2022-04-12 20:14:58
Python 使用空白字符和缩进来表示代码分块,而不使用分号和花括号 具有大量的标准模块、附加模块以及函数,可以非常方便地完...
Python 使用空白字符和缩进来表示代码分块,而不使用分号和花括号 具有大量的标准模块、附加模块以及函数,可以非常方便地完成一般的数据处理与分析操作python常用数据分析模块
xlrd 和xlwt解析与读写MExcel 工作簿mysqlclient/MySQL-python/MySQLdb
连接MySQL数据库,在数据库表上运行查询 pandas
读取各种类型的文件;管理、筛选和转换数据;聚合数据并计算基本统计量;创建各种类型的统计图表 statsmodels
估计各种统计模型,包括线性回归模型、广义线性模型和分类模型 scikit-learn
IPython Notebook Pycharm Notepad++ Sublime Text Anaconda Python预先安装几百个最流行的Python附加模块. 提供Spyder集成开发环境 跨平台性
安装Anaconda Python
下载地址: 选择Windows 64-bit Python 3.5 Graphical Installer 双击已下载的.exe 文件按照安装程序的指示操作
#!/usr/bin/env python3 x = 4 y = 5 z = x +y # 9 print(z) # 9 print(format(z)) # "{0:d}".format(z)----{}是一个占位符号,表示要传入print语句一个具体的值,这里指变量z; # 0 指向format() 方法中的第一个参数,在这里,只包含一个参数z,所以0 就指向这个值;相反,如果有多个参数,0 就确定地表示传入第一个参数。 # 冒号(:)用来分隔传入的值和它的格式;d表示被格式化为证书 # Output #2: Four plus five equals 9. print("Output #2: Four plus five equals {0:d}.".format(z)) a = [1, 2, 3, 4] b = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"] c = a + b # "{0}, {1}, {2}".format(a, b, c),它说明了如何在print 语句中包含多个值。a 被传给{0},b 被传给{1},c 被传给{2}。因为这3 个值都是列表,不是数值,所以不设置数值格式. # Output #3: [1, 2, 3, 4], ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'] print("Output #3: {0}, {1}, {2}".format(a, b, c))为什么使用.format
Python 并不要求每条print 语句都必须使用.format,但是.format 确实功能强大,可以 为你节省很多输入。在上面的示例中,注意print("Output #3: {0}, {1}, {2}".format(a, b, c)) 的最终结果是用逗号分隔的3 个变量。如果你想在不使用.format 的情况下得到 同样的结果,那么就应该这样写:print("Output #3: ",a,", ",b,", ",c),但这是一段非 常容易出现输入错误的代码。后面还会介绍.format 的其他用法,但是从现在开始,你 就应该熟练掌握它的用法,以便在需要的时候加以使用
x = 9 print("Output #4: {0}".format(x)) # 3的4次方 print("Output #5: {0}".format(3**4)) #将数值转换成整数并进行除法运算 print("Output #6: {0}".format(int(8.3)/int(2.7))) 输出结果 # ============================================================================= # Output #4: 9 # Output #5: 81 # Output #6: 4.0 # =============================================================================
# {0:.3f}---保留三位小数 # .format(x)---赋值给占位符{0} print("Output #7: {0:.3f}".format(8.3/2.7)) y = 2.5*4.8 print("Output #8: {0:.1f}".format(y)) r = 8/float(3) print("Output #9: {0:.2f}".format(r)) print("Output #10: {0:.4f}".format(8.0/3)) 输出结果: Output #7: 3.074 Output #8: 12.0 Output #9: 2.67 Output #10: 2.6667
# 脚本开头shebang行的下方添加from math import[function name] from math import exp,log,sqrt print("Output #11: {0:.4f}".format(exp(3))) print("Output #12: {0:.2f}".format(log(4))) print("Output #13: {0:.1f}".format(sqrt(81))) 输出结果: Output #11: 20.0855 Output #12: 1.39 Output #13: 9.0
字符串类型字符串可以包含在单引号、双引号、3 个单引号或3 个双引号之间
可以阅读的文本:名称、地址 看上去是数字的:邮政编码等,数字不可数学运算.
# 单引号中出现单引号,要加转义符\ .format('I\'m enjoying learning Python.')) # 双引号中换行要加\ .format("a\ b\ c\ d") # 使用3单引号或3双引号创建多行字符串,不需要加\ .format('''a b c d''')字符串常用操作符和函数:
string1 = "This is a " string2 = "short string." sentence = string1 + string2 #输出: This is a short string. print("输出: {0:s}".format(sentence)) # *----字符串重复一定的次数 #输出: She is very very very very beautiful. print("输出: {0:s} {1:s} {2:s}".format("She is", "very "*4, "beautiful.")) m = len(sentence) # 输出:23 print("输出:{0:d}".format(m)) # split()分割的使用 string1 = "My deliverable is due in May" string1_list1 = string1.split() # 使用空格字符(默认值)对字符串进行拆分 # 拆成子串列表 # 输出: ['My', 'deliverable', 'is', 'due', 'in', 'May'] print("输出: {0}".format(string1_list1)) # 使用前两个空格进行拆分 string1_list2 = string1.split(" ",2) # 输出: FIRST PIECE:My SECOND PIECE:deliverable THIRD PIECE:is due in May print("输出: FIRST PIECE:{0} SECOND PIECE:{1} THIRD PIECE:{2}"\ .format(string1_list2[0], string1_list2[1], string1_list2[2])) string2 = "Your,deliverable,is,due,in,June" string2_list = string2.split(",") # 输出: ['Your', 'deliverable', 'is', 'due', 'in', 'June'] print("输出: {0}".format(string2_list)) # 输出: deliverable June June print("输出: {0} {1} {2}".format(string2_list[1], string2_list[5],\string2_list[-1])) join 函数将列表中的子字符串组合成一个字符串 将一个参数放在join 前面,表示使用这个字符(或字符串)在子字符串之间进行组合 string1 = "My deliverable is due in May" string1_list2 = string1.split(" ",2) # 输出:['My', 'deliverable', 'is due in May'] # 输出:My,deliverable,is due in May print("输出:{0}".format(string1_list2)) print("输出:{0}".format(",".join(string1_list2))) 使用strip、lstrip 和rstrip 函数从字符串两端删除不想要的字符 string4 = "$$The unwanted characters have been removed.__---++" #去掉下划线 string4_strip = string4.strip('$_-+') # Output #31: The unwanted characters have been removed. print("Output #31: {0:s}".format(string4_strip)) replace 函数将字符串中的一个或一组字符替换为另一个或另一组字符 string5 = "Let's replace the spaces in this sentence with other characters." # 空格替换逗号 string5.replace(" ", ",") lower和upper将字符串中的字母转为小写和大写 capitalize首字母变为大写 string5 = "here's WHAT Happens WHEN you use Capitalize." string5_list = string5.split() print("每个单词大写:") for word in string5_list: print("{0:s}".format(word.capitalize())) 输出: 每个单词大写: Here's What Happens When You Use Capitalize.
使用时先导入:import re
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." # 分割 string_list = string.split() # 创建pattern正则表达式,re.compile()提高运行速度;re.I 函数确保模式是不区分大小写;r确保不处理转义字符,比如\、\t 或\n pattern = re.compile(r"The", re.I) count = 0 for word in string_list: # 将列表中的每个单词与正则表达式进行比较;pattern。search()匹配的结果返回true/false if count += 1 print("Output #38: {0:d}".format(count)) # 正则表达式比较长时,适用 string_to_find = r"The" pattern = re.compile(string_to_find, re.I) pattern = re.compile(r"The", re.I) import re string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." string_to_find = r"The" pattern = re.compile(string_to_find, re.I) # 在string中找到the并用a替换 print("Output #40: {:s}".format(pattern.sub("a", string)))
from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta # 只含年月日 today = # {0!s}!s表示将值转化为字符串,尽管是数值型数据 print("Output #41: today: {0!s}".format(today)) print("Output #42: {0!s}".format(today.year)) print("Output #43: {0!s}".format(today.month)) print("Output #44: {0!s}".format( # 包括时分秒 current_datetime = print("Output #45: {0!s}".format(current_datetime)) # 输出结果 Output #41: today: 2018-02-26 Output #42: 2018 Output #43: 2 Output #44: 26 Output #45: 2018-02-26 20:43:23.966000
# 使用方括号创建一个列表 # 用len()计算列表中元素的数量 # 用max()和min()找出最大值和最小值 # 用count()计算出列表中某个值出现的次数 a_list = [1, 2, 3] print("Output #58: {}".format(a_list)) print("Output #59: a_list has {} elements.".format(len(a_list))) print("Output #60: the maximum value in a_list is {}.".format(max(a_list))) print("Output #61: the minimum value in a_list is {}.".format(min(a_list))) another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] print("Output #62: {}".format(another_list)) print("Output #63: another_list also has {} elements.".format\ (len(another_list))) print("Output #64: 5 is in another_list {} time.".format(another_list.count(5))) # 输出 Output #58: [1, 2, 3] Output #59: a_list has 3 elements. Output #60: the maximum value in a_list is 3. Output #61: the minimum value in a_list is 1. Output #62: ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] Output #63: another_list also has 3 elements. Output #64: 5 is in another_list 1 time. # 使用索引值访问列表中的特定元素 # [0]是第1个元素,[-1]是最后一个元素 a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] print("Output #65: {}".format(a_list[0])) print("Output #66: {}".format(a_list[1])) print("Output #67: {}".format(a_list[2])) print("Output #68: {}".format(a_list[-1])) print("Output #69: {}".format(a_list[-2])) print("Output #70: {}".format(a_list[-3])) print("Output #71: {}".format(another_list[2])) print("Output #72: {}".format(another_list[-1])) # 输出 Output #65: 1 Output #66: 2 Output #67: 3 Output #68: 3 Output #69: 2 Output #70: 1 Output #71: ['star', 'circle', 9] Output #72: ['star', 'circle', 9] # 使用列表切片访问列表元素的一个子集 # 从开头开始切片,可以省略第1个索引值 # 一直切片到末尾,可以省略第2个索引值 a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] print("Output #73: {}".format(a_list[0:2])) print("Output #74: {}".format(another_list[:2])) print("Output #75: {}".format(a_list[1:3])) print("Output #76: {}".format(another_list[1:])) # 输出 Output #73: [1, 2] Output #74: ['printer', 5] Output #75: [2, 3] Output #76: [5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] # 使用[:]复制一个列表 a_new_list = a_list[:] # a_new_list 是a_list 的一个完美复制,你可以对a_new_list 添加或删除、排序,而不会影响a_list print("Output #77: {}".format(a_new_list)) #输出 Output #77: [1, 2, 3] a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] # 使用+将两个或更多个列表连接起来 a_longer_list = a_list + another_list print("Output #78: {}".format(a_longer_list)) #输出 Output #78: [1, 2, 3, 'printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] # 使用in和not in来检查列表中是否有特定元素 a = 2 in a_list print("Output #79: {}".format(a)) if 2 in a_list: print("Output #80: 2 is in {}.".format(a_list)) b = 6 not in a_list print("Output #81: {}".format(b)) if 6 not in a_list: print("Output #82: 6 is not in {}.".format(a_list)) # 输出 Output #79: True Output #80: 2 is in [1, 2, 3]. Output #81: True Output #82: 6 is not in [1, 2, 3]. a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] # 使用append()向列表末尾追加一个新元素 # 使用remove()从列表中删除一个特定元素 # 使用pop()从列表末尾删除一个元素 a_list.append(4) a_list.append(5) a_list.append(6) print("Output #83: {}".format(a_list)) a_list.remove(5) print("Output #84: {}".format(a_list)) a_list.pop() a_list.pop() print("Output #85: {}".format(a_list)) # 输出 Output #83: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Output #84: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6] Output #85: [1, 2, 3] a_list = [1, 2, 3] another_list = ['printer', 5, ['star', 'circle', 9]] # 使用reverse()原地反转一个列表会修改原列表 # 要想反转列表同时又不修改原列表,可以先复制列表 a_list.reverse() print("Output #86: {}".format(a_list)) a_list.reverse() print("Output #87: {}".format(a_list)) #输出 Output #86: [3, 2, 1] Output #87: [1, 2, 3] # 使用sort()对列表进行原地排序会修改原列表 # 要想对列表进行排序同时又不修改原列表,可以先复制列表 unordered_list = [3, 5, 1, 7, 2, 8, 4, 9, 0, 6] print("Output #88: {}".format(unordered_list)) list_copy = unordered_list[:] list_copy.sort() print("Output #89: {}".format(list_copy)) print("Output #90: {}".format(unordered_list)) # 输出 Output #88: [3, 5, 1, 7, 2, 8, 4, 9, 0, 6] Output #89: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Output #90: [3, 5, 1, 7, 2, 8, 4, 9, 0, 6]