2022-04-12 22:04:02
创建表:create table employee(id int,name varchar(20)); 修改表结构(列):alter table empl...
创建表:create table employee(id int,name varchar(20)); 修改表结构(列):alter table employee add/modify/drop salary float;
修改字符集:alter table employee character set GBK; 修改列名:alter table employee change math English int; 更改表名:alter table employee rename student; 删除表:drop table student; 创建索引:create unique index unique_id on employee (id);或alter table employee add fulltext index fulltextidx(id); 删除索引:drop index unique_id on employee;或alter table employee drop index fulltextidx; 添加数据:insert into student values(1,”W”); 删除数据:delete from student where name = ‘Lee’; 修改数据:update employee set salary = 5000; 查询数据:
select distinct English from student; select * from student where English between 80 and 100; select * from student where name like ‘张%’; select name 姓名,math 数学from student where name like ‘张%’ order by 数学 desc; select count(*)/sum(math)/avg(math) from student; select product, sum(price) from orders group by product having sum(price) > 100; 查询日期:select now() from dual;或select date_add(now(),interval 20 minute) from dual; 添加外键约束:alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key (gid) references grade (id) ;(先添加主表,先修改或删除副表) 左外连接查询:select * from dept left join possible on dept.id = possible.dept_id; 子查询:select *from department where did>any(select did from employee); 备份数据库:mysqldump -u username -p mydb2 >c:/311.sql 创建触发器:create trigger newproduct after insert on products for each now select “product added”; 2.数据库中事物的特征?
修改字符集:alter table employee character set GBK; 修改列名:alter table employee change math English int; 更改表名:alter table employee rename student; 删除表:drop table student; 创建索引:create unique index unique_id on employee (id);或alter table employee add fulltext index fulltextidx(id); 删除索引:drop index unique_id on employee;或alter table employee drop index fulltextidx; 添加数据:insert into student values(1,”W”); 删除数据:delete from student where name = ‘Lee’; 修改数据:update employee set salary = 5000; 查询数据:
select distinct English from student; select * from student where English between 80 and 100; select * from student where name like ‘张%’; select name 姓名,math 数学from student where name like ‘张%’ order by 数学 desc; select count(*)/sum(math)/avg(math) from student; select product, sum(price) from orders group by product having sum(price) > 100; 查询日期:select now() from dual;或select date_add(now(),interval 20 minute) from dual; 添加外键约束:alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key (gid) references grade (id) ;(先添加主表,先修改或删除副表) 左外连接查询:select * from dept left join possible on dept.id = possible.dept_id; 子查询:select *from department where did>any(select did from employee); 备份数据库:mysqldump -u username -p mydb2 >c:/311.sql 创建触发器:create trigger newproduct after insert on products for each now select “product added”; 2.数据库中事物的特征?
事务:start transaction;、commit; 、rollback;
原子性:事务是一组不可分割的单位,要么同时成功要么同时不成功 一致性:事务前后的数据完整性应该保持一致, 隔离性:多个用户并发访问数据库时,一个用户的事务不能被其他用户的事务所干扰 持久性:一个事务一旦被提交,对数据库中的数据的改变就是永久性的,即使数据库发生故障也不应该对其有任何影响。读的种类
脏读:一个事务读取到另一个事务未提交的数据 不可重复读:一个事务多次读取同一条记录,读取的结果不相同 虚读(幻读):一个事务多次查询整表的数据,由于其他事务新增(删除)记录造成多次查询出的记录条数不同。四大隔离级别
隔离级别 脏读(Dirty Read) 不可重复读(NonRepeatable Read) 幻读(Phantom Read) 未授权读(Read uncommitted) 可能 可能 可能 已授权读(Read committed) 不可能 可能 可能 可重复读(Repeatable read) 不可能 不可能 可能 可串行化(SERIALIZABLE) 不可能 不可能 不可能注:mysql 默认是repeatable read 级别!
注册驱动:Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”); 建立连接:Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, user, password); 执行SQL语句:PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); PreparedStatement 可用预编译的sql、sql缓存区、有效防止sql注入(OR 1=1 ) 执行处理结果:ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();常用组件
BeanUtils:对象的拷贝、注册日期类型转换器 DbUtils:定义了所有的与数据库操作的方法,简化编码量 C3P0连接池:new ComboPooledDataSource(); 4.InnodB与MyISAM的区别建立索引的目的是加快对表中记录的查找或排序,但索引是占用空间的,影响速度。索引类型:主键索引、唯一索引、普通索引、全文索引(FULLTEXT ),而主键索引是特殊的唯一性索引。
MyISAM:使用B+ Tree作为索引结构,叶节点存放的是数据记录的地址,索引和实际的数据是分开的,只不过是用索引指向了实际的数据,即非聚集索引。 InnoDB:数据本身就是按B+ Tree组织的一个索引结构,叶节点存放的是完整的数据记录,即聚集索引,主键是InnoDB表记录的”逻辑地址“,所以InnoDB要求表必须有主键,MyISAM可以没有 5.MySQL为什么使用B+树作为索引?数据结构作为索引的优劣指标:索引的结构组织要尽量减少查找过程中磁盘I/O的存取次数。