Android 视频通信,低延时解决方案
2022-04-13 15:46:47
背景: 由于,项目需要,需要进行视频通信,把a的画面,转给b。 运维部署: APP1:编码摄像头采集的数据,并且发送数据到服务端 APP2:从服务端,拉取数据,并且进行解码显示 服务端:接收APP1提交的数据,发送APP1提交数据到APP2 应用说明: APP1:camera = Camera.op ......
app1:camera =;
camera.parameters parameters = camera.getparameters(); parameters.setpreviewformat(imageformat.nv21); parameters.setpreviewsize(width, height); // 设置屏幕亮度 parameters.setexposurecompensation(parameters.getmaxexposurecompensation() / 2); camera.setparameters(parameters); camera.setdisplayorientation(90); camera.setpreviewcallback(new camera.previewcallback() { @override public void onpreviewframe(byte[] data, camera camera) {
// 采集视频数据,同时记录采集视频的时间点,解码需要(保证视频连续,流畅,且不花屏需要) stamptime = system.nanotime(); yuv_data = data; } });
1 public class avckeyframeencoder { 2 private final static string tag = "meidacodec"; 3 private int timeout_usec = 12000; 4 5 private mediacodec mediacodec; 6 int m_width; 7 int m_height; 8 int m_framerate; 9 10 public byte[] configbyte; 11 12 //待解码视频缓冲队列,静态成员! 13 public byte[] yuv_data = null; 14 public long stamptime = 0; 15 16 public avckeyframeencoder(int width, int height, int framerate) { 17 m_width = width; 18 m_height = height; 19 m_framerate = framerate; 20 21 //正常的编码出来是横屏的。因为手机本身采集的数据默认就是横屏的 22 // mediaformat mediaformat = mediaformat.createvideoformat(mime, width, height); 23 //如果你需要旋转90度或者270度,那么需要把宽和高对调。否则会花屏。因为比如你320 x 240,图像旋转90°之后宽高变成了240 x 320。 24 mediaformat mediaformat = mediaformat.createvideoformat("video/avc", width, height); 25 mediaformat.setinteger(mediaformat.key_color_format, mediacodecinfo.codeccapabilities.color_formatyuv420semiplanar); 26 mediaformat.setinteger(mediaformat.key_bit_rate, 125000); 27 mediaformat.setinteger(mediaformat.key_frame_rate, framerate); // 30 28 mediaformat.setinteger(mediaformat.key_i_frame_interval, 1); 29 try { 30 mediacodec = mediacodec.createencoderbytype("video/avc"); 31 } catch (ioexception e) { 32 e.printstacktrace(); 33 } 34 35 //配置编码器参数 36 mediacodec.configure(mediaformat, null, null, mediacodec.configure_flag_encode); 37 38 //启动编码器 39 mediacodec.start(); 40 } 41 42 public void stopencoder() { 43 try { 44 mediacodec.stop(); 45 mediacodec.release(); 46 } catch (exception e) { 47 e.printstacktrace(); 48 } 49 } 50 51 public boolean isruning = false; 52 53 public void startencoderthread(final isavevideo savevideo, final icall callback) { 54 isruning = true; 55 new thread(new runnable() { 56 @override 57 public void run() { 58 byte[] input = null; 59 long pts = 0; 60 while (isruning) { 61 // 访问mainactivity用来缓冲待解码数据的队列 62 if(yuv_data == null){ 63 continue; 64 } 65 66 if (yuv_data != null) { 67 //从缓冲队列中取出一帧 68 input = yuv_data; 69 pts = stamptime; 70 yuv_data = null; 71 byte[] yuv420sp = new byte[m_width * m_height * 3 / 2]; 72 73 nv21tonv12(input, yuv420sp, m_width, m_height); 74 input = yuv420sp; 75 } 76 77 if (input != null) { 78 try { 79 //编码器输入缓冲区 80 bytebuffer[] inputbuffers = mediacodec.getinputbuffers(); 81 82 //编码器输出缓冲区 83 bytebuffer[] outputbuffers = mediacodec.getoutputbuffers(); 84 int inputbufferindex = mediacodec.dequeueinputbuffer(-1); 85 if (inputbufferindex >= 0) { 86 bytebuffer inputbuffer = inputbuffers[inputbufferindex]; 87 inputbuffer.clear(); 88 //把转换后的yuv420格式的视频帧放到编码器输入缓冲区中 89 inputbuffer.put(input); 90 mediacodec.queueinputbuffer(inputbufferindex, 0, input.length, pts, 0); 91 } 92 93 mediacodec.bufferinfo bufferinfo = new mediacodec.bufferinfo(); 94 int outputbufferindex = mediacodec.dequeueoutputbuffer(bufferinfo, timeout_usec); 95 while (outputbufferindex >= 0) { 96 //log.i("avcencoder", "get h264 buffer success! flag = "+bufferinfo.flags+",pts = "+bufferinfo.presentationtimeus+""); 97 bytebuffer outputbuffer = outputbuffers[outputbufferindex]; 98 byte[] outdata = new byte[bufferinfo.size]; 99 outputbuffer.get(outdata); 100 if (bufferinfo.flags == buffer_flag_codec_config) { 101 configbyte = new byte[bufferinfo.size]; 102 configbyte = outdata; 103 } else if (bufferinfo.flags == buffer_flag_key_frame) { 104 byte[] keyframe = new byte[bufferinfo.size + configbyte.length]; 105 system.arraycopy(configbyte, 0, keyframe, 0, configbyte.length); 106 //把编码后的视频帧从编码器输出缓冲区中拷贝出来 107 system.arraycopy(outdata, 0, keyframe, configbyte.length, outdata.length); 108 109 logs.i("上传i帧 " + keyframe.length); 110 byte[] send_data = new byte[13 + keyframe.length]; 111 system.arraycopy(new byte[]{0x01}, 0, send_data, 0, 1); 112 system.arraycopy(intbytes.longtobytes(pts), 0, send_data, 1, 8); 113 system.arraycopy(intbytes.inttobytearray(keyframe.length), 0, send_data, 9, 4); 114 system.arraycopy(keyframe, 0, send_data, 13, keyframe.length); 115 if(savevideo != null){ 116 savevideo.savevideodata(send_data); 117 } 118 119 if(callback != null){ 120 callback.callback(keyframe, pts); 121 } 122 } else { 123 byte[] send_data = new byte[13 + outdata.length]; 124 system.arraycopy(new byte[]{0x02}, 0, send_data, 0, 1); 125 system.arraycopy(intbytes.longtobytes(pts), 0, send_data, 1, 8); 126 system.arraycopy(intbytes.inttobytearray(outdata.length), 0, send_data, 9, 4); 127 system.arraycopy(outdata, 0, send_data, 13, outdata.length); 128 if(savevideo != null){ 129 savevideo.savevideodata(send_data); 130 } 131 132 if(callback != null){ 133 callback.callback(outdata, pts); 134 } 135 } 136 137 mediacodec.releaseoutputbuffer(outputbufferindex, false); 138 outputbufferindex = mediacodec.dequeueoutputbuffer(bufferinfo, timeout_usec); 139 } 140 141 } catch (throwable t) { 142 t.printstacktrace(); 143 break; 144 } 145 } 146 } 147 } 148 }).start(); 149 } 150 151 private void nv21tonv12(byte[] nv21, byte[] nv12, int width, int height) { 152 if (nv21 == null || nv12 == null) return; 153 int framesize = width * height; 154 int i = 0, j = 0; 155 system.arraycopy(nv21, 0, nv12, 0, framesize); 156 for (i = 0; i < framesize; i++) { 157 nv12[i] = nv21[i]; 158 } 159 160 for (j = 0; j < framesize / 2; j += 2) { 161 nv12[framesize + j - 1] = nv21[j + framesize]; 162 } 163 164 for (j = 0; j < framesize / 2; j += 2) { 165 nv12[framesize + j] = nv21[j + framesize - 1]; 166 } 167 } 168 }
通过使用 arrayblockingqueue<byte[]> h264queue = new arrayblockingqueue<byte[]>(10); 队列,对接口提交数据,进行暂时保存,在后台对数据,进行解码或提交到服务端。
mediacodec 对象的 queueinputbuffer 方法的时间戳参数(第四个)。
public class videodecoder { private thread mdecodethread; private mediacodec mcodec; private boolean mstopflag = false; private int video_width = 640; private int video_height = 480; private int framerate = 25; private boolean isuseppsandsps = false; private receivevideothread runthread = null; public videodecoder(string ip, int port, byte type, int roomid){ runthread = new receivevideothread(ip, port, type, roomid); new thread(runthread).start(); } public void initreaddata(surface surface){ try { //通过多媒体格式名创建一个可用的解码器 mcodec = mediacodec.createdecoderbytype("video/avc"); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } //初始化编码器 final mediaformat mediaformat = mediaformat.createvideoformat("video/avc", video_width, video_height); //设置帧率 mediaformat.setinteger(mediaformat.key_frame_rate, framerate); // //设置配置参数,参数介绍 : // format 如果为解码器,此处表示输入数据的格式;如果为编码器,此处表示输出数据的格式。 //surface 指定一个surface,可用作decode的输出渲染。 //crypto 如果需要给媒体数据加密,此处指定一个crypto类. // flags 如果正在配置的对象是用作编码器,此处加上configure_flag_encode 标签。 mcodec.configure(mediaformat, surface, null, 0); startdecodingthread(); } private void startdecodingthread() { mcodec.start(); mdecodethread = new thread(new decodeh264thread()); mdecodethread.start(); } @requiresapi(api = build.version_codes.lollipop) private class decodeh264thread implements runnable { @override public void run() { try { // savedataloop(); decodeloop_new(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } private void decodeloop_new() { // 存放目标文件的数据 bytebuffer[] inputbuffers = mcodec.getinputbuffers(); // 解码后的数据,包含每一个buffer的元数据信息,例如偏差,在相关解码器中有效的数据大小 mediacodec.bufferinfo info = new mediacodec.bufferinfo(); long timeoutus = 1000; byte[] marker0 = new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 1}; byte[] dummyframe = new byte[]{0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x20}; byte[] streambuffer = null; while (true) { if(runthread.h264queue.size() > 0){ streambuffer = runthread.h264queue.poll(); }else{ try { thread.sleep(20); }catch (exception ex){ } continue; } byte[] time_data = new byte[8]; system.arraycopy(streambuffer, 0, time_data, 0, 8); long pts = intbytes.bytestolong(time_data); byte[] video_data = new byte[streambuffer.length - 8]; system.arraycopy(streambuffer, 8, video_data, 0, video_data.length); streambuffer = video_data; logs.i("得到 streambuffer " + streambuffer.length + " pts " + pts); int bytes_cnt = 0; mstopflag = false; while (mstopflag == false) { bytes_cnt = streambuffer.length; if (bytes_cnt == 0) { streambuffer = dummyframe; } int startindex = 0; int remaining = bytes_cnt; while (true) { if (remaining == 0 || startindex >= remaining) { break; } int nextframestart = kmpmatch(marker0, streambuffer, startindex + 2, remaining); if (nextframestart == -1) { nextframestart = remaining; } else { } int inindex = mcodec.dequeueinputbuffer(timeoutus); if (inindex >= 0) { bytebuffer bytebuffer = inputbuffers[inindex]; bytebuffer.clear(); bytebuffer.put(streambuffer, startindex, nextframestart - startindex); //在给指定index的inputbuffer[]填充数据后,调用这个函数把数据传给解码器 mcodec.queueinputbuffer(inindex, 0, nextframestart - startindex, pts, 0); startindex = nextframestart; } else { continue; } int outindex = mcodec.dequeueoutputbuffer(info, timeoutus); if (outindex >= 0) { //帧控制是不在这种情况下工作,因为没有pts h264是可用的 /* while (info.presentationtimeus / 1000 > system.currenttimemillis() - startms) { try { thread.sleep(100); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } */ boolean dorender = (info.size != 0); //对outputbuffer的处理完后,调用这个函数把buffer重新返回给codec类。 // todo:添加处理,保存原始帧数据 if (dorender) { image image = mcodec.getoutputimage(outindex); if (image != null) { // 通过反射 // 发送数据到指定接口 byte[] data = getdatafromimage(image, color_formatnv21); } } mcodec.releaseoutputbuffer(outindex, dorender); } else { // log.e(tag, "bbbb"); } } mstopflag = true; } // logs.i("处理单帧视频耗时:" + (system.currenttimemillis() - c_start)); } } } private static final boolean verbose = false; private static final long default_timeout_us = 10000; private static final int color_formati420 = 1; private static final int color_formatnv21 = 2; private static boolean isimageformatsupported(image image) { int format = image.getformat(); switch (format) { case imageformat.yuv_420_888: case imageformat.nv21: case imageformat.yv12: return true; } return false; } @requiresapi(api = build.version_codes.lollipop) private static byte[] getdatafromimage(image image, int colorformat) { if (colorformat != color_formati420 && colorformat != color_formatnv21) { throw new illegalargumentexception("only support color_formati420 " + "and color_formatnv21"); } if (!isimageformatsupported(image)) { throw new runtimeexception("can't convert image to byte array, format " + image.getformat()); } rect crop = image.getcroprect(); int format = image.getformat(); int width = crop.width(); int height = crop.height(); image.plane[] planes = image.getplanes(); byte[] data = new byte[width * height * imageformat.getbitsperpixel(format) / 8]; byte[] rowdata = new byte[planes[0].getrowstride()]; if (verbose) logs.i("get data from " + planes.length + " planes"); int channeloffset = 0; int outputstride = 1; for (int i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: channeloffset = 0; outputstride = 1; break; case 1: if (colorformat == color_formati420) { channeloffset = width * height; outputstride = 1; } else if (colorformat == color_formatnv21) { channeloffset = width * height + 1; outputstride = 2; } break; case 2: if (colorformat == color_formati420) { channeloffset = (int) (width * height * 1.25); outputstride = 1; } else if (colorformat == color_formatnv21) { channeloffset = width * height; outputstride = 2; } break; } bytebuffer buffer = planes[i].getbuffer(); int rowstride = planes[i].getrowstride(); int pixelstride = planes[i].getpixelstride(); if (verbose) { logs.i("pixelstride " + pixelstride); logs.i("rowstride " + rowstride); logs.i("width " + width); logs.i("height " + height); logs.i("buffer size " + buffer.remaining()); } int shift = (i == 0) ? 0 : 1; int w = width >> shift; int h = height >> shift; buffer.position(rowstride * ( >> shift) + pixelstride * (crop.left >> shift)); for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) { int length; if (pixelstride == 1 && outputstride == 1) { length = w; buffer.get(data, channeloffset, length); channeloffset += length; } else { length = (w - 1) * pixelstride + 1; buffer.get(rowdata, 0, length); for (int col = 0; col < w; col++) { data[channeloffset] = rowdata[col * pixelstride]; channeloffset += outputstride; } } if (row < h - 1) { buffer.position(buffer.position() + rowstride - length); } } if (verbose) logs.i("finished reading data from plane " + i); } return data; } private int kmpmatch(byte[] pattern, byte[] bytes, int start, int remain) { try { thread.sleep(30); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } int[] lsp = computelsptable(pattern); int j = 0; // number of chars matched in pattern for (int i = start; i < remain; i++) { while (j > 0 && bytes[i] != pattern[j]) { // fall back in the pattern j = lsp[j - 1]; // strictly decreasing } if (bytes[i] == pattern[j]) { // next char matched, increment position j++; if (j == pattern.length) return i - (j - 1); } } return -1; // not found } private int[] computelsptable(byte[] pattern) { int[] lsp = new int[pattern.length]; lsp[0] = 0; // base case for (int i = 1; i < pattern.length; i++) { // start by assuming we're extending the previous lsp int j = lsp[i - 1]; while (j > 0 && pattern[i] != pattern[j]) j = lsp[j - 1]; if (pattern[i] == pattern[j]) j++; lsp[i] = j; } return lsp; } public void stopdecode() { if(runthread != null){ runthread.stopreceive(); } } }
通过对视频的处理,学习到了,一些处理视频的细节点。同时加深了,依赖导致在实际项目中的使用。to android.
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