mysql5.7 on centos7上使用systemctl管理多个端口及创建多个端口的脚本(代码实现)
2022-04-12 21:20:41
mysql5.7 on centos7上使用systemctl管理多个端口及创建多个端口的脚本(代码实现)。
#Usage: bash instal...
mysql5.7 on centos7上使用systemctl管理多个端口及创建多个端口的脚本(代码实现)。
#!/bin/bash #Usage: bash 9999 # source /etc/profile let portn=$1 if [ x"${portn}" == "x" ]; then echo "Usage: ./ portnum" exit 1 fi ##检查目标端口是否有已经占用 ps -ef|grep mysql|grep 9999 or netstat -anltp|grep 9999 or lsof -i :9999 lsof -i :${portn} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Port ${portn} has been used,please change a port : lsof -i :${portn}" exit 1 fi if [ -d /mysql${portn} ]; then echo "Port ${portn} has been used,please change a port : /mysql${portn} has been exis" exit 1 fi cat /etc/my.cnf | grep "${portn}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Port ${portn} has been used,please change a port : port ${portn} has been used in /etc/my.cnf" exit 1 fi ##创建目录 mkdir -p /mysql${portn}/{mycnf,socket,pid,data,log} chown -R mysql.mysql /mysql${portn}/* ##备份my.cnf文件 cp /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf_oldbak ##修改my.cnf文件 cat >> /etc/my.cnf <<EOF ##for mysql port ${portn} [mysqld@${portn}] datadir=/mysql${portn}/data socket=/mysql${portn}/socket/mysql${portn}.sock port = ${portn} log-error=/mysql${portn}/log/error${portn}.log pid-file=/mysql${portn}pid/mysqld${portn}.pid EOF ##初始化新的端口 mysqld --initialize --user=mysql --datadir=/mysql${portn}/data ##touch日志文件 touch /mysql${portn}/log/slow${portn}.log touch /mysql${portn}/log/error${portn}.log chown -R mysql.mysql /mysql${portn}/log/*.log ##启动端口 systemctl start mysqld@${portn} ##获得新初始化端口root的临时密码 passwdtemp=`cat /var/log/mysqld.log|grep "temporary password"|tail -n1|awk '{print $NF}'` ##修改root的密码 pssroot="Root#2000" mysql -uroot -p$passwdtemp -S /mysql${portn}/socket/mysql${portn}.sock --connect-expired-password -e "Set password=password('${pssroot}');Alter user 'root'@'localhost' password expire never;CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '${pssroot}'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; Flush privileges;create database test_demo;exit" ls -lrth /mysql${portn}/data/ ##检查systemctl的状态 并且设置为enable systemctl status mysqld@${portn}
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