 30 11:15 mysql-bin.003691
root@test11:15:28>insert into testb select * from testb limit 460; -- 12k jan 30 11:16 mysql-bin.003691
root@test11:17:34>insert into testb select * from testb limit 470; -- 最大就是在460到470之间
error 1197 (hy000): multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again
这个实验说明binlog文件最大应该是max_binlog_size + max_binlog_cache_size的和,但是max_binlog_cache_size在文件大小上可能比实际设置的值要大,见下问题。所有严格来讲应该是大于两者的和的。



root@test11:07:21>insert into testb select * from testb limit 400;

# at 331
#190130 11:07:32 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 402 crc32 0x62bb0a5e rows_query
# insert into testb select * from testb limit 400
# at 402
#190130 11:07:32 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 451 crc32 0x3177b22e table_map: `test`.`testb` mapped to number 11496
# at 451
#190130 11:07:32 server id 21036055 end_log_pos 7286 crc32 0x35efff16 write_rows: table id 11496 flags: stmt_end_f  



root@test11:21:01>show create table testb\g
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: testb
create table: create table `testb` (
  `a` bigint(20) default null,
  `b` bigint(20) default null
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4 collate=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

root@test11:24:10>select version();
| version() |
| 5.7.21-21-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)




