php脚本生成google play url的下载链接,下载apk并自动反编译后
需求: get the offer tracking link follow the redirect to get google play url Go to Enter google play url Download APK file Decompile APK file using
get the offer tracking link
follow the redirect to get google play url
Go to
Enter google play url
Download APK file
Decompile APK file using
Extract this file
[app name]/smali/com/kochava/android/tracker/Global.smali
Extract this line
.field public static final SDK_VERSION:Ljava/lang/String; = "Android20141023"
This output the Kochava SDK version numbe
上面输入的是应用的包名字,你也可以输入对应的google play url:
1 php 2 fwrite(STDOUT, "please enter the google play url or app package name: "); 3 $url = trim(fgets(STDIN)); 4 $name_reg="/id=([^&]+)/"; 5 preg_match($name_reg,$url,$name); 6 if(empty($name)){ 7 $packagename=$url; 8 }else{ 9 $packagename=$name[1]; 10 } 11 function getParameter(){ 12 $url=""; 13 $context=file_get_contents($url); 14 preg_match("/var evoziJsData = {(.+)};/",$context,$json); 15 $t=explode(",",$json[1]); 16 foreach($t as $key=>$value){ 17 $value=str_replace(' ','',$value); 18 $t[$key]=$value; 19 } 20 $token_value=explode(":",$t[1]); 21 $t_value=$token_value[1]; 22 $dtrken=explode(":",$t[2]); 23 $patten="/var ".$dtrken[1]." = '(.+)';/"; 24 preg_match($patten,$context,$daw); 25 $dtrken[1]=$daw[1]; 26 return array("t"=>$t_value,"dtrken"=>$dtrken); 27 } 28 function ajaxPost($packagename) { 29 $tk=getParameter(); 30 $t=$tk['t']; 31 $dtrken_key=$tk['dtrken'][0]; 32 $dtrken_value=$tk['dtrken'][1]; 33 $post_url=''; 34 $data = 'packagename='.$packagename.'&t='.$t.'&'.$dtrken_key.'='.$dtrken_value.'&fetch=false'; 35 $ch = curl_init(); 36 $headers = array('content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); 37 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $post_url); 38 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); 39 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); 40 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); 41 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 42 $results = curl_exec($ch); 43 curl_close($ch); 44 $results = json_decode($results); 45 return $results; 46 } 47 function getVersion($packagename){ 48 $version="/Android[0-9]+/"; 49 $path=$packagename."/smali/com/kochava/android/tracker"; 50 $filename1="Global.smali"; 51 $filename2="a.smali"; 52 if(is_dir($path)){ 53 $file=scandir($path); 54 foreach($file as $key=>$value){ 55 $filename=$value; 56 if(isset($filename)&file_exists($path."/".$filename)){ 57 $context=file_get_contents($path."/".$filename); 58 preg_match($version,$context,$v); 59 if(!empty($v)){ 60 $vs=$v[0]; 61 break; 62 } 63 } 64 } 65 if(isset($vs)){ 66 $info=array("status"=>200,"description"=>"success detection in the file:".$filename,"version"=>$vs); 67 }else{ 68 $info=array("status"=>203,"description"=>"failure detection in all the .smal file:(".$file."),we can't find the android version number"); 69 } 70 }else{ 71 $info=array("status"=>201,"description"=>"there is no such directory:".$path); 72 } 73 $info=json_encode($info); 74 return $info; 75 } 76 function getFile($file_path,$file_name){ 77 exec("sudo wget -O $file_name $file_path"); 78 } 79 function deCompileApk($file_name){ 80 print_r("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++start decompile apk,this may need a long time,please wait...++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++".PHP_EOL); 81 exec("sudo apktool d $file_name"); 82 print_r("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++decompile end++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++".PHP_EOL); 83 } 84 function delFile($packagename,$file_name){ 85 exec("sudo rm -f $file_name"); 86 exec("sudo rm -rf $packagename"); 87 } 88 $result=ajaxPost($packagename); 89 if($result->status=="success"){ 90 $file_name=$packagename."."."apk"; 91 $downloadUrl=$result->url; 92 $downloadUrl=preg_replace("/&/i", "\&", $downloadUrl); 93 getFile($downloadUrl,$file_name); 94 deCompileApk($file_name); 95 $info=getVersion($packagename); 96 delFile($packagename,$file_name); 97 }else{ 98 $tinfo=array("status"=>204,"description"=>"we can't generate Download Link from,please check your input of google play url or app package name!"); 99 $info=json_encode($tinfo); 100 } 101 print_r($info.PHP_EOL); 102 ?>
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